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"Levy "の語源 軍隊の増強 vs 税金の引き上げ


levy」という言葉は、古フランス語の「levée」が語源で、「引き上げ」を意味します。中世の王が軍隊を召集し、王国を守るために「挙兵」( "raising" an army )したことから由来します。今日では、「levy」を、税金を徴収したり課したりする行為を表すのに使っています。軍隊を集めるのではなく、行政サービスを提供するための資金を「調達」("raising" money)しているのです。

Middle English (as a noun): from Old French levee, feminine past participle of lever ‘raise’, from Latin levare, from levis ‘light’.



英語には共通の語源を持つ単語が多いことをご存知でしょうか。例えば、今回の"levy "という単語は"levée "が語源で、"上げる "という意味です。しかし、この語源を持つ単語は "levy "だけではありません。同じ語源を持つ単語を以下に紹介します。

  1. Alleviate: 軽減[緩和]する、和らげる。この単語はラテン語の "levare "が語源で、"raise up "を意味します。
    例文:You alleviate a headache by taking an aspirin. 頭痛がしたらaspirinを飲んで緩和するのと同じように、何かを軽くする、難しくする、痛みやトラブルを和らげるという意味です。 
  2. Relieve: 和らげる。ラテン語の "levare "が語源で、"軽くする "という意味です。
    例文:You relieve stress by going for a walk. 重荷やストレスを取り除く、軽減する、安心させるという意味があり、散歩に出かけるとストレスが解消されるのと同じような意味です。
  3. Elevator: エレベーター。ラテン語の "levare "が語源で、"持ち上げる "という意味です。ビルの異なるフロア間で人や物を移動させる機械のことを指します。
  4. Leaven: パン種で膨らます、発酵させるこの言葉は古英語の "lyfan "が語源で、"上げる "という意味です。
    例文:You add leaven to your dough to make it fluffy and yummy. イーストのような、生地を盛り上げたり発酵させたりするための物質を指します。ちょうど、生地をふんわりとおいしく仕上げるために、澱粉を入れるのと同じですね。


"levy "の意味を覚えよう



levy」は税金分野で理解すべき重要な用語です。連邦税、州税、地方税、商品・サービス税など、税金の徴収や賦課(taxes on goods and services)を意味します。しかし、"levy "という用語は税金に限定されず、法律、金融、建設など他の分野でも広く使用されます。罰金、手数料、ペナルティを課す、あるいは銀行口座やその他の資産から金銭を徴収するという状況で使われることがあります。


  1. "I support the city's decision to levy a new tax on plastic bags to promote environmental sustainability. 😃
  2. "I am glad my employer has decided not to levy additional taxes on my salary. 😄
  3. "I am relieved that the government has decided not to levy a new tax on luxury goods. 😊
  4. "It's great that the school district is levying new funds to improve educational facilities. 😄
  5. "I support the decision to levy a new tax on tobacco products to promote public health and discourage smoking.🙂
  6. "I am concerned about the government's decision to levy new taxes on small businesses as it may make it harder for them to operate. 😔
  7. "I am disappointed they will levy new taxes on my property as it is already expensive enough and will be difficult for me to pay. 😭
  8. "I am not happy about the city's decision to levy new taxes on parking to raise revenue, as it will make it more difficult for me to afford to park. 😥
  9. "I am not pleased that they will levy new taxes on gasoline as it will make it even more expensive to drive, and it will impact my daily commute. 😔
  10. "I am unhappy about the state's decision to levy new taxes on internet service as it will make it even harder to afford and affect my ability to stay connected. 😩


  1. 🧔: Hey, have you heard of the term "levy"?
  2. 💁: Yeah, it sounds like a fancy way of saying "tax," but I don't know much about it.
    "ああ、"税 "の洒落た言い方みたいだけど、よく知らないよ。"
  3. 🧔: Well, let me give you the lowdown! It comes from the Old French word "levée," which means "raising."
    "それなら、私が教えてあげましょう! 古フランス語の "levée "が語源で、"上げる "(raising)という意味からきた言葉です。
  4. 💁: Oh, like a medieval king raising an army to defend the kingdom? 🤔
    "中世の王が王国を守るために軍隊を起こす(raising an army)ようなもの?"
  5. 🧔: Bingo! 🎉 But instead of raising an army, we now use "levy" to describe the act of collecting or imposing a tax. Think of it like a "tax tag" game where the government is "tagging" you with different taxes.😂
    "その通り!でも、軍隊を育てる代わりに、今は税金を徴収したり課したりする行為を表すのに "levy "を使うんだ。税金の鬼ごっこ"tax tag" )のようなもので、政府があなたにいろいろな税金を "課す "( "tagging")のです。
  6. 💁: That's a great analogy, it makes it more relatable. 😊 So, is "levy" just used for taxes?"
  7. 🧔: Nah, it's a versatile term. It can also be used in law, finance, and construction. Like imposing fines, fees, or penalties or collecting money from a bank account or other assets. But remember, it's all in the context! 🤓
  8. 💁: Thanks for breaking it down for me. I'll keep "levy" in mind next time I come across it. 😃
    "私のためにそれを分解してくれてありがとう。今度、"levy "に出会ったら、絶対に覚えておくよ。"


"levy "とは、増税(tax raise )と考えてみてください。中世の王様が軍隊を育てるように(raising an army)、政府は税金でお金を "調達 "("raising" money )しているのです。今度、税金に関する議論や調査で "levy" という言葉を目にしたら、その語源を思い出してみてくださいね。



Understanding the Meaning and Etymology of "Levy"

The word "levy" may sound like a fancy way of saying "tax," but did you know it has a rich history and an interesting etymology? Let's dive in and learn about this important term in a fun and engaging way!

Raising an Army vs Raising Taxes

The term "levy" comes from the Old French word "levée," which means "raising." Imagine a medieval king calling his army to arms and "raising" an army to defend the kingdom. Now, fast forward to today, when we use "levy" to describe the act of collecting or imposing a tax. Instead of raising an army, we are "raising" money for government services.

Remembering the Meaning of "Levy"

To remember the meaning of "levy," try thinking of it as a "tax raise." Like a medieval king raising an army, the government is "raising" money through taxes. To make it even more relatable, think of it as a game of "tax tag" where the government is "tagging" you with different taxes.

Levy in Other Fields

In addition to its interesting etymology, "levy" is an important term to understand in the context of taxes. It refers to collecting or imposing a tax, which can include federal, state, and local taxes and taxes on goods and services. However, it is also important to note that the term "levy" is limited to taxes and has broader usage in other fields such as law, finance, and construction. It can be used in the context of imposing fines, fees, or penalties or collecting money from a bank account or other assets. Understanding the context of the usage is crucial to fully grasping the term's meaning.


So the next time you come across the word "levy" in tax-related discussions or research, remember its history and think of it as a "tax raise" or a game of "tax tag." Understanding the meaning of "levy" can help you navigate tax-related discussions and research and ensure that you are informed about your tax obligations in a fun and interactive way. Furthermore, being aware of the broader usage of the term will also help you in other fields.