








年末のご挨拶」や「あけましておめでとうございます」といった件名であれば、相手はすぐにメールの内容を理解することができます。また、"Season's Greetings" や "Holiday wishes" などのフレーズを使うと、年末年始のテーマが伝わりやすいでしょう。

  1. "Reflecting on the past year" (この1年を振り返って) 

  2. "Counting our blessings"" (恵まれていることに感謝します)

  3. "Looking back, moving forward"(過去を振り返って、前に進む)


  4. "A year of (adventure/growth/etc.)" (冒険と成長の一年)


  5. "Cheers to the new year"(新年に乾杯)


メールの本文には、"Looking back on the past year"「この一年を振り返って」や "Looking forward to the coming year" 「来年を楽しみにしています」など、メッセージのトーンを決めるフレーズを入れます。また、自分の一年の様子を紹介しましょう。

  1. "Wishing you a happy and healthy new year."

  2. "Thank you for your friendship and support this year."

  3. "Reflecting on the past year and all that we've achieved."

  4. "Looking forward to new adventures and opportunities in the coming year" -新しい年とそれがもたらす可能性に対する期待の気持ちを伝えています。

  5. "Sending you warm holiday wishes and hoping for a happy new year."



  1. "I've been really busy with work this year, but I'm grateful to have a job that I love."

  2. "My family and I have been healthy and enjoying spending time together."
    "家族と一緒に健康で楽しく過ごしている" -

  3. "I've made some great new friends this year and have really enjoyed getting to know them."

  4. "I've had some challenges this year, but I've learned a lot and grown as a result.

  5. "I've traveled to a few new places this year and have loved exploring and learning about different cultures.

↑関連動画:【2024】Year of the Dragon: 45 English phrases 


"Happy New Year "や "Merry Christmas "など、年末年始の挨拶や労いの言葉をメールに盛り込みましょう。また、来年のお祝いと相手の将来への期待も伝えましょう。


  1. "Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  2. "Sending you warm holiday greetings and hoping for a joyous new year."

  3. "Wishing you a festive holiday season and a successful new year."

  4. "Sending you holiday cheer and congratulations on the new year."

  5. "Wishing you a peaceful holiday season and a happy and healthy new year.


メールのトーンや相手との関係性に合わせて、適切な結び方を選びましょう。”Best regards," "Sincerely," "Take care," "See you soon "などの選択肢があります。これらのヒントを参考に、この一年を振り返り、新しい一年を楽しみにするような、思いやりのある効果的な年末のメールを友達に作ってみてください。 




Subject: Happy Holidays!

Hey [Friend],

I wanted to wish you a happy holiday season. I hope you can spend quality time with family and friends during this special time of year.

Thanks for being such a great friend. Here's to a happy and healthy new year!

Take care,
[Your Name]


  • 件名の "Happy Holidays!"から、このメールのテーマである休日がすぐに伝わってきます。
  • 最初の段落では、休日の挨拶と、家族と過ごすことができるようにという願いが込められています。
  • 第2段落では、相手の友情に感謝する気持ちを表現しています。
  • 最後に "Take care "で、親しみやすくカジュアルに締めくくります。

Subject: Happy New Year!

Hi [Friend],

As another year comes to a close, I can't believe how quickly time has passed. I hope this email finds you well. It's been a busy year, but I'm grateful for all the experiences and memories. Looking back, some highlights for me were [list some highlights].

As we move into the new year, I'm excited to see what the future holds. I'm looking forward to setting new goals and making progress in my personal and professional life. What about you? What are you hoping for in the coming year?

Thank you for your support and friendship over the past year. It's meant so much to me, and I'm grateful to have you in my life. Here's to a fresh start in the new year and making even more great memories together.

Best regards,
[Your Name]


  • 件名の "Happy New Year!"から、相手に新年の喜びを伝えるという、このメールのテーマと目的がすぐに伝わってきます。
  • 第1パラグラフでは、"Looking back on the past year "というフレーズを使って、この1年を振り返り、書き手の1年間の様子を紹介しています。
    第2パラグラフでは、"Looking forward to the coming year "というフレーズを使って、未来への興奮と希望を表現し、相手の来年の予定を聞いています。
  • 3段落目には、これまでお世話になったことへの感謝の気持ちと、新たな年での心機一転、さらなる素敵な思い出を願う気持ちが込められています。
  • 最後に "Best regards "で締めくくれば、丁寧でフォーマルなメールになります。

Subject: Year-end greetings

Hello [Friend],

I can't believe another year has already come and gone. It feels like just yesterday, we were celebrating the start of 2022. As I look back on the past year, I'm grateful for my many blessings.

One highlight for me was [describe a memorable experience or accomplishment from the past year]. It was such a special moment, and I'm so grateful to have shared it with you.

As we move into the new year, I'm excited to see what the future holds. I'm looking forward to setting new goals and making progress in my personal and professional life. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy and successful new year.

Best regards,
[Your Name]


  • 件名の "Year-end greetings "は、このメールのテーマと目的である、この一年を振り返り、相手の新年の幸福を祈るということを明確に伝えています。
  • 最初の段落では、"look back on the past year "というフレーズを使って、この1年を振り返り、印象に残った経験や達成感を盛り込んでいます。
  • 第2段落では、"looking forward to the coming year "というフレーズを使って、未来への興奮と希望を表現し、相手のホリデーシーズンの幸せと新しい年の成功を祈ります。
  • 最後に "Best regards "で締めくくれば、丁寧でフォーマルなメールになります。

↑関連動画:Happy New Yearを英語で書いてみる


Choose an appropriate subject line

A subject line like "Year-end greetings" or "Happy New Year" will help your friend understand the content of your email right away. You can also use phrases like "Season's Greetings" or "Holiday wishes" to convey the holiday theme.

Write a year-end and New Year-themed message

In the body of your email, you can include phrases like "Looking back on the past year" or "Looking forward to the coming year" to set the tone for your message. You can also share highlights from your year and ask about your friend's experiences.


  1. "Wishing you a happy and healthy new year" - This phrase conveys a message of well-wishes and good health for the coming year.
  2. "Thanking you for your friendship and support this year" - This phrase expresses gratitude for your friend's friendship and support over the past year.
  3. "Reflecting on the past year and all that we've achieved" - This phrase indicates that you will be thinking about the events and accomplishments of the past year and sharing them with your friend.
  4. "Looking forward to new adventures and opportunities in the coming year" - This phrase conveys a sense of excitement and anticipation for the new year and the possibilities it may bring.
  5. "Sending you warm holiday wishes and hoping for a happy new year" - This phrase conveys holiday cheer and well-wishes for the new year and is a good choice for a festive and celebratory message.

Give a brief update on your year

It can be helpful to provide a brief update on how things have been going for you, your family, friends, and work. This can give your friend a sense of what you've been up to and help you stay connected.

Include holiday greetings and congratulations for the coming year

Include holiday greetings and well wishes in your email, such as "Happy New Year" or "Merry Christmas." You can also congratulate your friend on the coming year and express your hopes for their future.

End your email with a friendly closing

Choose a closing that is appropriate for the tone of your email and your relationship with your friend. Some options might include "Best regards," "Sincerely," "Take care," or "See you soon." By following these tips, you can craft a thoughtful and effective year-end email to your friends that will help you reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one. 

Choose an appropriate subject line

A subject line like "Year-end greetings" or "Happy New Year" will help your friend understand the content of your email right away. You can also use phrases like "Season's Greetings" or "Holiday wishes" to convey the holiday theme.

Write a year-end and New Year-themed message

In the body of your email, you can include phrases like "Looking back on the past year" or "Looking forward to the coming year" to set the tone for your message. You can also share highlights from your year and ask about your friend's experiences.

Give a brief update on your year

It can be helpful to provide a brief update on how things have been going for you, your family, friends, and work. This can give your friend a sense of what you've been up to and help you stay connected.

Include holiday greetings and congratulations for the coming year

Include holiday greetings and well wishes in your email, such as "Happy New Year" or "Merry Christmas." You can also congratulate your friend on the coming year and express your hopes for their future.

End your email with a friendly closing

Choose a closing that is appropriate for the tone of your email and your relationship with your friend. Some options might include "Best regards," "Sincerely," "Take care," or "See you soon." By following these tips, you can craft a thoughtful and effective year-end email to your friends that will help you reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one.
