

【新年早々】を英語でいうと?気持ちを伝える【例文5例付き】"Early in the new year"








「新年早々」は"Early in the new year" という

「新年早々」は英語で"Early in the new year" や "Right after the New Year" と表現されます。これらのフレーズで新年が始まったばかりであることを強調します。世の中が新年に対して期待を膨らませているときに使うと効果的ですね。


先ほどのフレーズ("Early in the new year" や "right after the New Year" )を会話の中で使うと、新年の計画や目標がより際立ちます。例えば、
" I'm planning to start a new exercise routine early in the new year."
と言うことができます。新年の最初の数週間で運動の習慣を始める予定であることを相手に伝えるものですね。あるいは、" I'm going to start on my novel right after the New Year. "と言えば、「新年が明けたらすぐに小説を書き始めるつもりだ」と伝えることができます。



"There's a big sale at the mall early in the new year, so I'm going to try to go shopping then."
(新年早々、ショッピングモールで大きなセールがあるから、その時に買い物に行こうと思うんだ )


ニュースを伝える / 感謝の気持ちを伝える(right at the start of this year

"right at the start of this year "というフレーズもよい表現です。行動する時期がとても重要と感じるときに使います。


"I have some good news that I want to share with right at the start of this year. I just got a promotion at work!"
この例では、 "right at the start of this year "というフレーズを使って、タイミングを表現しています。新年を迎えてすぐに昇進したこと、またこのニュースを共有したい気持ちが表現されています。

"You reached out to me even at the start of this year. That really shows how much you value our relationship."


この例では、 "even at the start of this year "というフレーズを使って、相手の行動のタイミングを表現しています。新年を迎えてすぐに連絡してきたことで、二人の関係の重要性を感じていると伝えることができます。

以上、会話の中でこのフレーズ" right at the start of this year "を使うことで、新年が始まってすぐに起こったこと、またはこれから起こることの重要性をより効果的に伝えることができますね。


フレーズ("Early in the new year" や "right after the New Year" )は、新年が始まって間もなく起こるイベントやアクティビティを表すのによく使われます。英語学習者として知っておくと便利なフレーズですね。これらのフレーズを会話の中で使うことで、新しい年の計画や意思をより効果的に伝えていきましょう。

↑関連動画:Happy New Yearを英語で書いてみる




As English learners, it is important to be familiar with common phrases and expressions commonly used in everyday conversation. "Early in the new year" and "right after the New Year" are phrases often used to describe events or activities that occur shortly after the start of the new year. These phrases are typically used to emphasize that the new year has just begun and that the event or activity is happening when people are still feeling excited and motivated about the new year.

Using These Phrases to Describe Your Plans:

One way to use these phrases in conversation is to describe your plans or goals for the new year. For example, you might say, "I'm planning to start a new exercise routine early in the new year." This tells the person you are speaking with that you plan to start your exercise routine in the first few weeks of the new year. Alternatively, you might say, "I'm going to start working on my novel right after the New Year." This tells the person that you plan to start working on your novel as soon as the new year begins.

Using These Phrases to Describe Events or Activities:

It is also common to use these phrases when talking about events or activities happening soon after the start of the new year. For example, you might say, "There's a big sale at the mall early in the new year, so I'm going to try to go shopping then." This tells the person that the sale is happening in the first few weeks of the new year.


Overall, "early in the new year" and "right after the New Year" are useful phrases to know as an English learner, as they are commonly used to describe events or activities happening shortly after the start of the new year. Using these phrases in conversation can more effectively communicate your plans and intentions for the new year.

