








  1. "Today is my first day back at work after the New Year's holiday." 😒

  2. "I am refreshed and ready to return to work after the holiday." 😃

  3. "I had a great holiday, but now I'm returning to work." 😔

  4. "I am resuming work today after taking New Year's off." 😐

  5. "I'm back at work today after taking time off for the New Year's holiday." 😐

  6. "I'm starting work again today after taking a few days off for a holiday." 😐

  7. "I had a great New Year's holiday, but it's time to get back to work. I'll return to the office today and look forward to seeing everyone." 😊

  8. "I'm resuming my normal work schedule today after taking a few days off for a holiday. My vacation ended yesterday, and I'm excited to get back to work." 😃

  9. "I'm back at work today after taking a few days off for the New Year. My holiday ended yesterday, and I'm ready to return to my normal routine." 😐

  10. "I'm returning to work today after enjoying a few days off for the New Year. My holiday ended yesterday, and I'm ready to tackle new projects and challenges in the new year." 😃





1. 感情を表現する


  • "I'm feeling a little anxious about returning to work after the holiday break."
  • "I'm excited to be back at work and see my coworkers."

2. ポジティブな言葉を使う

仕事始めで気が進まない場合でも、仕事のポジティブな面に焦点を当てるようにしましょう。" I'm excited to get back to work and see my colleagues" ("職場に戻って同僚に会えるのが楽しみです。")や "I'm looking forward to tackling new projects and challenges" (新しいプロジェクトやチャレンジに取り組むのが楽しみです。)の表現があります。

  • "I'm looking forward to returning to work and starting the new year on the right foot."
  • "I'm excited to see what new opportunities and projects come my way this year."

3. 自分のために時間を使う


  • "I'm going to take a few minutes to myself during my lunch break to recharge and get ready for the rest of the day."
  • "I'm planning to walk after work to clear my head and unwind."

4. チームとコミュニケーションをとる


  • "I'm going to meet with my boss this morning to discuss my priorities for the week."
  • "I'm going to touch base with my team to see if I can do anything to help with our current projects."
    *Touch base は「連絡を取る」を意味します。

5. 気長に待つ



  • "I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself to get everything done right away. I'll just focus on getting back into my normal routine."
  • "I know it might take a few days to get back into the swing of things, so I'm going to be patient with myself and take things one step at a time."
    物事の流れに戻るには数日かかるかもしれないので、自分に忍耐強く、一歩ずつ進んでいこうと思います。 swing of things は「いつもの調子」「決まったやり方」 を指します。




  • "Today is my first day back at work after the New Year's holiday" 「今日は正月休み明けの仕事初日です」
  • "I am refreshed and ready to return to work after the holiday,"「休み明けでリフレッシュして仕事始めをする準備ができました」


↑関連動画:Happy New Yearを英語で書いてみる


Acknowledge Your Emotions

It's natural to feel a range of emotions when returning to work after a holiday break. You might feel excited, anxious, or even a little sad. It's important to acknowledge and validate your emotions rather than trying to ignore them or push them aside.

Example sentences: "I'm feeling a little anxious about returning to work after the holiday break." "I'm excited to be back at work and see my coworkers."

Use Positive Language

Even if you're hesitant about returning to work, try to focus on the positive aspects of your job. You might say, "I'm excited to get back to work and see my colleagues," or "I'm looking forward to tackling new projects and challenges."

Example sentences: "I'm really looking forward to getting back to work and starting the new year off on the right foot." "I'm excited to see what new opportunities and projects come my way this year."

Take Time for Yourself

Try to do it a little slowly. Take breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge, and make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Example sentences: "I'm going to take a few minutes to myself during my lunch break to recharge and get ready for the rest of the day." "I'm planning to walk after work to clear my head and unwind."

Communicate with Your Team

Talk to your boss or coworkers about your workload and priorities, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Having support and encouragement can make the transition back to work easier.

Example sentences: "I'm going to meet with my boss this morning to discuss my priorities for the week." "I'm going to touch base with my team to see if I can do anything to help with our current projects."

Be Patient with Yourself

Transitioning back to work after a holiday break can take time. Be patient with yourself, and don't expect to be back to your normal routine immediately.

"I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself to get everything done right away. I'll just focus on getting back into my normal routine." example sentences: "I know it might take a few days to get back into the swing of things, so I'm going to be patient with myself and take things one step at a time."

Considering these points and using these example sentences, you can effectively describe your feelings as you return to work on the first day after the New Year's holidays. With some self-care and communication, you can make the transition back to work more manageable and enjoyable. It's important to remember that it's normal to feel a range of emotions as you return to work, and it's okay to take some time to adjust. With patience and self-care, you can get back into your normal routine and be ready to tackle the new year's challenges.

In conclusion, returning to work after a holiday break can be a challenging transition. However, by using phrases like "Today is my first day back at work after the New Year's holiday" and "I am refreshed and ready to return to work after the holiday," you can effectively express your feelings about returning to work. It's also helpful to remember that it's normal to feel a range of emotions as you adjust to being back at work and taking care of yourself during this time. Following these tips and using the provided example sentences can make the transition back to work smoother and more enjoyable.



↑関連動画:【2024】Year of the Dragon: 45 English phrases 
