








  1. "Today is the last day of my New Year's holiday. I'll be back at work tomorrow."😐
  2. "I've had a wonderful New Year's holiday, but it's time to get back to work tomorrow."😄
  3. "I can't believe my New Year's holiday is already over. I don't want to go back to work at all tomorrow."😭
  4. "I'm feeling rested and ready to tackle my job tomorrow after a nice holiday break." 😊
  5. "I'm returning to work tomorrow after my New Year's vacation." 😐
  6. "My time off for the New Year's holiday is coming to an end, and I'll be resuming my normal work schedule tomorrow."😔
  7. "I've had a wonderful New Year's holiday, but it's time to get back to work. I'll be returning to my job tomorrow."😔
  8. "I'm so excited to get back to work and start the new year off with a bang!"😄
  9. "I had a fantastic holiday break, but I'm ready to get back to work tomorrow and start the new year off on the right foot!" 😊
  10. "I had an amazing New Year's holiday, but I'm even more excited to get back to work and tackle all of my projects and goals for the new year."😄
  11. "I can't wait to see all of my coworkers and get back into my work routine. The new year is going to be fantastic!"😄

↑関連動画:新年のフレーズ集 50


休み明けに”仕事に戻る”を表すには、「back to work」「back at work」というフレーズを使うのが一般的です。また、「resume」という動詞も使えます。




仕事に戻るのが楽しみなら、"I can't wait to see what the new year brings" (新しい年がどんな年になるのか、待ち遠しいです)や "I'm excited to dive back into my projects" (自分のプロジェクトにまた没頭できるのが楽しみだ)などのフレーズを使うとよいでしょう。


休暇が終わってしまうことに寂しさを感じているのであれば、"I had such a great time on my break, I'm going to miss it" (休みにとても素晴らしい時間を過ごした。寂しくなるな。)や "I'll always have the memories of my holiday to look back on." (これからいつでも振り返ることができる休日の思い出が作れたな。)などの表現があります。


仕事に戻ることにためらいがある場合は、"I guess it's time to get back to reality" (そろそろ現実に戻る時かな。)や "I'm not quite ready to leave my vacation behind, but I know I have to go back to work." (休暇に名残はあるけれど、仕事に戻らなくてはならないことは分かっている。)と言ってみてはどうでしょう。



仕事に戻るときにはさまざまな感情があるのが普通ですね。しかし、仕事のポジティブな面や、新しい年がもたらす新しいチャンスに目を向けたいものです。ご紹介したフレーズが、あなたの状況を英語で表現するのにお役に立てれば幸いです。それでは、良い職場復帰の日をお過ごしください。 Have a great first day back at work!


↑関連動画:新年のフレーズ集 20


Welcome back to work!

If you're an English learner, you may wonder how to talk about your recent vacation or time off in English. Here are a few phrases you can use to describe your situation: "I just finished my New Year's holidays and will be returning to work tomorrow." "Today is the last day of my vacation. I will be back at work starting tomorrow." "My time off ends today, and I will resume my normal work schedule tomorrow." "I have had a great holiday, but it's time to get back to the grind. I'll be back at work starting tomorrow."

Using common phrases to describe returning to work

It's common to use the phrase "back to work" or "back at work" to describe returning to your job after a break. You can also use the verb "resume" to talk about starting work again after a break.

Mixed emotions about returning to work

Going back to work after a break can be a mixture of emotions. You may feel excited to see your coworkers and get back into your routine, but you may also feel a bit sad that your vacation is over. Here are a few points to consider when talking about your feelings as you return to work:


If you're looking forward to getting back to work, you might use phrases like "I can't wait to see what the new year brings" or "I'm excited to dive back into my projects."


If you're feeling a bit wistful about your vacation coming to an end, you might say something like, "I had such a great time on my break, I'm going to miss it," or "I'll always have the memories of my holiday to look back on."


If you're feeling a bit hesitant or unsure about returning to work, you might say, "I guess it's time to get back to reality," or "I'm not quite ready to leave my vacation behind, but I know I have to go back to work."

Remembering the positive aspects of work

No matter how you're feeling, it's important to remember that it's normal to have a range of emotions as you return to work. Just focus on the positive aspects of your job and the new opportunities the new year brings. I hope these phrases help you describe your situation in English. Have a great first day back at work!

