

【動画解説】 先延ばしの達人の頭の中(Inside the Mind of a master procrastinato)【スクリプト付き】



今日ご紹介するのは、ティム・アーバンの「先延ばし達人の頭(Inside the Mind of a master procrastinato )」というタイトルの動画(英語)です。





  • 先延ばし(Procrastination)とは何か
  • 即席の満足を得たいお猿の習性
  • 先延ばしを克服する







「即席の満足を得たいお猿」"instant gratification monkey"の習性 








  1. So here's the brain of a non-procrastinator. Here's my brain. Both brains have a rational decision-maker in them, but the procrastinator's brain also has an instant gratification monkey.
  2. The rational decision maker will make the rational decision to do something productive, but the monkey doesn't like that plan. So he actually takes the wheel, and he says, "we're not going to really have room on the schedule for any work today, sorry."
    「合理的な意思決定者」は、何か生産的なことをしようと合理的な決断をしますが、サルはそのプランが気に入らないのです。そこで彼は実際にハンドルを握り、"今日は本当に仕事のためのスケジュールに余裕がないんだ、ごめんね "と言うのです。

  3. The instant gratification monkey does not seem like a guy you want behind the wheel. He only cares about two things, easy and fun. Sometimes it makes sense to be doing things that are easy and fun, but other times it makes much more sense to be doing things that are harder and less pleasant for the sake of the big picture, and that's when we have a conflict.

  4. We need to stay aware of the instant gratification monkey. We need to think about what we're really procrastinating on because everyone is procrastinating on something in life. That's a job that should probably start today. Well, maybe not today.


  1. Procrastinator: a person who delays or postpones tasks or decisions
    Example: "I'm a procrastinator. I always put off my homework until the last minute."
    例 "私は先延ばし屋です。いつもギリギリまで宿題を先延ばしにしてしまうんだ。"
  2. Rational decision-maker: a part of the brain that makes logical and reasonable decisions based on facts and evidence
    Example: "I tried to listen to my rational decision-maker when choosing which college to attend, rather than just going with my gut."
    例 "どの大学に進学するか選ぶとき、直感で決めるのではなく、合理的意思決定者の意見を聞くようにした。"
  3. Instant gratification monkey: a metaphor for the part of the brain that wants immediate pleasure or rewards, even if they may not be in the long-term best interest
    Example: "I had to resist the urge to buy those new shoes, even though the instant gratification monkey in my brain was telling me to get them right away."
    例 "「即席の満足を得たいお猿」がすぐに買えと言っているのに、あの新しい靴を買いたい衝動を抑えなければならなかった"
  4. Big picture: the overall goal or plan, rather than focusing on just one aspect or detail
    Example: "I tried to keep the big picture in mind when planning my career rather than just focusing on the next step."
    例 "私はキャリアを計画するとき、次のステップに焦点を当てるのではなく、全体像を念頭に置くようにした。"
  5. Conflict: a disagreement or opposing ideas or opinions
    Example: "There was a conflict between what my parents wanted me to do and what I wanted to do, so we had to find a compromise."
    例 "両親がしてほしいことと、私がしたいことの間に矛盾があったので、妥協点を見つける必要があった"
  6. Instant gratification: immediate satisfaction or pleasure;
    "Eating a piece of chocolate cake provides instant gratification, but it's not the healthiest choice in the long run."
    Monkey: a small to a medium-sized primate; "I saw a monkey swinging from tree to tree in the jungle."
  7. Discomfort: a feeling of unease or pain; "The uncomfortable chair made it hard to focus on the lecture."
  8. Self-discipline: the ability to control one's behavior and emotions; "It takes self-discipline to wake up early every day and go to the gym."



Are you tired of constantly putting things off and struggling with procrastination? Do you want to learn how to overcome this common problem and become more productive and successful?

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is a common problem that many people struggle with. It's easy to get caught up in the instant gratification of doing something easy and fun instead of focusing on the tasks that need to be completed. This can lead to a cycle of constantly putting things off, which can negatively affect our productivity and overall success.

The "instant gratification monkey"

One way to think about procrastination is to consider the analogy of the "instant gratification monkey" in our brains. This monkey represents the part of our brain that seeks out pleasure and avoids discomfort or effort. While it's normal to have this instinct, it can become a problem when it takes over and causes us to prioritize short-term pleasure over long-term goals.

Overcoming procrastination

To combat this, it's important to stay aware of the instant gratification monkey and consciously prioritize our tasks and responsibilities. This might mean setting aside dedicated time for work or breaking larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. It can also be helpful to eliminate distractions and create a positive and productive environment.

Ultimately, the key to overcoming procrastination is to develop strong self-discipline and stay focused on our goals. It may not always be easy, but by consciously managing our time and prioritizing our tasks, we can learn to control the instant gratification monkey and become more productive and successful.