

【大雪警報・大雪注意報が発令!英語で言うと?】不要不急の外出は控えてはAvoid going outdoors ~【Snow Warning とSnow Advisoryの違いとは?】



関東甲信や東北の太平洋側で大雪見込み 警報級大雪のおそれも | NHK | 気象


気象庁では「警報」を warning とし、「注意報」を advisory としています。


  • 大雪警報:Heavy Snow Warning
  • 大雪注意報:Heavy Snow Advisory

例:A haevy snow warning/advisory has been issued, so please stay safe.”


警報級の大雪は、"Alarming level of snowfall", ” Warning level of heavy snow”と言います。

気象警報や注意報の重要な情報を理解することは難しいことです。特に大雪警報・注意報の意味とその違い、それだけでなく情報を英語でどのように伝えるかを明確に理解することは該当地域に住んでいる人にとっては重要です。例えば、ここでの大雪はHeavy Snow ですが、言い方はそれだけではありません。複数の言い方を覚えることが重要です。また、関連フレーズも重要です。

例えば、不要不急の外出は控えるは、”Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary ”、”refrain from nonessential outings”, "avoid non-essential travel"と表現できます。

降雪予報は、snow forecastやsnowfall forecastと言います。広範囲は、a wide area of で表現できます。


気象庁では「警報」を warning とし、「注意報」を advisory としています。


  • 大雪警報:Heavy Snow Warning
  • 大雪注意報:Heavy Snow Advisory、(アメリカではWinter Storm Warning)
  • 警報級の大雪: Alarming level of snowfall, Warning Level Heavy Snow
  • 雪予報:snow forecast(snowfall forecast)(大雪予報:Heavy snow forecast)
  • 不要不急の外出は控えて:” Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary ”、”refrain from nonessential outings”
  • 広範囲:wide swathes of Japan,  a wide area of the Kanto region
  • 発令:issue
  • 警報を解除:cancel a warning、the warning has been cancelled.
  • 備える:brace for
  • 積雪: fallen snow、snow cover、accumulated snow 





  • heavy fall of snow
  • heavy snow [snowfall]
  • massive snowfall
  • much snow
  • a storm of snow
  • a ton of snow
  • snow hard




  • 大雪に関する「警報」「注意報」の定義
    Definition of "warning" and "advisory" in the context of heavy snow
  • "警報 "と "注意報 "の比較
    Comparing "warning" and "advisory"
  • 大雪警報・注意報の英語表現でよく使われるフレーズ
    Common phrases used to describe heavy snow warnings and advisories in English
  • 大雪警報・勧告に関連する表現
    Expressions related to heavy snow warnings and advisories
  • 大雪警報・注意報に関連するフレーズと文中での用法
    Phrases related to heavy snow warnings and advisories and their usage in sentences
  • コロケーションとフレーズとの関連性
    Collocation and its relevance to the phrases



↑関連動画 "Cold Wave" vs. "Cold Snap "の説明はこちら(英語での解説です)



大雪の文脈では、「警報」と「注意報」は厳しい気象状況を一般に知らせるために使用される用語である。"Warning" 「警報」は、かなりの降雪が予想されるより厳しい状態を指し、"advisory"「注意報」は、降雪の可能性はあるがそれほどでもない厳しい状態を指します。

"Warning" refers to a more severe condition where significant snowfall is expected, while "advisory" refers to a less severe condition where snowfall is possible but not significant.


一般的に、"警報 "は "注意報 "に比べてより厳しい状況を意味する。「警報」は、かなりの降雪が予想されることを示し、日常生活に大きな支障をきたす可能性があります。一方、「注意報」は、降雪の可能性はあるが、大きな混乱を引き起こすほどではないことを示します。

Generally, a "warning" implies a more severe condition than an "advisory." A "warning" indicates that significant snowfall is expected, which can cause significant disruptions to daily life. An "advisory," on the other hand, indicates that snowfall is possible but not significant enough to cause major disruptions.



  • "Snow warning":積雪警報
  • "Snow advisory":積雪注意報
  • "Heavy snow alert":大雪警報
  • "Snowstorm warning":吹雪警報
  • ”Warning Level Heavy Snow”:警報級の大雪
  • ”Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary ”:不要不急の外出は控える




Heavy Snow Warning:大雪警報

  1. A heavy snow warning has been issued for the entire city. 😨
  2. Be careful when traveling, as the roads are treacherous due to the heavy snow warning. 😔
  3. The schools have closed due to the heavy snow warning. 😱

Heavy Snow Advisory:大雪注意報

  1. The authorities have issued a heavy snow advisory, advising people to stay indoors. 😷
  2. It is best to avoid traveling today as there is a heavy snow advisory in effect. 😢
  3. The heavy snow advisory has caused flight cancellations at the airport. 😫

Alarming level of snowfall:警報レベルの降雪

  1. The level of snowfall is alarming and is causing chaos on the roads. 😱
  2. Please take extra precautions as the level of snowfall is reaching dangerous levels. 😨
  3. The alarming level of snowfall has caused widespread power outages. 😔

Heavy snow forecast:大雪予報

  1. The heavy snow forecast has put the city on alert. 😱
  2. I suggest you stay indoors as the heavy snow forecast is expected to worsen. 😨
  3. Due to the heavy snow forecast, many businesses have closed for the day. 😢

Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary:どうしても必要な時以外は、屋外への外出を避ける

  1. The authorities advise people to avoid going outdoors unless necessary due to the heavy snow. 😷
  2. I only went outside because it was absolutely necessary, following the advice to avoid going outdoors. 😢
  3. Please limit your time outdoors and avoid going outdoors unless necessary for your safety. 😔

Refrain from nonessential outings:必要以外の外出を控える

  1. It is advised to refrain from nonessential outings until the heavy snow subsides. 😷
  2. I canceled my plans as I was advised to refrain from nonessential outings. 😢
  3. Due to the heavy snow, authorities urge people to refrain from nonessential outings. 😔

Wide swathes of Japan:日本の広範囲

  1. The heavy snow has affected wide swathes of Japan, causing widespread disruption. 😨
  2. Please be careful when traveling, as wide swathes of Japan are experiencing heavy snow. 😔
  3. The heavy snow has caused road closures in wide swathes of Japan. 😱

Wide area of the Kanto region:関東地方の広い範囲

  1. The heavy snow has caused widespread power outages in a wide area of the Kanto region. 😱大雪の影響で、関東の広い範囲で停電が発生しています。😱
  2. The authorities advise people to stay indoors in a wide area of the Kanto region due to the heavy snow. 😷
  3. Please be cautious when traveling in a wide area of the Kanto region, as the roads are treacherous due to the heavy snow. 😨




  • “A Winter Storm Watch is issued when there is the potential for significant and hazardous winter weather within 48 hours. It does not mean that significant and hazardous winter weather will occur...it only means it is possible.”
  • “A Winter Storm Warning is issued when a significant combination of hazardous winter weather is occurring or imminent.”
  • Heavy snow warning: The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a warning indicating that heavy snow is expected or occurring.
  • Snow advisory: A less severe type of winter weather advisory issued by the NWS, indicating that snow accumulation of 4 inches or less is expected in 12 hours.
  • Blizzard warning: A warning issued by the NWS when blizzard conditions are expected, such as winds of 35 mph or higher and visibility reduced to ¼ of a mile or less due to snow or blowing snow for at least three hours.
  • Winter storm warning: A warning issued by the NWS when a winter storm is expected to produce significant snow, sleet, or ice accumulations, making travel dangerous or impossible.
  • Freezing rain advisory: An advisory issued by the NWS when light to moderate freezing rain is expected to cause slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks.
  • Ice storm warning:A warning issued by the NWS when significant accumulations of ice are expected, making travel dangerous and causing power outages and tree damage.



  • Example 1: "The National Weather Service has issued a heavy snow warning for the region, with accumulations of up to 12 inches expected."
  • Example 2: "Travelers are advised to use caution on the roads, as a snow advisory is in effect with expected accumulations of 4 inches or less."
  • Example 3: "Due to the blizzard warning, residents are encouraged to stay off the roads and avoid non-essential travel."
  • Example 4: "A winter storm warning has been issued for the area, with significant snow and ice accumulations expected to make travel dangerous."
  • Example 5: "A freezing rain advisory is in effect for the region, with light to moderate freezing rain expected to cause slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks."
  • Example 6: "A severe ice storm warning has been issued, with accumulations of ice expected to cause power outages and damage to trees."



  • Example: "The National Weather Service has issued a heavy snow warning for the region" (collocation with "heavy snow warning").
  • Example: "Travelers are advised to use caution on the roads, as a snow advisory is in effect" (collocation with "snow advisory").
  • Example: "Due to the blizzard warning, residents are encouraged to stay off the roads" (collocation with "blizzard warning").

避難の表現 大雪警報・注意報発令時の効果的なコミュニケーションのポイント



大雪警報や注意報が発令されると、当局や緊急対応要員は、避難や安全に関する特定の表現や語彙を使用することがよくあります。例えば、"evacuate immediately" "直ちに避難する"、 "take shelter""避難する,、"stay indoors "、"室内にとどまる"などの表現があります。英語学習者は、安全確保と効果的な緊急時のコミュニケーションのために、これらのフレーズを理解する必要があります。


大雪警報や注意報が発令されている間、当局や緊急対応要員は、安全に関する情報や指示を一般市民に伝えるために特定の表現を用いることもある。例えば、" avoid non-essential travel"不要不急の外出は控えて, "check on your neighbors"近所の人を確認する, "be prepared for power outages "停電に備えるなどと言うかもしれない。これらの表現に慣れることで、英語学習者はコミュニケーション能力を向上させ、緊急事態に備えることができます。



During heavy snow warnings and advisories, it is crucial to follow evacuation instructions from authorities and emergency responders.



 Some tips for effective communication during heavy snow warnings and advisories include using clear and concise language, following instructions, and staying calm and focused. 



With heavy snow forecast to fall across a wide area of the Kanto region from Friday morning, officials on Thursday urged those in affected areas to refrain from nonessential outings and warned of transport disruptions and the risk of blackouts.



Officials urge vigilance as Tokyo region set for heavy snowfall
Japan TImes / Feb 9, 2023


気象庁では「警報」を warning とし、「注意報」を advisory としています。


大雪警報:Heavy Snow Warning

大雪注意報:Heavy Snow Advisory

不要不急の外出は控えて:Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary 

警報級の大雪は、”Warning Level Heavy Snow”でした。






I. Introduction to Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories

A. Overview of the Topic

Heavy snow warnings and advisories are used to inform the public about severe snow-related weather conditions. Understanding these terms is important for English learners as it can enhance their communication skills in an English-speaking environment. In this article, we will explore the significance of heavy snow warnings and advisories and why English learners must understand them.

B. Importance of Understanding Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories for English Learners

As an English learner, understanding heavy snow warnings and advisories is crucial because it can improve your communication skills in an English-speaking environment. This can help you effectively convey snow-related information in the workplace while traveling or in your personal life.

C. Outline and Learning Objectives

In this article, we will cover the following topics to help you understand heavy snow warnings and advisories:

  • Definition of "warning" and "advisory" in the context of heavy snow
  • Comparing "warning" and "advisory"
  • Common phrases used to describe heavy snow warnings and advisories in English
  • Expressions related to heavy snow warnings and advisories
  • Phrases related to heavy snow warnings and advisories and their usage in sentences
  • Collocation and its relevance to the phrases

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of heavy snow warnings and advisories, which will help you communicate more effectively in an English-speaking environment.

II. Understanding Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories

A. Definition of "Warning" and "Advisory" in the Context of Heavy Snow

In the context of heavy snow, "warning" and "advisory" are terms used to inform the public about severe weather conditions. "Warning" refers to a more severe condition where significant snowfall is expected, while "advisory" refers to a less severe condition where snowfall is possible but not significant.

B. Comparing "Warning" and "Advisory"

In general, a "warning" implies a more severe condition compared to an "advisory." A "warning" indicates that significant snowfall is expected, which can cause significant disruptions to daily life. An "advisory," on the other hand, indicates that snowfall is possible but not significant enough to cause major disruptions.

C. Common Phrases Used to Describe Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories in English

When describing heavy snow warnings and advisories, the following phrases are commonly used in English:

  • "Snow warning"
  • "Snow advisory"
  • "Heavy snow alert"
  • "Snowstorm warning"

It is important to use these phrases accurately and effectively to ensure that the conveyed information is clear and easily understood.

III. Expressions of Warnings and Advisories

  • Heavy snow warning: The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a warning indicating that heavy snow is expected or occurring.
  • Snow advisory: A less severe type of winter weather advisory issued by the NWS, indicating that snow accumulation of 4 inches or less is expected in 12 hours.
  • Blizzard warning: A warning issued by the NWS when blizzard conditions are expected, such as winds of 35 mph or higher and visibility reduced to ¼ of a mile or less due to snow or blowing snow for at least three hours.
  • Winter storm warning: A warning issued by the NWS when a winter storm is expected to produce significant snow, sleet, or ice accumulations, making travel dangerous or impossible.
  • Freezing rain advisory: An advisory issued by the NWS when light to moderate freezing rain is expected to cause slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks.
  • Ice storm warning: A warning issued by the NWS when significant accumulations of ice are expected, making travel dangerous and causing power outages and tree damage.

B. Usage of phrases in sentences

  • Example 1: "The National Weather Service has issued a heavy snow warning for the region, with accumulations of up to 12 inches expected."
  • Example 2: "Travelers are advised to use caution on the roads, as a snow advisory is in effect with expected accumulations of 4 inches or less."
  • Example 3: "Due to the blizzard warning, residents are encouraged to stay off the roads and avoid non-essential travel."
  • Example 4: "A winter storm warning has been issued for the area, with significant snow and ice accumulations expected to make travel dangerous."
  • Example 5: "A freezing rain advisory is in effect for the region, with light to moderate freezing rain expected to cause slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks."
  • Example 6: "A severe ice storm warning has been issued, with accumulations of ice expected to cause power outages and damage to trees."

C. Collocation and its relevance to the phrases

  • Collocation refers to the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with other words or phrases. In heavy snow warnings and advisories, collocation is relevant as it helps create natural-sounding sentences and improves overall communication accuracy.
  • Example: "The National Weather Service has issued a heavy snow warning for the region" (collocation with "heavy snow warning").
  • Example: "Travelers are advised to use caution on the roads, as a snow advisory is in effect" (collocation with "snow advisory").
  • Example: "Due to the blizzard warning, residents are encouraged to stay off the roads" (collocation with "blizzard warning").

IV. Evacuation Expressions: The Key to Effective Communication During Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories

Clear and effective communication is essential in emergency situations, such as heavy snow warnings and advisories. It can mean the difference between life and death. This is especially true for English learners who may not be familiar with the expressions and vocabulary used during such situations. In this section, we will discuss the importance of understanding evacuation expressions and tips for effective communication during heavy snow warnings and advisories.

During heavy snow warnings and advisories, authorities and emergency responders will often use specific expressions and vocabulary related to evacuation and safety. Some examples of such expressions include “evacuate immediately,” “take shelter,” and “stay indoors.” English learners must understand these phrases to ensure safety and effective communication during emergencies.

B. Expressions Used to Convey Safety Information and Instructions

Authorities and emergency responders will also use specific expressions to convey safety information and instructions to the public during heavy snow warnings and advisories. For example, they may say, “avoid non-essential travel,” “check on your neighbors,” or “be prepared for power outages.” By familiarizing themselves with these expressions, English learners can improve their communication skills and better prepare for emergencies.

C. Importance of Following Evacuation Instructions

During heavy snow warnings and advisories, it is crucial to follow evacuation instructions from authorities and emergency responders. These instructions are given for the safety of individuals, and clear and effective communication is essential in ensuring cooperation during evacuation processes. English learners can improve their communication skills by understanding the significance of following evacuation instructions and the reasons behind such instructions.

D. Tips for Effective Communication During Evacuation

Effective communication is key during evacuation processes, and several best practices can help ensure the safety and well-being of individuals. Some tips for effective communication during heavy snow warnings and advisories include using clear and concise language, following instructions, and staying calm and focused. Accurate and effective communication can also play a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals during these situations. In conclusion, understanding evacuation expressions and vocabulary related to heavy snow warnings and advisories are essential for English learners. Effective communication can mean the difference between life and death during such situations. By familiarizing themselves with the language and expressions, individuals can better prepare for and respond to emergencies.