

【正月気分が抜けない】は英語でどう表現する?【正月気分はholiday mood!】




同じ想いをしている人も多いはずです(You're not alone! )。


(振り払うは shake off the holiday mood、規則正しい生活に戻るは get back into the swing of thingsといいます。)

正月気分が抜けないは” I'm still in a holiday mood”で通じますが、その他にも表現方法があります。






"unmotivated" 「やる気なし」
"indulgent" 「甘やかす」
"sluggish" 「怠ける、だるい」

  • "I'm feeling really relaxed after the holidays."🤗
  • "I'm still in a bit of a lazy mood."😴
  •  "I'm having a hard time getting motivated after the holidays."😣
  •  "I've been indulging in many holiday treats, so I'm feeling a little sluggish."😴


日常生活に戻ることを"difficult" (難しい)、"tough"  (大変)、"struggling"(苦労している)、で表現できます。

  • "I'm finding it difficult to get back into my normal routine." 😩
  • "I'm struggling to shake off the holiday feeling." 😣
  • "I'm having a tough time getting back into work mode."  😤


  • "I am still in holiday mode" 🏖
  • "I can't shake off the holiday feeling"😣
  • "I'm still in holiday mode and don't want to leave it behind."😩


  • "Although I'm enjoying my holiday mood 😓, I know I need to get back to work soon .😤"


  • "I'm having a great time relaxing😴, but I know I can't stay in this holiday mindset forever.😤"

正月休みの後に少し調子が悪い(out of sorts)と感じるのは普通のこです。気楽に構えて、慣れるまで少し時間をかけましょう。



休み明けに普段の生活に戻るのは大変ですよね。そこで、「正月気分が抜けない」を表現する方法をご紹介しました。自分の気持ちを英語の形容詞・副詞で表現するためのヒントもありました。まだ「正月気分が抜けない」と感じている間に今回ご紹介したコツを使って、普段の生活に戻りたい気持ちを英語で表現してみてはいかがでしょうか。少し考え方を変えて、普段のスケジュールに戻れるようにししょう!(you'll be back to your normal schedule in no time🤗


Welcome to the new year!

It's always a special time, full of new possibilities and the chance to set goals for the year ahead. But it can also be a bit of a struggle to get back into the swing of things after the holiday break. You're not alone if you're still feeling that holiday mood and finding it hard to get back into your normal routine. Here are a few tips for expressing this situation and your feelings about it in English:

Use adjectives to describe your mood:

You might say that you're feeling "relaxed," "lazy," "unmotivated," or "indulgent" after the holidays. "I'm feeling really relaxed after the holidays." "I'm still in a bit of a lazy mood." "I'm having a hard time getting motivated after the holidays." "I've been indulging in many holiday treats, so I feel sluggish."

Use adverbs to describe your actions:

You might say that you're finding it "difficult" or "tough" to get back into your routine or that you're "struggling" to get back into the swing of things. "I'm finding it difficult to get back into my normal routine." "I'm struggling to shake off the holiday feeling." "I'm having a tough time getting back into work mode."

Use phrases to express your feelings:

You might say that you're "still in holiday mode" or that you "can't shake off the holiday feeling." "I'm still in holiday mode and don't want to leave it behind." "I can't shake off the holiday feeling and get back to reality."

Use transitions to connect your thoughts:

You might say something like, "Although I'm enjoying my holiday mood, I know I need to get back to work soon," to show that you're aware of the need to get back to your normal routine, but you're still enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the holidays. "Although I'm enjoying my holiday mood, I know I need to get back to work soon." "I'm having a great time relaxing, but I know I can't stay in this holiday mindset forever." Remember, feeling a little bit out of sorts is normal after the holidays. Just take it easy and give yourself some time to adjust. And don't forget to enjoy the special moments of the holiday season while they last!


↑関連動画:Happy New Yearを英語で書いてみる