

【動画で学ぶ英単語】掛け算を英語で言うと? Multiplicationの使い方【Mathematicsと Arithmeticの違い】








In mathematics, the concept of multiplication is one of the most basic and widely used operations. As an English learner, it's important to understand how to express this operation in English. In this blog, we'll explore the meaning of "multiply" and learn how to say "72 times 35" in English, along with related terms and phrases that will help you understand and use this operation in your everyday life.


算数は英語で mathematics と言います。"s"をつけて複数形で表現します。

  • 「mathematics」という言葉は、数、量、および図形を扱う科学の一分野を指す集合名詞です。「mathematic」とすると、数学に関連するものを表す形容詞を示し、科目全体とはなりません。
    The word "mathematics" is a collective noun that refers to the branch of science that deals with numbers, quantities, and shapes. The word "mathematic" is an adjective that describes something related to mathematics or its principles but not the subject as a whole.
  • アメリカ英語では math、イギリス英語では maths、と言います。
    The short form of mathematics is "math" in American English and "maths" in British English.

Mathematicsと Arithmeticの違い

数学"Mathematics "は、算数、代数、幾何学など、さまざまな分野を含む幅広い学問です。算数" Arithmetic"は数学の一部で、特に数字とその性質、および足し算、引き算、掛け算、割り算などの基本的な数学演算に重点を置いています。
Mathematics is a broad field of study that includes various branches such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and more. Arithmetic is a subset of mathematics that focuses specifically on studying numbers, their properties, and basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Arithmetics(複数)か Arithmetic(単数)のどちらを用いるか

Arithmeticsか Arithmeticは、数の性質や基本的な演算を扱う数学の一分野を指す場合に使用する用語として、どちらも正しく、許容されるものです。しかし、現代英語では「arithmetic」の方がより一般的に使われています。アメリカ英語では「arithmetic」が好まれ、イギリス英語では「arithmetic」と「arithmetics」の両方が互換的に使用されます。
Both "arithmetic" and "arithmetics" are correct and acceptable terms to use when referring to the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of numbers, their properties, and basic operations. However, "arithmetic" is more commonly used in modern English. In American English, "arithmetic" is the preferred term, while in British English, both "arithmetic" and "arithmetics" are used interchangeably.

Youtube動画「人間電卓」から学ぶ:Learning from a Human Calculator

英語での掛け算をマスターするために、"ZHC's Girlfriend Is A Human Calculator!"という素晴らしいYouTube動画を紹介します。この動画では、ZHCのガールフレンドのミシェルが電卓を使わずに素早く数学の計算をしています。「92×15」や「598×130」といった問題にも簡単に答えています。しかし、私が注目したのは、彼女が自信を持って流暢に掛け算を英語で言っているところです。
To help you master the art of multiplication in English, we've found an incredible YouTube video called "ZHC's Girlfriend Is A Human Calculator!" In this video, ZHC's girlfriend Michelle does quick math calculations without using a calculator. She easily answers questions like "92 times 15" and "598 times 130". But, what caught our attention is how she confidently and fluently says the multiplication operation in English.

動画:"ZHC's Girlfriend Is A Human Calculator!"




Michelle what's 72 times 35? Uh, 2520. Whoa! Michelle what's 92 times 15? 1380. Oh my goodness. Michelle what's 69 times 69? Uh, 4761. Oh. Michelle what's 11 times 32? Uh, 352. Michelle what's 598 times 130? Uh, 77740. Ooh. What's 6 times 7? 42. Yes!


ミシェル......72×35は?ええと、2520。ワーッ!ミッシェル 92×15は?1380. すごいな ミッシェル69の69倍は?えーと、4761 ああ ミッシェル 11×32は?352 ミッシェル 598×130は?えーと 77740 おお 6×7は?42. やった!

フレーズを分解してみる:Breaking Down the Phrases

So, let's take a closer look at this video and break down the phrases Michelle uses when doing her calculations. 

  • "72 times 35" 英語で掛け算を表現する場合、単純に2つの数字を言い、演算を示すために "times "という単語を使用します。つまり、この場合は "72 times 35 "と言うことになります。- When expressing multiplication in English, you simply say the two numbers and use the word "times" to indicate the operation. So, in this case, you would say "72 times 35."
  • "92 times 15"  掛け算を英語で表現する場合のもう一つの例です。単純に2つの数字を言い、"times "という単語を使って演算を表します。つまり、この場合、"92 times 15 "と言うことになります。- Another example of expressing multiplication in English. Simply say the two numbers and use the word "times" to indicate the operation. So, in this case, you would say "92 times 15."
  • "Do the math" - これは、誰かが計算を実行したり、問題を解決したりすることを示す一般的なフレーズです。例えば、「答えがよくわからないんだけど。計算をやってもらえますか?" This is a common phrase used to indicate that someone should perform a calculation or solve a problem. For example, you might say, "I'm not sure what the answer is. Can you do the math for me?"

Now that we've explored examples of how to express multiplication in English let's cover some related terms that will help you understand and use this operation in everyday conversations.

  • Multiplication - 、2つ以上の数字を掛け合わせる操作を説明するための用語です。例えば、"I need to use multiplication to solve this problem."(この問題を解くには、掛け算を使う必要がある)と言うことができます。 This is the formal term used to describe the operation of multiplying two or more numbers together. For example, you might say, "I need to use multiplication to solve this problem."
  • Product - 掛け算の結果です。例えば、2と3を掛けると、積(product)は6になる。 This is the result of a multiplication operation. For example, if you multiply 2 and 3, the product is 6.
  • Factor -因数のことです(掛け合わされる数のうちの1つです)。例えば、2と3を掛けると、2と3が因数になります。  This is one of the numbers being multiplied together. For example, if you multiply 2 and 3, 2 and 3 are factors.


  1. "What is 5 times 7? The answer is 35."

  2. "I'm struggling with this math problem. I think I need to use multiplication to solve it."

  3. "The product of 4 and 9 is 36."

  4. "In this multiplication problem, the factors are 7 and 8. What's the product?""この掛け算の問題では、因子は7と8です。積は何でしょう?"

  5. "Remember to write down all the factors when doing long multiplication."

  6. Can you find two factors that multiply to give 24?"

  7. "The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12."
  8. "I can't remember which number is the factor in this equation. Was it the first or the second one?"

  9. "I need to calculate the total area of my garden. I'll need to multiply the length times the width to get the result."

  10. "She scored a perfect 100% on the math test. She must be really good at multiplication and division."

  11. "The recipe calls for 2 cups of flour and 3 eggs. I'll need to use multiplication to adjust the ingredients for a larger batch."

  12. "I need to check my work to make sure I didn't make a mistake when multiplying the numbers. I don't want to get the wrong answer."

  13. "Can you help me with my math homework? I'm not sure how to do multiplication with decimals."

  14. "The teacher gave us a quiz on basic multiplication and division. It was harder than I expected."



Mathematics is a useful tool in our daily lives, and students and professionals may require its use. In this article, we have learned how to express multiplication in English. It is important to become familiar with both Japanese and English arithmetic, and practice is key to mastering this skill. Therefore, we can ask random multiplication questions during English conversations and practice using mathematics in a foreign language. Though it may be difficult at first, with continued practice, we can improve our skills and become proficient in using arithmetic in English.