


英単語にExcise taxという言葉があります。日本語では物品税と訳されます。消費税の種類を示しますが、Excise taxを知らない人も多いのではないでしょうか。


excise (tax/duty)


Excise taxは特定の商品に適用されるもので、間接税の一種であり、通常、商品の価格に含まれています。米国で物品税の対象となる商品の例としては、ガソリン、タバコ製品、ビールやワインなど特定の種類のアルコール類が挙げられます。また、電気通信や環境汚染など、特定のサービスにも適用されることがあります。

海外の生活ではExcise taxといった日本にない税について知ることで、生活費を考えるうえで重要です。




消費税、物品税◆【同】excise tax ; excise duty

英辞郎 on the WEB


税務で使われるこの言葉には、興味深い語源があります。”Excise "の語源は、ラテン語"exquisus "で、"切り取る "という意味です。その原義は、人の体から腫瘍など何かの一部を手術で切り取って取り除くことを指す言葉として使われていました。特に体に害のあるが対象でした。




しかし、「excise」という言葉が使われるのは税金だけではありません。「excise」は、日常語でも「何かを取り除く」という動詞として使われることがあります。例えば、"The editor excised the unnecessary section of the article."(編集者は記事の不要な部分を削除した)というように。


excise の意味とその起源を理解することで、税金が私たちの日常生活にどのような影響を与えるかより深く理解することができるようになります。物品税とそれが適用される製品について知ることで、商品やサービスを購入する際に、より多くの情報に基づいた決定を下すことができ、その過程でお金を節約できる可能性がありますね。


  1. 🧔: Have you ever heard the word "excise"?
  2. 💁: No way, is it like a secret code or something?
  3. 🧔: Not exactly, but it is a special tax that can make certain products a little more pricey, like alcohol, tobacco, or gasoline.
  4. 💁: Oh, I get it. So, it's a sneaky way for the government to get more money from us. 😒
  5. 🧔: Well, it does sound a little sneaky when you put it that way. But the word "excise" has an interesting origin story. It comes from the Latin word "excisus," which means "cut out."
    そう言われると、確かにちょっとずるい気もしますね。でも、「物品税」という言葉には面白い由来があるんです。ラテン語の "exquisus "が語源で、"切り取る "という意味だそうです。
  6. 💁: No way, that's wild! I didn't know that.😲
  7. 🧔: Yeah, and in its original context, the word was used to refer to cutting out and removing a portion of something, like a pesky weed from a garden.
  8. 💁: That's so cool! So, "excise" can also be used as a verb in everyday language to get rid of something, usually something unwanted? 😃
    カッコイイなー。じゃあ、"excise "は日常会話で動詞として、何かを取り除く、普通は不要なものを取り除く、という意味でも使われるんだね。
  9. 🧔: You got it! For example, "I'm going to excise that stain from my shirt before my date tonight." 😉
    そうなんです。例えば、"I'm going to excise that stain from my shirt before my date tonight."(今夜のデートの前に、シャツについたあのシミを消すわ)。
  10. 💁: Hahaha, I love it! Understanding the meaning of "excise" and its origins can be fun and informative. 😁
    ははは、いいですねぇ。excise "の意味とその由来を理解することは、かなり楽しくてためになりますよ。
  11. 🧔: Exactly! And by knowing about excise and the products it applies to, we can make smarter choices when shopping and maybe even save some dough. 💰


  1. The government imposes an excise tax on cigarettes to discourage smoking.
  2. I had to pay an excise tax when purchasing my new car.
  3. The store added an excise tax to the price of the alcohol I bought.
  4. The company had to pay an excise tax on the goods they imported.
  5. The excise tax on gasoline makes the price at the pump more expensive.
  6. I had to pay an excise tax when I purchased my new phone.
  7. The government collects excise taxes on certain products to generate revenue.
  8. The excise tax on luxury items is intended to discourage excessive consumption.
  9. The excise tax on tobacco products is intended to reduce smoking rates.
  10. I had to pay an excise tax when I purchased my new boat.
  11. I am excited to learn about the benefits of excise tax on products like alcohol and tobacco in reducing consumption 😃
  12. The government's decision to lower the excise tax on electric cars is a step in the right direction for promoting eco-friendly transportation and encouraging people to use electric cars 🚘💚
  13. The excise tax on luxury goods helps fund important public programs for the community, such as education and healthcare 💻🏥
  14. I am relieved to find out that my favorite brand of cigarettes has a lower excise tax than others, which makes it more affordable for me to purchase 😌
  15. Thanks to the excise tax on gasoline, the city was able to fund new public transportation projects, improving the transportation system for everyone 🚍🚗
  16. The high excise tax on cigarettes makes it difficult for smokers to afford their habit, and it can be a burden for them 😔
  17. The recent increase in excise tax on alcohol has made going out for a drink much more expensive, and it's hard for people to enjoy it 🍻😕
  18. I am disappointed to learn that my favorite brand of alcohol has a higher excise tax than others, which makes it less affordable for me to purchase 😞
  19. The excise tax on gasoline is making it harder for me to afford to fill up my car, and it's a big expense for me 🚗💸
  20. The excise tax on luxury goods is unfair to those who can't afford to pay it, it's not accessible to everyone 😒



結論として、「物品税」は特定の商品やサービスに課される特別な税金であり、"切り取る "という意味のラテン語「exquisus」が語源である。物品税を理解することで、私たちはより良い情報に基づいた意思決定を行い、お金を節約することができます。物品やサービスの価格に上乗せされることで私たちの日常生活に影響を与えるだけでなく、日常的な言葉にもその用法があります。ですから、次に「excise」という言葉を耳にするときは、その意味と背後にあるストーリーを知っておいてください。


The Fascinating Etymology of Excise

Do you ever wonder about the origins of the word "excise"? This term from tax terminology has a fascinating etymology. The word "excise" comes from the Latin word "excisus," which means "cut out." In its original context, the word was used to refer to cutting out and removing a portion of something, such as a tumor, from a person's body.

Understanding Excise in Taxes

In the world of taxes, "excise" refers to a special tax imposed on certain goods or services, such as alcohol, tobacco, or gasoline. This tax is added as an additional cost to these products, making them more expensive for consumers.

Excise in Everyday Language

But it's not just taxes where the word "excise" is used. The term "excise" can also be used in everyday language as a verb to remove something, usually unwanted. For example, "The editor excised the unnecessary section of the article."

Why Knowing About Excise Matters

Understanding the meaning of "excise" and its origins can give us a better understanding of how taxes affect our daily lives. By being informed about excise and the products it applies to, we can make more informed decisions when purchasing goods and services and potentially save money in the process.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, "excise" is a special tax imposed on specific goods and services, originating from the Latin word "excisus" meaning "cut out." Understanding excise can help us make better, informed decisions and save money. It not only affects our daily lives by adding to the cost of goods and services, but it also has its usage in everyday language. So next time you hear the word "excise," you'll know its meaning and the story behind it.