

【引っ越し】英語では何と言う?【Moving to a new place!英文転居メール例あり】




「引っ越し業者」はmoverと言います。これも動詞のMoveをer形にして名詞化させた単語です。「動く」+er=働く人→「引っ越し業者」です。運送会社のことは「transport company」と言うので、こちらも覚えておきましょう。不動産業者は、英語ではReal estate agency、またはRealtorと言います。





Moving to a new place can be a thrilling but challenging experience, especially when you are an English learner. However, with the right vocabulary and expressions, it becomes much easier. This guide is designed to assist English learners in expressing their plans for moving to a new place and navigating conversations about this topic with friends, family, and colleagues.

引越しに必要な語彙:Essential Vocabulary for Moving

Before diving into the expressions used for sharing your moving plans, you must familiarize yourself with some key vocabulary related to moving.

引越しに関する主な語彙:Key Vocabulary for Moving


Some of the most important words and phrases for moving include:

  1. Move:引越し
  2. New place:新しい場所
  3. Relocate:移転
  4. Residence:住まい
  5. House:家
  6. Apartment:アパート
  7. Pack:荷造り(packing)
  8. Unpack:開梱
  9. Move-in:入居
  10. Move out:引越し
  11. Transfer:転勤
  12. Real estate agency、Realtor:不動産会社
  13. Search for~:~を探す
  14. an available room:空き部屋
  15. View the room:部屋の下見をする
  16. cardboard:段ボール
  17. duct tape:ガムテープ
  18. Movers:引っ越し業者
  19. Moving truck:引っ越しトラック
  20. Loading:積み込み
  21. Unloading:荷下ろし
  22. Moving boxes:引っ越し用の箱
  23. Bubble wrap:エアキャップ
  24. Moving checklist:引っ越しのチェックリスト
  25. Change of address(change of address announcement, change of address notice):転居届け
  26. Forwarding address:転送先の住所
  27. Moving expenses(moving cost、cost of moving):引っ越し費用
  28. Moving permit:引っ越し許可証
  29. Storage unit:保管庫、倉庫
  30. Donation center:寄付センター
  31. Yard sale:庭先での販売
  32. Cleaning service:クリーニングサービス
  33. Estimate (quote):見積もり
  34. Competitive quotes(collect multiple quotes):相見積もり

A quote is a fixed price the moving company provides to the customer for the specific services requested. This means that the final price the customer pays should not deviate from the quoted price unless there are changes to the services provided.

On the other hand, an estimate is an approximate price that the moving company provides to the customer based on the information about the items to be moved and the services required. Depending on the services provided and unforeseen circumstances arising during the move, the customer's actual price may be higher or lower than the estimated price.


  1. I need a real estate agent to help me search for an apartment.
  2. We must pack our belongings in cardboard boxes and duct tape them securely for the move.
  3. The movers arrived with the moving truck to load up our furniture and boxes.
  4. It's important to make a moving checklist to ensure you don't forget anything during the move.
  5. After unloading the boxes, we began unpacking and organizing our new residence.
  6. We had to fill out a change of address form and provide a forwarding address for our mail.
  7. The apartment complex had several available rooms for rent, so we scheduled a time to view them.
  8. We had to obtain a moving permit from the city before parking the moving truck in front of our house.
  9. The storage unit was a convenient option for temporarily storing our belongings before the move.
  10. We decided to hold a yard sale to remove items we no longer needed before the move.
  11. Does a moving company charge for providing a quote or estimate for their services?
  12. Is it possible to get a free quote or estimate from a moving company, or do they charge for this service?
  13. Before choosing a moving company, it's always a good idea to request competitive quotes from several companies and compare their prices and services.
  14. To get the best deal on your move, it's important to collect multiple quotes for each service and negotiate with the moving companies to see if they can offer any discounts or promotions.
  15. I'm in the process of planning my move and have decided to request competitive quotes from several moving companies to ensure that I'm getting a fair price for their services.
  16. By collecting multiple quotes for each service, I could compare the prices and services offered by several moving companies and make an informed decision.
  17. If you're planning a move, it's a good idea to request competitive quotes from at least three moving companies and compare their rates and services to find the best fit for your needs.

引っ越しの計画を伝えるための表現:Expressions for Sharing Your Moving Plans

When it comes to expressing your plans for moving to a new place, you can use several key expressions to communicate effectively.

引越しの計画を伝えるための表現:Expressions for Sharing Your Moving Plans

Some of the most commonly used expressions for sharing your moving plans include:


  • I'm moving to a new place next week.
  • I'll be relocating to a new residence soon.
  • I'm packing up and moving out.
  • I'm excited to move into my new house.
  • I'll be moving into my new apartment in a few days.


Before we move to our new apartment, I need to send a change of address notice to the post office so that our mail will be forwarded to our new address.


[Your Name]
[Your Previous Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

[Post Office Box 100]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear Postmaster,

I am writing to inform you of my recent change of address. As of [Date], I have moved to a new residence and would like to request that my mail be forwarded to my new address.

Please update your records with my new address information:

[Your Name]
[Your New Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

I would also request that you forward my mail to my new address starting on [Date]. I have attached a copy of my identification to this letter for your records.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

助けを求めるとき、提供するときのエチケット:Etiquette for Asking for and Offering Help

When moving to a new place, it's common to need or offer help from friends, family, or colleagues. Knowing the proper etiquette for asking for and offering help in these situations.

助けを求める:Asking for Help

When asking for help, it's best to use polite expressions such as:

  • Would you be able to help me with my move?
  • I could really use some assistance with packing and moving.
    荷造りや引っ越しの手伝いをお願いしたいのですが。(「I could use ~」は「〜があったらありがたいな」、「〜がほしいな」という言い方)
  • Can I count on you for some help with my relocation?

ヘルプを提供する:Offering Help

When offering help, it's polite to use expressions like:

  • I'd be happy to help you with your move.
  • Let me know if you need any assistance with packing or moving.
  • I'm here to help in any way I can during your relocation.

引っ越し前1週間のスケジュール例:Detailed Moving Plan

Day 1

  • 荷物の整理と分類を行い、持っていくものと寄付または売却するものを決める。Declutter belongings to determine what to take, donate, or sell.
  • 電気、ガス、水道、インターネットなどの公共施設に引越しの連絡をし、旧住所と新住所でサービスの停止と再接続の手続きをする。
    Notify utility companies (electricity, gas, water, internet, etc.) of the move and arrange disconnection and reconnection of services at the old and new places.

Day 2

  • 本、装飾品、衣類など、引っ越し前に不要になるものの荷造りを始める。
    Start packing non-essential items, such as books, decorative items, and clothes you won't need before the move.

  • 引越し業者やレンタカーを比較検討し、自分の希望に合った業者を予約します。Research and compare moving companies or rental truck options, and book the one that best fits your needs.

Day 3

  • 食器やガラス製品など、壊れやすいものを梱包し、箱に "FRAGILE "とラベルを貼る。
    Pack fragile items, such as dishware and glassware, and label boxes with "FRAGILE."

  • 郵便局に住所変更の連絡をし、郵便物の転送を手配する。
    Notify the post office of the address change and arrange for mail forwarding.

Day 4

  • テレビ、パソコン、スピーカーなどの電化製品を梱包し、箱にラベルを貼る。Pack electronics, such as televisions, computers, and speakers, and label the boxes accordingly.


  • 引越し業者やレンタカー会社に引越しの詳細を確認する。
    Confirm details of the move with the moving company or rental truck company.

Day 5

  • 家具や家電などの重いものを梱包し、部屋番号のラベルを貼る。
    Pack heavy items, such as furniture and appliances, and label boxes with the room they belong in.

  • 引越し先に行き、大きな荷物の搬入方法などを確認する。
    Visit the new place and note any specific instructions for moving large items into the building.

Day 6

  • 残りの荷物を梱包し、箱の中身と部屋のラベルを貼る。
    Pack the remaining items and label boxes with the contents and room they belong in.

  • ベッドや机などの大きな家具を分解し、組み立てやすいようにラベルを貼る。
    Disassemble larger furniture items, such as beds and desks, and label the pieces for easier reassembly.

Day 7

  • 引越しの日です。箱や家具をトラックに積み込み、きちんと固定されていることを確認します。
    Move day! Supervise loading boxes and furniture onto the truck, and ensure everything is properly secured.
  • 引越し先まで車で行き、箱や家具を降ろすのを監督し、すべてが正しい部屋に配置されていることを確認します。
    Drive to the new place, supervise unloading boxes and furniture, and ensure everything is in the correct rooms.

  • すべてのアイテムが移動され、何も残されていないことを再確認します。
    Double-check that all items have been moved and nothing has been left behind.

  • 引っ越しが成功したら、食事やご馳走でお祝いしましょう。
    Celebrate the successful move with a well-deserved meal or treat!



Moving to a new place can be overwhelming, but it can be a smooth and enjoyable experience with the right vocabulary and expressions. This guide has provided you with the essential vocabulary, expressions, and etiquette for sharing your moving plans and asking for or offering help. Whether you are relocating to a new house, apartment, or residence, this information will come in handy as you navigate the moving process.

By incorporating this information into your conversation and writing, you can effectively communicate your plans for moving to a new place and make the process as stress-free as possible.