









ところで「統計」を英語でどのように言えばよいのでしょうか。「統計」は英語で「 Statistics」と言います。





"統計 "という言葉の語源


統計(statistics)の語源はラテン語の "status "で、政府の状態に関する情報のことでした。国家(state)や状態(status)も同じ語源です。そこから国の人口を調べることを意味するstatistics (統計)となりました。17世紀から18世紀にかけて、統計学者たちはこの言葉を使いだします。自然現象を理解し判断するためにデータを収集・分析することを指す意味もありました。今では、統計はビジネスや経済から健康や社会問題まで対象となり、意思決定するための重要なツールとなっています。

" from Latin status "a station, position, place; order, arrangement, condition," figuratively "public order, community organization," noun of action from past participle stem of stare "to stand" from PIE root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm."






  1. "I saw a statistic saying the average person spends about 6 hours daily on their phone.😳"
    "平均的に人は1日に約6時間スマホを使う "という統計を見ました。"

  2. "According to the statistics I saw, the average person spends one hour a day exercising. 😲"
  3. I was looking at the statistics for our company's sales last quarter, and it looks like we had a 10% increase compared to the same period last year.😊"

  4. "According to the latest statistics, the number of car accidents caused by distracted driving has decreased by 20% in the past year.😁"

  5. "I read that the number of people using public transportation in our city has increased by 30% in the past year, according to the latest statistics. 😁"



  • 数値(numerical)データやカテゴリーデータなど、収集・分析可能なデータの種類を知る。
  • 平均値(mean)、中央値(median)、標準偏差(standard deviation)などの統計的尺度(statistical measures)の使い方を理解し、データを分析・解釈する。
    実世界の例(real world examples)や練習用のデータセットを使って、データの分析と解釈を練習する。
  • 回帰分析(regression analysis)や仮説検定(hypothesis testing)などの一般的な統計手法(statistical method)を理解し、意思決定にどのように利用されるかを理解する。







Understanding the Word "Statistics" for English Learners

As an English learner, understanding the word "statistics" can be confusing and intimidating, especially if you are unfamiliar with data analysis. However, by understanding the etymology of the word and its practical applications, you can better understand what statistics is and why it is important.

The Etymology of the Word "Statistics"

The word "statistics" comes from the Latin word "status," which originally referred to information about the state of a government. In the 17th and 18th centuries, statisticians began using the word to refer to the collection and analysis of data to understand and make decisions about various phenomena. Today, statistics is an important tool for understanding and making decisions about various topics, from business and economics to health and social issues.

Why Understanding Statistics is Important for English Learners

So, what does this mean for English learners? Understanding statistics can help analyze and interpret information in the media, as statistics are often used to support or argue certain points. It is also useful for understanding and making decisions about various topics, such as financial matters and public health concerns.

Tips for Improving Your Understanding of Statistics

If you are an English learner and want to improve your understanding of statistics, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  • Learn about the data types that can be collected and analyzed, such as numerical and categorical data.
  • Understand how to use statistical measures, such as mean, median, and standard deviation, to analyze and interpret data.
  • Practice analyzing and interpreting data using real-world examples or practice datasets.
  • Familiarize yourself with common statistical methods, such as regression analysis and hypothesis testing, and how they are used to make decisions.

By understanding the etymology of the word "statistics" and familiarizing yourself with these key concepts, you can better understand this important field and how it can be applied in the real world. So, English learners need to understand the word "statistics" for their future growth.