


仕事や生活の場で様々な証明書を扱うことがあります。証明書は英語ではどう言うでしょうか。英語では、 Certificate、Attestation、Authentication、Declarationと言うことができます。複数あるのでどのように違うのか悩みますよね。しかし、違いを知ることは、正確な記録を残し、使用されている情報を信頼するためにとても重要なことなのです。






  1. I received my certificate of completion for my cooking class today! 😁
    本日、料理教室の修了証書を受け取りました 😁
  2. Can you show me your birth certificate to prove your identity? 😕
  3. The certificate of achievement showcases my hard work and dedication. 😊


  1. To make it official, I had to have my signature attested by a notary public. 😒
  2. The attestation confirms that the information in the document is accurate. 💼
  3. I feel relieved knowing that my will has been attested. 😌


  1. I had to use my password for authentication before accessing my online bank account. 🔐
  2. Fingerprint authentication is a quick and secure way to verify your identity. 💻
  3. I had to authenticate my identity with my signature to complete the transaction. 💳


  1. I made a declaration of intention to pursue my dream career. 💪
  2. The declaration of facts provided official documentation of the incident. 📝
  3. I made a declaration of rights to assert my beliefs. 🗣️


Certificate, Attestation, Authentication, Declarationの違いを理解するストーリーを紹介します。

  1. A young man named Tom wanted to study abroad in the United States. He needed to gather all the necessary documents to apply for a student visa, including his high school diploma and passport.

  2. He went to his high school to get a certificate of completion. The certificate showed that he had graduated from high school and was issued by the school. Tom felt proud 🤗 of his achievement and knew the certificate would be a crucial part of his application.

  3. Next, he had to get a notary public to attest to the accuracy of his high school diploma. The notary confirmed that the diploma was genuine and signed it as a witness. Tom felt relieved 😅 knowing that the attestation process would help ensure that his application was not rejected due to any doubts about the authenticity of his documents.

  4. 次に、公証人に卒業証書が正確であることを証明してもらわなければならない。公証人は、卒業証書が本物であることを確認し、証人としてサインをした。トムは安心した😅 この認証手続きによって、書類の真偽を疑われ、申請が却下されることがないのだから。

  5. To get his passport, Tom had to go to the government office. The officer there asked for his ID and verified his identity through authentication. The authentication process involved checking Tom's fingerprints and signature to ensure he was who he claimed to be. Tom felt secure 💪 knowing that the authentication process was in place to protect against identity theft and fraud.
    パスポートを手に入れるために、トムは役所に行かなければならない。役所では、身分証明書の提示を求められ、認証手続きによって身元を確認した。認証では、トムの指紋と署名を確認し、彼が本人であることを確認した。トムは安心した💪 身分詐称や詐欺から守るために認証プロセスがあることを知ったからだ。

  6. Finally, Tom had to make a declaration of his intention to study abroad in the United States. He had to state his plans and goals for studying overseas and any other relevant information. Tom felt confident 💁‍♂️ knowing that his declaration would provide more information about his situation and help the visa application process move along smoothly.

  7. With all the necessary documents, Tom was ready to apply for his student visa. He felt grateful 🙏 that he had taken the time to understand the differences between certificates, attestations, authentications, and declarations and knew that his application was in good hands.
    必要な書類がすべて揃い、トムは学生ビザを申請する準備が整った。彼は、証明書、. Attestation、Authentication、Declarationの違いを理解するために時間をかけてきたことに感謝し、自分の申請がうまくいくことを知りました。


成績証明書、ステータス証明書:Certificate of Achievement or Status


A certificate is an official document that verifies an individual's achievement, status, or certification. Examples of certificates include certificates of completion, birth certificates, and certificates of achievement issued by authorized organizations like schools or governments. These certificates officially recognize an individual's accomplishments and can be used as proof of course completion, birth, or identity.

ステートメントの真偽を検証する:Verifying the Truth of a Statement - Attestation

Attestation verifies the truth of a statement, document, or fact. An official like a notary public performs this process to ensure that the information in a document is accurate and genuine. Attestation is crucial for confirming the validity of signatures on important documents such as contracts, deeds, or wills.

本人確認と文書の認証:Identity Verification and Document Authentication


Authentication is verifying a person's identity or the authenticity of a document or item. This process can be performed through a password, fingerprint, or signature and is crucial to prevent fraud and ensure that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information.

正式な声明文の作成 - 宣言:Making a Formal Statement - Declaration

A declaration is a formal statement by an individual or organization. Declarations can include declarations of intention, facts, or rights and are used to publicly state one's intentions, beliefs, or goals and to provide official documentation of certain facts or information.



Differentiating certificates, attestations, authentications, and declarations are essential for effective record keeping and ensuring the information presented is trustworthy. Whether it's a certificate of completion, a confirmed signature, or a declaration of intention, these processes play a crucial role in verifying the validity and authenticity of important information. Understanding these terms and processes ensures that your records are accurate, secure, and easily accessible when needed.