



今年の干支は「卯」!ということで、新しい年に胸を躍らせている方も多いのではないでしょうか?「干支」は英語で「Zodiac」といいます。今年の干支がウサギであることを言うには、"This year's zodiac sign is a rabbit. "と言います。





The Zodiac:干支

「zodiac」という言葉はギリシャ語の「zōidiakos kyklos」に由来し、動物の輪(circle of animals) を意味します。これは、天空を12に分割し、それぞれをウサギ、竜、魚などの特定の星座に対応させる占星術( astrology )の考えです。古代バビロンで誕生し、占いや予言の方法として用いられていました。その後、古代ギリシャで採用され、ギリシャ人の解釈とシンボルが加えられました。その後、中国など他の文化圏にも広がり、現在でも占星術や伝統的な行事に使われています。

Word origin

C14: from Old French zodiaque, from Latin zōdiacus, from Greek zōidiakos (kuklos) (circle) of signs, from zōidion animal sign, carved figure, from zōion animal


「zodiac」の「zo-」はギリシャ語で「動物」を意味する "zōion "に由来しています。


  • "Zoo" - 動物園
  • "Zoology" - 動物の行動、生息地、分類を科学的に研究する学問
  • "Zoogenic" - 動物によって引き起こされる、または生み出される。

これらはすべて、何らかの形で動物に関係しています。"zodiac "という単語も同様に動物に関連しているのです。

「zodiac」の「dia-」は古代ギリシャ語 dia-(~を横切って: "across" or "through")をに由来しています。同じ由来を持つ言葉には、他にも以下のようなものがあります。

  • "Diameter"-直径
  • "Diagonal" - 対角線
  • "Dialogue" - 会話


以上から、"zodiac "は動物の輪(circle of animals)を語源にすることが分かりました。




  • The word "zodiac" comes from Greek and means "circle of animals."
    干支という言葉はギリシャ語に由来し、"動物の輪 "を意味します。
  • My zodiac sign is Leo, which is known for its confident and outgoing traits.
  • I like checking my daily horoscope to see what the zodiac predicts.

The Rabbit:卯(うさぎ)


late Middle English: apparently from Old French (compare with French dialect rabotte ‘young rabbit’), perhaps of Dutch origin (compare with Flemish robbe ).


また、ラテン語で穴を掘る動物(a burrowing animal)とされている説もあるようです。

rabbit (n.)
common burrowing mammal, identified as a rodent, noted for prolific breeding



英語では中英語時代から "rabbit "と呼ばれています。





  • My Chinese zodiac sign is the rabbit, which is associated with calmness and gentleness.
  • In some cultures, the rabbit is seen as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.
  • A rabbit ate all the carrots in the garden, which is surprising.
  • The rabbit quickly hopped across the field with speed and agility.
  • I find rabbits cute and fluffy, bringing joy to my day.


干支と卯の語源を簡単に紹介しました。このような言葉に、面白い由来があったことに驚きがあったのではないでしょうか。この情報がお役に立ち、楽しんでいただければ幸いです。それでは、Happy learning!






The etymology of Zodiac and Rabbit

I bet many of you are excited about the new year, especially since this year's zodiac is the rabbit! But have you ever stopped to wonder where the word "zodiac" comes from? Or what is the connection between rabbits and astrology? Well, fear not because I am here to shed some light on the etymology of these mysterious words.

The Zodiac

First things first, the word "zodiac" comes from the Greek "zōidiakos kyklos," which literally means "circle of animals." This refers to the system of astrology that divides the sky into 12 sections, each corresponding to a particular sign or symbol, such as the rabbit, the dragon, or the fish. This system originated in ancient Babylon, where it was used as a method of divination and prediction. It was later adopted by the ancient Greeks, who added their interpretations and symbols to the system. From there, it spread to other cultures, such as China, where it remains an important part of astrology and tradition today.

The Rabbit

Now, let's talk about rabbits. The word "rabbit" comes from the Old English "rapp," which is derived from the Latin "rabbitus," meaning "a burrowing animal." If you didn't already know, a rabbit is a small, hopping mammal with long ears and a fluffy tail, known for its speed and agility. It has been referred to as "rabbit" in English since the Middle English period. It is related to other words in various languages that also refer to rabbits, such as "lapin" in French and "conejo" in Spanish. In astrology, the rabbit is associated with the Chinese zodiac, one of the 12 animals representing the cycle of years. In this context, the rabbit is often seen as a symbol of good fortune, luck, and prosperity. But here's the funny part: this year's zodiac is actually the rabbit, and I just so happen to be a rabbit myself! Coincidence? I think not.


So there you have it, a brief history of the etymology of "zodiac" and "rabbit." Who knew that such ordinary words had such interesting origins? I hope you found this information helpful and entertaining. And if you're still wondering about your zodiac sign, do a quick Google search, and you'll be on your way to discovering your astrological symbol. Happy learning!