

【学歴フィルター 】英語で言うと?【採用プロセスを理解する: Academic Background Filterの意義について】"Understanding Japan's Hiring Process: The Significance of the Academic Background Filter




さて、"学歴フィルター "を英語でどう説明するでしょうか?

学歴フィルターは英語で"Academic Background Filter "と言います。

英語学習者にとって、"Academic Background Filter "の概念を理解し、それを説明することは難しいことですよね。

このブログでは、”Academic Background Filter”の定義と、このトピックについて説明するための表現を学びます。日本語と英語を表記することで、英語学習に役立ちます。


このブログは、英語学習者のために「学歴フィルター」について理解を深めることを目的としています。このトピックについて学ぼうとする個人が、自分の考えや意見を効果的に英語で表現できるようにすることが目的です。特に、日本で就職活動をされている方にとっては、「Academic Background Filter」を英語で議論することは、採用の際に非常に重要なことです。

This blog post aims to better understand the "Academic Background Filter" for English learners. The purpose is to help individuals interested in learning about this topic effectively express their thoughts and opinions in English. This is particularly important for those looking for job opportunities in Japan, as discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English is crucial in the hiring process.

日本の採用プロセスにおける「学歴フィルター」に関する記事の概要:A summary of the article about the "Academic Background Filter" in Japan's hiring process

A recent article has shed light on the "Academic Background Filter" in Japan's hiring process, causing a buzz and sparking discussions among many individuals. The "Academic Background Filter" refers to a practice in which companies prioritize applicants from universities with high deviation scores during recruitment. This article has raised questions and sparked mixed reactions among many individuals, making it a hot topic in Japan's hiring process.

記事で提起された様々なコメントと疑問についての考察:Discussion of the mixed comments and questions raised by the article

この記事には様々な反応があり、"学歴フィルター "の活用を支持する声もあります。それに対して、削除すべきだという意見もある。学歴フィルターに賛成する人は、企業が最も優秀で能力のある応募者を見分けるのに役立つと主張します。一方、反対派は、不公正な採用プロセスを生み出し、あまり有名でない大学に通っていたかもしれない人の機会を制限すると考えています。

The article has received a range of responses, with some supporting the use of the "Academic Background Filter." In contrast, others believe it should be removed. Those who favor the filter argue that it helps companies identify the most talented and capable applicants. At the same time, those against it believe that it creates an unfair hiring process and limits opportunities for individuals who may have attended a less prestigious university.

"学歴フィルター "の理解:Understanding the "Academic Background Filter"

"学歴フィルター "の定義:Definition of the "Academic Background Filter"

"学歴フィルター "とは、採用選考の際に応募者の学歴をフィルターとして利用し、候補者を絞り込むことを指します。コロナ前の日本では、偏差値の高い大学群ごとに応募先を優先的に開設したり、会社説明会の応募者を時間差で選別したりするために、このフィルターがよく使われていた。

The "Academic Background Filter" refers to using an applicant's academic background as a filter to narrow down the pool of potential candidates during the hiring process. This filter was often used in Japan before the COVID-19 pandemic to prioritize opening application sites for each group of universities with the highest deviation scores and use time differences to screen applicants for company information sessions.

コロナ災害前の日本の採用活動での活用方法とプロセスの説明:Explanation of the process and how it was used in Japan's hiring process before the COVID-19 pandemic

コロナ前の採用説明会は、応募者を大学別にグループ分けし、複数回に分けて開催していました。そして、企業は偏差値の高い大学から優先的に応募サイトを開設し、時間差を利用して一次選考を兼ねた会社説明会に応募する人を絞り込んでいた。このようなやり方は、"学歴フィルター "と呼ばれていた。

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, recruitment information sessions were held in multiple rounds, with applicants divided into groups based on their university. Companies would then prioritize opening application sites for the universities with the highest deviation scores and use time differences to narrow down the applicants for company information sessions, which also served as the first round of selection. This practice was known as the "Academic Background Filter."

なぜ問題なのか、課題なのかの考察:Discussion of why it is an issue or a problem

The "Academic Background Filter" has caused controversy as it has been seen as discrimination against individuals from less prestigious universities or less affluent backgrounds. This filter can also limit the pool of potential candidates and prevent individuals with diverse experiences and skills from being considered for job opportunities. As a result, it has been criticized for perpetuating inequality in the hiring process and limiting diversity in the workplace.

「学歴フィルター」を英語で表現する:Expressing the "Academic Background Filter" in English

関連単語・表現:Related Words and Expressions

「学歴フィルター」を説明するとき、効果的にメッセージを伝えるためには、適切な語彙や表現を用いることが大切です。よく使われる関連ワードや表現としては、"採用説明会"、"一次選考"、"偏差値"、"優先順位"、"絞り込み "などがあります。
When discussing the "Academic Background Filter," it is important to use the right vocabulary and expressions to effectively convey your message. Some commonly used related words and expressions include "recruitment information session," "first-round selection," "deviation scores," "prioritize," and "narrow down."

例えば、 "recruitment information session" "採用説明会 "とは、企業が応募者に対して自社や求人の情報を提供するイベントのことです。"First-round selection"「一次選考」とは、応募者を絞り込む採用プロセスの初期段階を指します。 "Deviation scores" "偏差値 "とは、学力と希望する点数との差を測定すること。 "prioritize" 「優先順位をつける」とは、重要度や順番を他より優先させること、 "narrow down" 「絞り込む」とは、大きな選択肢のグループを小さくする、制限することを意味する言葉です。

For example, a "recruitment information session" refers to an event where a company provides information about their company and job opportunities to potential applicants. "First-round selection" refers to the initial stage of the hiring process, where applicants are narrowed down. "Deviation scores" measure the difference between academic performance and the desired score. The phrase "prioritize" means to put something ahead of others in importance or order, while "narrow down" means to reduce or limit a large group of options to a smaller one.


Recruitment information session:採用説明会
First-round selection:一次選考
Deviation scores:偏差値
Narrow down:絞り込み

文例:Sample Sentences

Here are some sample sentences using the related words and expressions:

  • The company held a recruitment session to provide information about the job opportunities and the company to potential applicants.
  • The first selection round was used to narrow down the pool of applicants before inviting them for an interview.
  • The deviation scores were used to prioritize opening application sites for the universities with the highest scores.
  • The company narrowed down the applicants for the company information sessions based on their deviation scores and time differences.
  • The academic background filter was used to prioritize the opening of application sites for each group of universities with the highest deviation scores.

会話のコツ:Conversation Tips

「学歴フィルター」の話題を会話やディスカッションで表現する場合、明確かつ簡潔に伝えることが重要です。まず、トピックを紹介し、" Academic Background Filter "を説明することから始めましょう。その後、自分の主張を裏付ける例や証拠を示し、相手から出された疑問や反論に対処します。自分の主張を説明し、議論をより魅力的なものにするために、具体的な例や逸話を用いることも効果的です。

When expressing the "Academic Background Filter" topic in conversation or discussion, it is important to be clear and concise. Start by introducing the topic and explaining the "Academic Background Filter." You can then provide examples and evidence to support your argument and address any questions or objections raised by the other person. Using specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points and make the discussion more engaging is also helpful.


When discussing a controversial topic like the "Academic Background Filter," it is important to be respectful and open-minded. Listen to the other person's perspective and try to understand their point of view. Avoid using confrontational or dismissive language; focus on finding common ground and having a productive discussion.

日本の採用活動のカギを握る "学歴フィルター": Key to Japan's Hiring Process with the "Academic Background Filter"

日本の就職活動で "学歴フィルター "を理解することが重要な理由:Why Understanding the "Academic Background Filter" Matters for Job Seekers in Japan

日本で就職活動をする場合、"学歴フィルター "を理解することが重要です。このフィルターは、日本企業が採用の際によく用いる方法です。学歴フィルター」を理解することで、より有利に就職活動を進めることができます。その理由をご紹介します。
If you're looking for a job in Japan, it's important to understand the "Academic Background Filter." This filter is a common practice used by Japanese companies during the hiring process. By understanding the "Academic Background Filter," you'll have a better chance of being considered for a job. Here are some reasons why:

  • 「学歴フィルター」を知ることで、採用活動の準備ができ、企業が求める人材を理解することができる。
    Knowing about the "Academic Background Filter" will help you prepare for the recruitment process and understand what companies are looking for in a candidate.
  • 「学歴フィルター」を知ることで、このプロセスを知らない他の求職者よりも有利になる可能性があります。
    Being informed about the "Academic Background Filter" can give you an advantage over other job seekers who may not know this process.
  • 「学歴フィルター」は採用プロセスにおいて一般的に行われているため、日本で仕事を探している人にとって知っておくことは必須です。
    Knowing about the "Academic Background Filter" is essential for anyone looking for a job in Japan, as it is a common practice during the hiring process.

「学歴フィルター」を英語で表現することの重要性:The Importance of Expressing the "Academic Background Filter" in English

「学歴フィルター」を英語で表現できるようになることは、いくつかの理由で重要です。まず、このトピックについて他の人とコミュニケーションをとるのに役立ちます。これには、クラスメート、友人、潜在的な雇用主が含まれる可能性があります。第二に、英語でこのトピックを表現することは、あなたが "Academic Background Filter "を理解していることを示すのに役立ちます。最後に、"Academic Background Filter "について英語で議論することは、日本の採用プロセスで一般的に使われている慣習であるため、重要です。
Being able to express the "Academic Background Filter" in English is important for several reasons. First, it will help you communicate with others about the topic. This could include classmates, friends, and potential employers. Second, expressing the topic in English will help you show that you understand the "Academic Background Filter." Finally, discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English is important because it is a commonly used practice in Japan's hiring process.

英語で「学歴フィルター」について話すメリット:Benefits of Discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English

Discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English is important for those interested in Japan's hiring process. Here's why:

  • 「学歴フィルター」について英語で議論することで、このトピックに対する理解や日本の採用プロセスに関する知識を示すことができます。
    Discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English will help you show your understanding of this topic and your knowledge of Japan's hiring process.
  • 英語で表現することで、「学歴フィルター」について英語で話せない他の求職者よりも優位に立つことができます。
    Expressing the topic in English can give you an advantage over other job seekers who may not be able to discuss the "Academic Background Filter" in English.
  • 採用時の常識である「学歴フィルター」について英語で議論できることは、日本の採用プロセスに興味がある人にとって必須です。
    The ability to discuss the "Academic Background Filter" in English is essential for anyone interested in the Japanese hiring process, as it is a common practice during recruitment.


要点のまとめ:Summary of Key Points


In this blog, we have discussed the "Academic Background Filter" in Japan's hiring process. We have discussed the significance of understanding the filter for those seeking employment in Japan and the advantages of expressing the topic in English. The blog has emphasized the importance of being informed and being able to communicate about the filter for job seekers in Japan.

表現の使い方と例文:Using the Expressions and Sample Sentences


We encourage our readers to use the expressions and sample sentences discussed in the blog. These expressions and sentences will help you communicate better and increase your chances of success in Japan's hiring process. By using these expressions and sentences, you will be able to express your thoughts on the "Academic Background Filter" more effectively and efficiently.

最後に:Final Thoughts

結論として、「学歴フィルター」は日本の採用プロセスにおいて重要な要素です。それを理解することは、日本での就職を希望する人、日本の採用プロセスに興味がある人にとって、大きなメリットになります。より良いコミュニケーションと採用プロセスの成功のために、学歴フィルターについて知り、その話題を英語で表現できるようになることが重要です。このブログが、"Academic Background Filter "に関する貴重な情報と洞察を提供できたなら幸いです。
In conclusion, the "Academic Background Filter" is an important aspect of Japan's hiring process. Understanding it can greatly benefit those seeking employment in Japan or those interested in the Japanese hiring process. It is important to be informed about the filter and to be able to express the topic in English for better communication and success in the hiring process. We hope this blog has provided valuable information and insights into the "Academic Background Filter."