

【英単語】 in vitroとはどういう意味?【語源から覚えるインビトロ】

「in vitro」という言葉を目にしたけれど、その意味がよくわからないという方は多いと思います。

”in vitro "という用語は、科学や医学の分野で使われる単語です。



この記事では「in vitro」の基本的な意味について、その使用例も含めて解説します。

"in vitro"とは?

まず、"in vitro "の定義から説明します。


"in vitro "という言葉は、ラテン語で "ガラスの中 "という意味です。細胞培養の研究、薬物の試験、遺伝物質の分析などで使われるガラス容器のイメージです。生体外で行われる実験や処置も意味し、一般的には実験室で行われます。これに対し、「in vivo」実験は、ヒトや動物などの生体内で行われます。


科学・医学の分野での"in vitro"の使用例

さて、「in vitro」の基本的な意味を理解したところで、科学や医学のさまざまな分野における「in vitro」の具体的な使い方を紹介します。遺伝学(genetics)では、遺伝子の突然変異や病気を研究するために"in vitro"法(試験)が用いられます。薬理学(pharmacology)では、新薬の有効性と安全性を検証するために"in vitro"実験が行われます。発生生物学(developmental biology)では、体外で精子卵子を受精させる「体外」受精が生殖補助医療として行われています。これらの具体例に加え、「in vivo」など関連する用語や概念も理解しておくと、科学文献をより効率的に読むことができます。


  • As a geneticist, I spend my days conducting "in vitro" experiments to study the genetic mutations that cause diseases. It's challenging but rewarding to know that my research could lead to new patient treatments.
    遺伝学者として、病気の原因となる遺伝子変異を研究するために "in vitro" 「試験管内」実験を行う日々。自分の研究が患者さんのための新しい治療法につながるというのは、やりがいを感じますが、やりがいもあります。

  • As a pharmacologist, I spend my days testing new drugs with "in vitro" assays. It's challenging but satisfying to know that my work will help ensure the safety and efficacy of new medications for patients.
    薬理学者として、新薬の "in vitro" 「試験管内」試験を行う日々。自分の研究が、患者さんへの新薬の安全性と有効性の確保につながるというのは、やりがいを感じますが、満足感もあります。

  • As a fertility doctor, I spend my days assisting couples with "in vitro" fertilization, it's heartwarming to see the joy and gratitude on the faces of the couples when they finally have a child, but it's also challenging to help couples who are struggling with infertility.


  1. The in vitro fertilization procedure was successful, and we now have a beautiful baby 😃
  2. The in vitro cultivation of the plant species helped us better understand its growth patterns 🌱
  3. The in vitro study showed promising results for a new cancer treatment 😊
  4. The in vitro experiment revealed that the new drug has no harmful side effects 😌試験管内実験により、その新薬には有害な副作用がないことが明らかになった。
  5. The in vitro test proved that the new bacteria are capable of breaking down plastic waste effectively 💪
  6. The in vitro fertilization attempt failed, leaving us feeling devastated 😔
  7. The in vitro study showed that the new drug has severe side effects 😞
  8. The in vitro experiment revealed that the new plant species is highly invasive and could cause significant damage to the ecosystem 😟
  9. The in vitro cultivation of the bacteria led to an outbreak in the lab, causing a serious health concern 😱
  10. The in vitro test proved that the new pesticide is toxic to beneficial insects and may have harmful effects on the environment 😫


In vivo: (イン・ビボ) 「生体内」の意味。
Cell culture: (細胞培養) 自然環境外で細胞を増殖させること。通常、実験用の皿やペトリ皿の中で行う。
Embryo culture: (胚胎培養) 体外受精治療の一環として、ラボで胚を成長・発育させること。
Genetic engineering: (遺伝子工学) 実験室内で生物の遺伝物質を操作し、特定の遺伝子を導入したり除去したりすること。
Artificial insemination: (人工授精)  精子を女性の生殖管に導入することで、通常、体外受精治療の一環としてラボで行われる。
Assay: (アッセイ) 検体の存在、量、または機能的な活性や反応を、定性的に評価、または定量的に測定する方法のこと。
Fertilization: (受精) 精子卵子 の遭遇に始まり,両配偶子の核の合体で完了する。受精の完了は新しい胚発生の出発点でもある。

日常生活で活用されている"in vitro"の研究・技術

先ほどは、"in vitro"の基本的な定義と、科学や医学の各分野での使用例について説明しました。ここでは、"in vitro"での研究・技術が日常生活でどのように活用されているのかを掘り下げてみます。"in vitro"の応用として最もよく知られているのは、医療の分野です。体外受精IVF)”In vitro fertilization”とは、実験室で体外で卵子精子を受精(fertilized)させる生殖補助(assisted reproduction)医療の方法です。この技術により、不妊(infertility)に悩む多くのカップルが子供を授かっています。"in vitro"技術は、新薬や治療法の開発にも利用されています。研究者は、新薬の安全性と有効性を、ヒトや動物で試験する前に、"in vitro"の細胞培養(cell cultures)で検証しています。これにより、管理された効率的な試験プロセスが可能となり、新しい治療法の安全性を確保するのに役立っています。"in vitro"研究のもうひとつの重要な応用分野は、遺伝学の分野です。CRISPR-Cas9などの遺伝子工学技術により、科学者は細胞や生物のDNAに正確な変更を加えることができ、"in vitro"で研究を進めています。科学者が遺伝病や障害を理解し、それを治療するための治療法を開発するのに役立ちます。さらに、"in vitro"研究は農業や食品産業の分野でも応用されており、植物の成長や害虫に対する抵抗力、あるいは食品の安全性や保存性が研究されています。

病院での会話例(in-vitro fertilization: 体外受精

  1. 👨‍⚕️ Doctor: Hi, welcome to our fertility clinic. My name is Dr. Smith.

  2. 🙋‍♀ Patient: Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Sarah.

  3. 👨‍⚕️ Doctor: So, Sarah, I understand you're interested in in-vitro fertilization. Can you tell me a bit more about your situation?

  4. 🙋‍♀ Patient: Sure, I've been trying to conceive for a few years now, but it hasn't happened naturally. I've heard that IVF might be a good option for me.

  5. 👨‍⚕️ Doctor: Yes, that's correct. IVF is a form of assisted reproductive technology that can help couples or individuals who have trouble getting pregnant naturally.

  6. 🙋‍♀ Patient: How does it work exactly?

  7. 👨‍⚕️ Doctor: Well, during the IVF process, we will retrieve eggs from your ovaries and fertilize them with sperm in a lab dish. Then, we will transfer the fertilized eggs, or embryos, back into your uterus.

  8. 🙋‍♀ Patient: Oh, so it's like a test tube baby!

  9. 👨‍⚕️ Doctor: Yes, that's a common way to describe it. And we will also give you medication to prepare your uterus for the transfer.

  10. 🙋‍♀ Patient: That sounds interesting. Can you walk me through the process in more detail?

  11. 👨‍⚕️ Doctor: Of course, we will start with a series of tests and exams to make sure you are a good candidate for IVF. Then we will move forward with egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. And we will monitor your progress throughout the whole process.

  12. 🙋‍♀ Patient: Thank you, doctor. I appreciate your explanations and the way you made them easy to understand.

  13. 👨‍⚕️ Doctor: My pleasure. I'm happy to help you understand the process better. Let's schedule an appointment for your first consultation.


この記事では、「in vitro」の意味を簡潔に説明しました。また、科学や医学の各分野での使用例や、理解を深めるのに役立つ関連用語も紹介しました。さらに学びたい方は、「in vitro」という用語が使われている科学論文や記事を読んだり、このテーマに関する講座や授業を受けることが次のステップとなります。また、科学・医学用語に特化した辞書や用語集を探すのもよいでしょう。「in vitro」という言葉を理解することで、科学文献をよりよく理解し、自分の健康や食品の選択に役立ちます。この記事がより深い理解を得る一助となれば幸いです。



In Vitro: Understanding the Scientific Term for English Language Learners.

Are you an English language learner who has come across the term "in vitro" in scientific or medical articles but is unsure of its meaning? If so, you're not alone. The term "in vitro" can be confusing and intimidating for those who are new to the field of science and medicine. However, we're here to help you understand this important scientific term and how it's used in different contexts.

What is "in vitro"?

First, let's start by defining "in vitro." The term "in vitro" is Latin for "in glass." It is used to describe experiments or procedures that are conducted outside of a living organism, typically in a laboratory setting. This can include studying cell cultures, testing drugs, or analyzing genetic material. In contrast, "in vivo" experiments are conducted within a living organism, such as a human or animal.

Specific uses of "in vitro" in different fields of science and medicine

Now that you have a basic understanding of what "in vitro" means, let's dive deeper into some of the specific uses of this term in different fields of science and medicine. In genetics, "in vitro" methods are used to study genetic mutations and diseases. In pharmacology, "in vitro" experiments are used to test the effectiveness and safety of new drugs. In developmental biology, "in vitro" fertilization is a method of assisted reproduction where an egg is fertilized by sperm outside of the body. In addition to these specific examples, it's important to understand related terms and concepts, such as "in vivo," to navigate scientific literature more effectively.

How "in vitro" research and techniques are used in everyday life

In the previous part of our blog, we discussed the basic definition of "in vitro" and some specific examples of its use in different fields of science and medicine. Now, let's delve deeper into how "in vitro" research and techniques are used in everyday life. One of the most well-known applications of "in vitro" is in the field of medicine. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a method of assisted reproduction where an egg is fertilized by sperm outside of the body in a laboratory setting. This technique has helped many couples struggling with infertility to conceive a child. "In vitro" techniques are also used to develop new drugs and treatments. Researchers use "in vitro" cell cultures to test the safety and effectiveness of new drugs before they are tested on human or animal subjects. This allows for a more controlled and efficient testing process and helps ensure new treatments' safety. Another important application of "in vitro" research is in the field of genetics. Genetic engineering techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 allow scientists to make precise changes in the DNA of cells and organisms, which can be studied in vitro. This helps scientists understand genetic diseases and disorders and develop therapies to treat them. In addition, "in vitro" research has also been applied in the field of agriculture and the food industry, where it allows studying plant growth and resistance to pests or food safety and preservation.

Next Steps

So far, we've discussed the meaning and usage of "in vitro" and provided examples of how it's used in different fields of science and medicine. In the final part of our blog, we will talk about the next steps you can take to continue learning about "in vitro" research and its applications. In conclusion, "in vitro" research and techniques have many practical applications in everyday life, such as in medicine, genetics, agriculture and the food industry. Understanding the term and its usage can help you better understand scientific literature and make informed decisions about your health, food choices and the environment around you.

Final thoughts

In this blog, we've aimed to provide a clear and concise explanation of the meaning and usage of the term "in vitro" for English language learners. We've also provided examples of its use in different fields of science and medicine and related terms and concepts that can help deepen understanding. We hope that by reading this blog, you feel more confident in understanding "in vitro" and its applications. If you're interested in continuing your learning on the topic, some next steps you can take include reading scientific articles or papers that use the term "in vitro" or taking a course or class on the subject. You can also seek out resources such as dictionaries or glossaries specializing in scientific or medical terminology. In summary, understanding the term "in vitro" can help you better understand scientific literature and make informed decisions about your health, food choices and the environment around you. We hope this blog has helped demystify the term for you and provide a deeper understanding of the subject.