

【2023年2月23日は天皇誕生日】英語でいうと?【今年4番目の祝日:Emperor's Birthday】


天皇誕生日”は英語でEmperor's Birthdayと言います。

"2月23日は天皇誕生日です"は英語で” February 23rd is the Emperor's birthday”と言います。


明治天皇誕生日:11月3日    文化の日(Culture Day)
昭和天皇誕生日:4月29日    昭和の日(Shōwa Day)



  • "Tomorrow is the Emperor's birthday, so it's a national holiday in Japan. 😊"


今年4番目の祝日: The Emperor's Birthday is the fourth holiday of the year in Japan.


Every year, the people of Japan celebrate the birthday of the reigning emperor. This year, the birthday of Emperor Naruhito, the 126th Emperor of Japan, will be celebrated on February 23rd as one of the 16 Japanese national holidays.

天皇誕生日 日本の国民の祝日:Emperor's Birthday: A National Holiday in Japan

The current designations of the emperor's birthdays as national holidays were legislated in 1948, but the tradition of celebrating the emperor dates back to ancient times. The birthday of Emperor Naruhito was made a holiday in 2020 and will be celebrated every year on February 23rd.

歴代天皇の誕生日を祝う:Celebrating the Birthday of Former Emperors

Today, only the birthdays of the Meiji Emperor and the Showa Emperor are celebrated as national holidays. Bunka-no-hi (Culture Day) is observed on November 3rd to celebrate the Meiji Emperor's birthday, while Showa Day is observed on April 29th to celebrate the Showa Emperor's birthday.

天皇陛下と皇居の内庭を拝見できる貴重な機会:A Rare Opportunity to See the Emperor and Inner Garden of the Imperial Palace


To celebrate the birthday of the reigning emperor, the public is invited to see the emperor and the inner garden of the Imperial Palace. Around 30,000 people gather to greet the Emperor, Empress, and other members of the Imperial Family as they take their place on a balcony to receive congratulations. This is one of only two annual chances for citizens to enter the inner garden, the other being January 2nd.

天皇徳仁誕生日のご出席:Emperor Naruhito's Birthday Appearance


This year will be Emperor Naruhito's first birthday public appearance since the event was canceled for the past three years due to the pandemic. The Imperial Household Agency is still taking precautions and is limiting the number of attendees with a lottery system. Of 61,031 applications, only 4,826 were chosen to attend the emperor's birthday appearance.

昭和天皇の誕生日は今も祝われている:Showa Emperor's Birthday Still Celebrated


April 29th was originally celebrated as the birthday of Emperor Hirohito, the Showa Emperor. After he died in 1989, Japan's parliament kept his birthday a national holiday. His birthday, along with Constitution Memorial Day (May 3), Greenery Day (May 4), and Children's Day (May 5), form the string of holidays known as Golden Week.


Happy expressions:

  • "I'm looking forward to the Emperor's birthday because I get a day off work! 😃""天皇誕生日は仕事が休めるから楽しみだ!"
  • "The Emperor's birthday is always a nice break in the middle of winter. 😊""真冬の天皇誕生日は、いつもいい息抜きになるね。"

Excited expressions:

  • "I can't wait for the Emperor's birthday! I'm planning to go see the parade at the Imperial Palace. 🎉""天皇誕生日が待ち遠しい! 皇居でのパレードを見に行く予定です。"
  • "I'm so excited about the Emperor's birthday because I get to go to Tokyo and celebrate with my friends! 🤩""天皇誕生日が待ち遠しい!東京に行って友達とお祝いできるんだから!"

Neutral expressions:

  • "Tomorrow is the Emperor's birthday, so it's a national holiday in Japan. 😐""明日は天皇誕生日で、日本は祝日です"
  • "I don't have any special plans for the Emperor's birthday, just taking the day off work. 🤷‍♂️""天皇誕生日に特別な予定はない。ただ仕事を休むだけだ。"

Confused expressions:

  • "Wait, the Emperor's birthday is a national holiday? I didn't know that. 🤔""え、天皇誕生日って国民の祝日なの?知らなかったわ"
  • "I'm not really sure why we celebrate the Emperor's birthday, to be honest. 🤨""正直なところ、なぜ天皇誕生日を祝うのかよくわからないんだ"

Other expressions:

  1. "The Emperor's birthday is always a good time to reflect on Japan's history and culture. 🤔""天皇誕生日は、いつも日本の歴史や文化を振り返る良い機会だ"
  2. "I think it's important to recognize the Emperor's birthday as a national holiday, even if we don't all celebrate it the same way.""全員が同じように祝わなくても、天皇誕生日国民の祝日として認識することは大切だと思う"
  3. "I wish I could go see the Emperor's birthday celebration in person, but I'll just have to watch it on TV. 😕""天皇誕生日のお祝いを直接見に行けたらいいのですが、テレビで見るしかないですね"



The Emperor's Birthday is a significant national holiday in Japan, celebrated on February 23rd every year. The tradition of celebrating the Emperor's birthday dates back to ancient times, and the current designation of the holiday as a national holiday was legislated in 1948. The public is invited to see the Emperor and the inner garden of the Imperial Palace, which is a rare opportunity for citizens. Additionally, we learned about other national holidays associated with the birthdays of former Emperors and how they form the string of holidays known as Golden Week. English learners can use this article to learn more about the history and significance of the Emperor's Birthday in Japan and improve their English conversation skills.