

【ティム・アーバン】超人気ブログ「Wait But Why(待って、でも何で?)」の著者をご紹介します。





ティム・アーバンは、超人気ブログ「Wait But Why(待って、でも何で?)」の著者で、とくに広くシェアされた記事に「マンモスを手なずける──なぜ人の目を気にするのをやめるべきなのか」というのがあります。




  • ティム・アーバンはアメリカの作家、講演者、起業家であり、複雑なアイデアをシンプルかつ面白く説明することで知られています。人気ブログ「Wait But Why」の創設者であり、科学技術から社会問題、自己啓発まで、幅広いトピックについて執筆している。
    Tim Urban is an American writer, speaker, and entrepreneur known for his ability to explain complex ideas simply and entertainingly. He founded the popular blog "Wait But Why," where he writes about various topics, from science and technology to social issues and personal development.
  • ティム・アーバンの文体は、ユーモア、漫画、棒グラフなどを使って論点を説明するのが特徴。複雑なアイデアを理解しやすい大きさに分解し、幅広い聴衆に理解しやすいようにすることで知られています。
    Tim Urban's writing style is characterized by his use of humor, cartoons, and stick figures to illustrate his points. He is known for breaking down complex ideas into understandable chunks, making them accessible to a wide audience.
  • ティム・アーバンは、魅力的でユーモラスなプレゼンテーションで知られる人気の講演家です。TEDやTEDxカンファレンスなど様々なイベントで講演を行い、先延ばし、人工知能、人類の未来などのトピックを取り上げてきた。
    Tim Urban is a popular public speaker known for engaging and humorous presentations. He has given talks at various events, including TED and TEDx conferences, where he has discussed topics such as procrastination, artificial intelligence, and the future of humanity.
  • ティム・アーバンは、複雑なアイデアをわかりやすく、楽しく伝える才能にあふれた作家であり、コミュニケーターでもあります。
    Overall, Tim Urban is a talented writer and communicator with a knack for making complex ideas easy to understand and entertaining to learn about.


ティム・アーバンは、心理学、テクノロジー、時事問題など、さまざまなテーマを扱う人気ブログ「Wait But Why」の創設者です。これらのトピックについて、ユニークで魅力的な方法で書かれている記事を探しているなら、ティム・アーバンのブログをチェックするのがおすすめです。










Why you should read Tim Urban's blog

If you're looking for a unique and engaging way to learn about various topics, you should check out the blog of Tim Urban. Tim is the creator of the popular blog Wait But Why, which covers many subjects, including psychology, technology, and current events.

What sets Tim's blog apart

One thing that sets Tim's blog apart is his writing style. He has a way of explaining complex ideas that are both informative and entertaining. His articles often include visuals and analogies to help readers understand the concepts he is discussing. He has a knack for making even the most complex topics accessible and enjoyable to read.

Benefits of reading Tim's blog

In addition to being an excellent resource for learning about various subjects, Tim's blog is also a great way to improve your reading and writing skills. His articles are well-researched and written clearly and concisely, making them an excellent resource for English learners looking to improve their language skills.

But the most compelling reason to read Tim's blog is his unique perspective on the topics he writes about. His articles often delve into the underlying psychological and philosophical issues behind the subjects he writes about, which can provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around us.


Overall, if you're looking to learn about a wide range of exciting and thought-provoking topics uniquely and engagingly, you should check out Tim Urban's blog.

Word Explanations

  • Engaging way: an exciting or appealing way of presenting something (in this case, information or ideas)
  • Analogies: comparisons between two things that are similar in some way, used to help explain or understand a concept
  • Knack: natural talent or ability to do something well
  • Concise: brief and to the point, using as few words as possible
  • Compelling: extremely interesting or convincing
  • Delve into: to examine or explore something in great detail
  • Underlying: existing or happening beneath the surface or hidden from view
  • Unique: one of a kind, unlike anything else
  • Accessible: easy to understand or obtain
  • Perspective: a particular way of looking at something
  • Psychological: relating to the mind or mental processes
  • Philosophical: relating to the study of the nature of reality, existence, and knowledge
  • Thought-provoking: causing you to think deeply about something


  • Engaging way: an exciting or appealing way of presenting something (in this case, information or ideas)
    Engaging visuals and interactive activities made the lesson more enjoyable for the students.
  • Analogies: comparisons between two things that are similar in some way, used to help explain or understand a concept
    She used an analogy of a map to explain how the circulatory system works.
  • Knack: natural talent or ability to do something well
    He has a knack for fixing things and can usually figure out how to fix any problem he encounters.
  • Concise: brief and to the point, using as few words as possible
    She was able to present her research findings concisely, clearly outlining the main points in just a few minutes.
  • Compelling: extremely interesting or convincing
    His argument was so compelling that it convinced everyone in the room to support his proposal.
  • Delve into: to examine or explore something in great detail
    The detective delved into the case, examining every detail and following every lead to try to solve the mystery.
  • Underlying: existing or happening beneath the surface or hidden from view
    The underlying cause of the problem was not immediately clear, but after some investigation, they were able to identify the root cause.
  • Unique: one of a kind, unlike anything else
    The design of the building is unique and has never been seen before.
  • Accessible: easy to understand or obtain
    The information on the website is accessible to people with disabilities, with options for audio narration and large print.
  • Perspective: a particular way of looking at something
    His perspective on the issue was different from what I had expected, and it made me think about the topic in a new way.
  • Psychological: relating to the mind or mental processes
    心理学的: 心または精神的プロセスに関連すること
    The psychological impact of the trauma was severe, and she needed counseling to help her cope.
  • Philosophical: relating to the study of the nature of reality, existence, and knowledge
    The philosophical debates in the class were always thought-provoking and made me think about my beliefs in a new way.
  • Thought-provoking: causing you to think deeply about something
    The speaker gave a thought-provoking presentation that left everyone in the audience thinking about the topic long after the event had ended.