

【今年の旧正月は1月22日(日)】春節は英語でどう表現する?【 旧正月の英語での挨拶とは】




早速ですが、中国春節Chinese Spring Festival または単に Spring Festivalと言います。また、中国旧正月Chinese New Yearと言います。その他、同じような意味で使われる用語にLunar New Yearがあります。

今日は、中国旧正月(Chinese New Year)についてご紹介します。

Chinese New YearLunar New Yearの違いも知っておくとよいので参考にしてみてください。



中国春節(Chinese Spring Festival)として知られる旧正月(Chinese New Year)は、中国の人々によって大切なお祝いごとです。中国でビジネスをする人は、この祝日の習慣や伝統(customs and traditions)を理解し、敬意を示して顧客や同僚と関係を築く必要があります。今年の旧正月2023年1月22日(日曜日)で、干支である卯年(the rabbit year)の始まりとなります。旧正月には多くの習慣や伝統があり、来年の幸運と繁栄(good luck and prosperity)をもたらすとされています。子供たちにお金を入れた赤い封筒(お年玉)を渡す、伝説の獣「NIan」を追い払うために爆竹を鳴らす(set off firecrackers)、龍や獅子の踊りを披露する、などの習慣があります。また、縁起を担いで "福ポスター "を貼るのも一般的な風習(tradition)です。



  • "Happy New Year," 
  • "Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year," 
  • "I hope the new year brings you joy and success."

旧正月の言い方( Lunar New Year vs Chinese New Year)

中国の旧正月について話す場合、Lunar New Yearという言葉を使うのは適切でない場合があるので注意が必要です。この言葉は中国旧正月(Chinese New Year)と同じ意味で使われることが多いのです。厳密に使い分けしなくても多くの場合は問題ありません。ただし、人によっては好まれる言葉ではなく、失礼にあたると思われることがあります。その代わり、中国でこの祝日を指す場合は、「春節」(Chinese festival)または単にChinese New Yearという用語を使用するのがよいでしょう。




習慣と伝統(Customs and Traditions)

Fu poster

挨拶だけでなく、習慣や伝統を理解しすることが重要です。例えば、縁起を担いだ福ポスターが吊るされているのを目にすることもあります。そういった風習に参加(participating in  costumes)することも顧客や同僚に敬意を表し、関係を構築する上で重要です。


中国旧正月(Chinese New Year)とその習慣や伝統を理解することは、中国でビジネスを行う上で非常に重要です。中国語でお正月の挨拶が言えればよいですが、英語でもできるようようになればより表現の幅が広がりますね。




Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a major holiday celebrated by millions of people in China and around the world. English learners with business in China need to understand the customs and traditions of this holiday to show respect and build relationships with clients and colleagues.

Chinese New Year

This year, Chinese New Year will be celebrated on January 22nd and will mark the start of the Year of the Rabbit, which is also the zodiac animal in Japan. Many customs and traditions are associated with Chinese New Year, which is meant to bring good luck and prosperity in the coming year. Some common customs include giving children red envelopes filled with money, setting off firecrackers to scare away the mythical beast Nian, and performing dragon and lion dances. Hanging Fu posters for good fortune is also a popular tradition.


As an English learner with business in China, it is important to learn how to greet others during the new year in English. Some appropriate phrases to use include: "Happy New Year," "Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year," and "I hope the new year brings you joy and success."


It is important to note that it is not appropriate to use the term "lunar new year" when speaking about the Chinese New Year in China. While this term is often used interchangeably with Chinese New Year in other contexts, it is not the preferred term in China and may be seen as disrespectful. Instead, it is better to use the term "Spring Festival" or simply "Chinese New Year" when referring to this holiday in China.

Customs and Traditions

In addition to greetings, it is also important to understand and participate in some of the customs and traditions associated with Chinese New Year to show respect and build relationships with clients and colleagues. For example, it is customary to give red envelopes filled with money to children and to set off firecrackers, both of which are believed to bring good luck. You may also encounter dragon and lion dances or see Fu posters hanging for good fortune. Understanding and participating in these customs allows you to demonstrate respect for Chinese culture and build stronger relationships with clients and colleagues.


Overall, understanding Chinese New Year and its customs and traditions are crucial for doing business in China. You can build stronger relationships with clients and colleagues and navigate business interactions more effectively by showing respect and understanding of the holiday.