


また、シンプルな "Happy New Year!"以外の表現で、大切な人へ気持ちを伝えたい人もいるのではないでしょうか。




Basic Greetings(基本的なあいさつ)

まず、基本的なところから。英語での挨拶は、"Happy New Year!" ですね。このシンプルなフレーズには、新年の幸せと繁栄を祈る意味が含まれています。その意味でを含めて別の表現をすれば" I hope your new year is filled with joy and success. "ということもできます。

  • "Happy New Year!"
  • "I hope your new year is filled with joy and success. "

Creative Greetings(個性的なあいさつ)


  • Wishing you a wonderful new year!"

  • "Sending you lots of good vibes for the new year!"

  • "May this new year bring you happiness and prosperity!"

  • "May this new year be your best one yet!"

  • "Here's to a fresh start and a bright future!"

  • "Wishing you a new year filled with laughter and love!"

  • "Let's make this new year the best one yet!"

  • "May all your dreams come true in the new year!"

  • "Wishing you a new year full of endless possibilities!"

  • "Here's to a fantastic new year!"


↑関連動画:【2024】Year of the Dragon: 45 English phrases 

Email Greetings(メールでのあいさつ)



Subject: "Wishing You a Bright and Happy New Year!"
Dear [friend],

Now that the new year has passed, I wanted to take a moment to wish you all the best. I hope this year brought you happiness, love, and success.  You deserve all the good things that come your way.

I'm looking forward to all the fun and adventures we'll have together this year. Here's to making the most of every moment and creating lasting memories.
Wishing you a wonderful new year, [friend]!

[Your name]

  1. タイトル:明るく楽しい新年をお迎えください
  2. 新年が明けましたね。あなたにとって素晴らしい一年になりますように。
  3. あなたに幸せと愛と成功がもたらされることを願っています。
  4. あなたは、良いことが起こるに値する人だからです!
  5. 今年も一緒に楽しい冒険をするのが楽しみです。
  6. 一瞬一瞬を大切にし、心に残る思い出を作りましょう。
  7. 新しい年があなたにとって素晴らしい一年になりますように。

このあいさつでは、新年を一緒に過ごせることを楽しみにしていますという、友人へのメッセージを込めました。また、"wonderful new year "のフレーズで、明るい雰囲気を出しています。



  1. "New Year, new beginnings: cheers to a fantastic 2024"
  2. "Wishing you a sparkling new year filled with joy"
  3. "Here's to making the most of every moment in 2024"
  4. "Bringing in the New Year with love and gratitude"
  5. "A toast to the new year and all the adventures to come"
  6. "Counting down to a bright and happy new year"


Subject: Sending good wishes for the new year and hoping you are doing well.

Dear [Colleague],

As the new year starts, I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication in the past year. It has been a pleasure working with you, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow with you.

As we start a new year, I am excited to continue our partnership and to see what the future holds. I am confident that we will achieve great things and make a positive impact together.

I hope the new year brings you success, prosperity, and all you desire. May it be a year filled with joy, achievement, and all the good things in life.

Here's to a fresh start and new beginnings for the new year!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

  1. 幸せで健康的な新年でありますように。
  2. 親愛なる[同僚]へ
  3. 新年を迎えるにあたり、この1年間の皆さんの努力と献身に感謝します。
  4. 皆さんと一緒に仕事ができたことを嬉しく思い、また、皆さんと一緒に学び、成長する機会を与えられたことに感謝しています。
  5. 新年から私たちのパートナーシップを継続し、将来を創造して興奮しています。
  6. 共に大きな成果を上げ、ポジティブな影響を与えることができると確信しています。
  7. 新年が皆様にとって成功、繁栄、そして望むものをもたらしてくれることを願っています。
  8. 喜びと達成感、そして人生におけるすべての良いことに満ちた一年でありますように。
  9. 新しい年の心機一転、新たなスタートに乾杯!



Subject: New Year's Greetings and Resolutions

Dear [Client],

As we begin the new year, I express my sincere gratitude for your trust and partnership in the past year. It has been a pleasure working with you, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you.

As we start a new year, I am excited to continue our relationship and to see what the future holds. I am confident that we will achieve great things and make a positive impact together.

In the new year, I resolve to be the best partner I can be and continue delivering the highest service to you. I hope that we can achieve even greater success and make an even bigger impact in the coming year.

I hope the new year brings you success, prosperity, and all you desire. May it be a year filled with joy, achievement, and all the good things in life.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year.

Best regards,
[Your Name]


  1. 件名 新年のご挨拶と抱負
  2. 親愛なる【クライアント】の皆様へ。
  3. 新年を迎えるにあたり、昨年は皆様の信頼とパートナーシップに心から感謝いたします。
  4. お客様と一緒に仕事ができたことを嬉しく思い、また、お客様にお役に立てる機会を与えられたことに感謝しています。
  5. 新年となりましたがこの関係を継続し、将来どうなるかを楽しみに しています。
  6. 私たちは共に大きな成果を上げ、ポジティブな影響を与えることができると確信しています。
  7. 私は最高のパートナーになることを決意し、最高のサービスを提供し続けます。
  8. 私たちがさらに大きな成功を収め、良い影響を与えることができるよう、願っています。
  9. 新年が皆様にとって成功、繁栄、そして望むものすべてをもたらしてくれることを願っています。
  10. 喜びと達成感、そして人生におけるすべての良いことに満ちた一年でありますように。
  11. 幸せで豊かな新年をお過ごしください。


Subject: "Wishing you a Happy New Year, Mom and Dad"

Dear Mom and Dad,

Now that the new year has passed, I want to express my love and gratitude to you. You have always been there for me, supporting and guiding me through life's challenges and joys. I am so grateful to have you as my parents and for all you do for me.

I hope this new year brings you health, happiness, and all of your heart's desires. You deserve all the good things that come your way. Thank you for being such an important part of my life and for always being there for me.

Here's to making the most of every moment and creating lasting memories together in the new year. Wishing you both a bright and happy new year,
with love from your [children].

[Your name]

  1. 新年が明けましたね。愛と感謝の気持ちをお伝えしたいと思います。
  2. 二人はいつも私のそばにいて、私を支え、人生のあらゆる困難や喜びの中で私を導いてくれました。
  3. 私は二人を両親として持つことができ、とても幸せです。
  4. 二人にとって健康で幸せで望むものがもたらされますように。
  5. あなた達は、良いことが起こるに値する人だからです!
  6. 二人は私の人生の重要な一部です。いつも私のためにいてくれてありがとう。
  7. 一瞬一瞬を大切にし、心に残る思い出を一緒に作っていきたいね。
  8. お二人にとって明るく幸せな新年となりますように。
  9. 【子供(たち)】からの愛を込めて

↑関連動画:Happy New Yearを英語で書いてみる


Subject: A New Beginning for the New Year

Dear Mom and Dad,

As the new year begins, thank you for all your love and support in the past year. You are the best parents anyone could ask for, and I am grateful for everything you do for me.

As we start a new year, I look forward to all the exciting opportunities and possibilities it may bring. I am excited to see what the future holds and am grateful to have your guidance and support as I navigate through it.

I hope the new year brings you health, happiness, and everything your hearts desire. May it be a year filled with love, laughter, and all the good things in life.
Here's to a fresh start and new beginnings for the new year!

[Your Name]

  1. 新年の新たな始まり
  2. 親愛なるパパとママへ。
  3. 新年を迎えるにあたり、昨年はたくさんの愛とサポートをありがとう。
  4. あなた方は誰もが望む最高の両親であり、私にしてくれたことすべてに感謝してる。
  5. 私はこの新年がもたらすエキサイティングな機会と可能性を楽しみにしています。
  6. 将来何が起こるか楽しみであり、その中であなた方の指導とサポートがあることに感謝すると思う。
  7. 新年が二人にとって、健康で幸せな、そして望むものをもたらしてくれますように。
  8. 愛と笑い、そして人生のすべての喜びに満ちた一年でありますように。
  9. 新しい年の再出発と新たな始まりに乾杯!


さて、英語初心者向けとして、英語でどのように挨拶するか、いくつかのアイデアをご紹介しました。シンプルな "Happy New Year!"でも、より詳細な挨拶でも、あなたの大切な人はきっと、新しい年を迎えるにあたり、あなたの温かい気持ちを喜んでくれることでしょう。ぜひ、英語で気持ちを伝えてみてくださいね。

↑関連動画:New Year: 50 Useful English Phrases



Happy New Year Greetings for English Learners

Happy New Year! As we ring in the new year, it's a tradition to greet our loved ones and friends with good wishes and warm messages. If you're an English learner, you might wonder how to greet someone in English during the holiday season. Well, you're in luck! Today, we're going to learn how to greet someone in English through the eyes of an English learner.

Basic Greetings

First, let's start with the basics. To greet someone in English, you can say "Happy New Year!" or "Happy New Year!" This simple phrase is a common way to wish someone a happy and prosperous new year. You can add a personal touch by saying, "I hope your new year is filled with joy and success."

Creative Greetings

But what if you want to get a little more creative with your greeting? Well, there are many fun and playful ways to greet your loved ones in English. Here are a few ideas:

  • "Here's to a fantastic new year!"
  • "Wishing you a wonderful new year!"
  • "May this new year bring you happiness and prosperity!"

These phrases are a cheerful way to add positivity to your greeting and will surely bring a smile to whoever you send them to.

Detailed Greetings

But what if you want to write a longer greeting, like a card or letter? No problem! Here's an example of a more detailed new year's greeting from an English learner:

"Dear [friend],
As the new year approaches, I wanted to take a moment to wish you all the best. I hope this year brings you happiness, love, and success. You deserve all the good things that come your way.
I'm looking forward to all the fun and adventures we'll have together in the coming year. Here's to making the most of every moment and creating lasting memories.
Wishing you a wonderful new year, [friend]!
[Your name]"

In this greeting, we've included a personal message to our friend, expressing our good wishes and looking forward to spending time together in the new year. We've also included a cheerful twist with the "wonderful new year" phrase.

Dear Mom and Dad,

As the new year approaches, I wanted to take a moment to express my love and gratitude to you. You have always been there for me, supporting me and guiding me through all of life's challenges and joys. I am so grateful to have you as my parents and I am thankful for all that you do for me.

I hope this new year brings you health, happiness, and all of your heart's desires. You deserve all the good things that come your way. Thank you for being such an important part of my life and for always being there for me.

Here's to making the most of every moment and creating lasting memories together in the new year. Wishing you both a bright and happy new year, with love from your [child/ren].

[Your name]


So there, you have a few ideas for how to greet someone in English as an English learner. Whether with a simple "Happy New Year!" or a more detailed greeting, your loved ones will surely appreciate your good wishes and warm thoughts as we ring in the new year.

↑関連動画:20 Essential New Year Phrases