

【法律英語】”酒気帯び運転に対して異議を申し立てなかった”を英語で言うと【pleade/no contest】

法律の言葉やフレーズは多くの人にとって難解で混乱することがあります。このブログ記事では、「plead」、「no contest」を簡単に説明します。そして法的な意味での「 accepting responsibility 」が何を意味するかを理解するのに役立ちます。法的な問題に対処する際に、知識を身につけ、自信を持つ手助けを目指しています。

「She Pleaded No Contest to Drunk Driving」の解釈:

意味は「彼女は飲酒運転に対して異議を申し立てなかった」です。「pleaded」という言葉を聞くと、特に犯罪に関連する場合、不安や恐怖を伴うことがあります。しかし法的な意味では、「pleaded」は単に処分への回答です。 「no contest」というのは、有罪を認めずに罪を認めることを意味します。 これは、罪を議論したくない場合に使用される戦略です。


"Accepted responsibility for the offense of drunk driving without admitting guilt" 「酒気帯び運転の罪を認め、有罪を認めずに責任を受け入れた」とは、理解が難しい微妙な表現ですね。これは有罪を認めずに行動を認めることを意味します。


Opting Not to Contest the Charge of Drunk Driving:「飲酒運転の起訴を争わないことを選択する」とは、告白をせずに控訴を行わないことを選ぶことです。 


"She did not admit guilt to the charge of drunk driving but did not deny it either." 「女は酒気帯び運転の罪を認めず、また否認もしなかった」とは、有罪を認めずに告白と否認の中間に位置する複雑な法的立場です。 


Accepting Consequences Without Going to Trial: 罪を認めることで、裁判を避けて結果を受け入れることは戦略的な決定です。


"She did not admit guilt or deny the charge of drunk driving, and instead accepted the punishment." 「彼女は酒気帯び運転の罪を認めずに否認せず、代わりに罰を受け入れた」とは、有罪を認めずに告白と否認の中間に位置する別の法的立場です。 


法律用語は複雑で難解であることがあり、法的な問題に対処することは難しいと理解しています。 これらの用語やフレーズを分解することで、法的な概念を理解し、現実の状況に対処するのが簡単になることを願っています。 このブログで、法的な問題に対処する際に、より自信を持ち、力強く感じるお手伝いをすることができれば幸いです。



Legal terms and phrases can be overwhelming and confusing for many of us. In this blog post, we'll simplify some of these terms and help you understand what "plead," "no contest," and accepting responsibility mean legally. We aim to empower you with knowledge to feel more confident when dealing with legal issues.

Deciphering "She Pleaded No Contest to Drunk Driving":

When we hear the phrase "pleaded," it often triggers feelings of anxiety and fear, especially when it involves criminal charges. But in legal language, "pleaded" is simply a formal response to charges. In the case of "no contest," it means acknowledging the charges without admitting guilt. This strategy can be used when someone doesn't want to discuss their guilt or innocence, and we understand this can be difficult.

Accepting Responsibility for Drunk Driving:

"Accepted responsibility for the offense of drunk driving without admitting guilt" is a nuanced position that can be hard to grasp. It means acknowledging your actions without actually admitting guilt. There are many situations where someone might do this, and we want to help you understand the implications of this legal position.

Opting Not to Contest the Charge of Drunk Driving:

Choosing not to contest a charge can be tough, as it means acknowledging the accusation without actively disputing it in court. We understand this can be a challenging decision, and we want to help you navigate it by explaining what it means.

Acknowledging the Charge and Abstaining from Denial:

"She did not admit guilt to the charge of drunk driving but did not deny it either." This can be a confusing legal stance, as it falls somewhere between admitting guilt and denying the charges. We want to help you comprehend when someone might take this legal stance and its meaning.

Accepting Consequences Without Going to Trial:

It's a strategic decision when someone acknowledges a charge and accepts the consequences without going to trial. There are many scenarios where someone might choose this path, and we want to help you understand the implications.

Not Admitting Guilt or Denying the Charge:

"She did not admit guilt or deny the charge of drunk driving and instead accepted the punishment." This is another legal stance that can be difficult to comprehend as it sits between admitting guilt and denying the charges. We want to help you understand when someone might take this legal stance and its meaning.


Legal jargon can be complex and overwhelming, and we understand that it can be challenging to navigate through legal issues. By breaking down these terms and phrases, we hope to make it easier for you to understand legal concepts and deal with real-world situations. Our goal is to support you in feeling more confident and empowered when dealing with legal issues.