


年末になると、日本では慣例的に「大掃除」が行われますね。一年を締めくくる(wrap up the past year)にはよい習慣と思います!




「年末の大掃除」を英語で表現するには、"year-end cleaning "や "end-of-year cleaning "などのフレーズを使用します。掃除そのものを表す言葉としては、"cleaning "や "housekeeping "がよく使われますね。例えば、次のような言い方ができます。

  • "I'm going to do some year-end cleaning before the new year starts."

「throw away」(捨てる)や「put away」(片付ける)、「dust」(ほこりを払う)、「vacuum」(掃除機で吸う)、「mop」(モップで拭く)などの英語表現も一般的です。例えば、以下のような表現になります。

  • "I'm going to throw away all the old newspapers and magazines."

  • "I need to put away all the clothes I haven't worn this year."


  • "I'm going to declutter my closet and get rid of clothes that I don't wear anymore."

  • "I need to organize my desk before the new year starts."

  • ”I'm going to wash all the windows and mirrors."

  • "I need to wipe down all the surfaces in the kitchen."


家の中の掃除だけでなく、外や庭の片付けも忘れないようにしましょう。英語では、「rake」(熊手で庭を掃く)や「shovel the snow 」(雪かき)、「sweep」(掃く)、「trim」(はさみで切る)、「weed」(雑草を抜く)などの表現があります。

  • "I'm going to rake the leaves in the yard."

  • "I need to shovel the snow off the driveway."

また、ガレージや地下室、家の中の掃除も忘れないようにしましょう。これは、"deep cleaning "と呼ばれることもあります。英語表現として、「clean out」(片付ける)や「sort through」(整理する)もよく使われます。例えば

  • "I'm going to clean out the garage and get rid of stuff that I don't need anymore."

  • "I need to sort through all the boxes in the basement and see what I can throw away."


年末大掃除をするときには、お掃除グッズを揃えておくことも大切です。このときに使われる英語表現として、「broom」(ほうき)や「mop」(モップ)、「vacuum cleaner」(掃除機)、「duster」(ほこり取り)、「cleaning supplies」(お掃除グッズ)などがあります。例えば次の例があります。

  • "I need to buy a new broom because the old one is falling apart."

  • "I'm going to stock up on cleaning supplies before the year-end cleaning."
    "年末の大掃除の前に、掃除用具を買いだめしておこうと思う" *stock up on で買いだめの意味です。




Year-End Cleaning in Japan and English

As the year comes to a close, it is customary in Japan to perform a "year-end cleaning," which involves tidying up one's home or office. This practice allows you to wrap up the past year, refresh your mind and body, and get a head start on the new year.

Expressing Year-End Cleaning

To express "year-end cleaning" in English, you can use phrases such as "year-end cleaning" or "end-of-year cleaning." The words "cleaning" or "housekeeping" are often used to describe the act of cleaning. For example, you could say:

  • "I'm going to do some year-end cleaning before the new year starts."

Common English Expressions During Year-End Cleaning

During year-end cleaning, common English expressions include "throw away," "put away," "dust," "vacuum," and "mop." For example:

  • "I'm going to throw away all the old newspapers and magazines."
  • "I must put away all the clothes I haven't worn this year."

Other useful English expressions during year-end cleaning include "declutter," "organize," "wash," and "wipe." For example:

  • "I'm going to declutter my closet and get rid of clothes that I don't wear anymore."
  • "I need to organize my desk before the new year starts."

Cleaning the Inside and Outside of Your Home

In addition to cleaning the inside of your home, remember to tidy up the outside and yard. English expressions for this include "rake," "shovel," "sweep," "trim," and "weed." For example:

  • "I'm going to rake the leaves in the yard."
  • "I need to shovel the snow off the driveway."

Also, remember to clean the garage, basement, and inside of your home. This is sometimes referred to as "deep cleaning." Expressions for this include "clean out" and "sort through." For example:

  • "I'm going to clean out the garage and get rid of stuff that I don't need anymore."
  • "I need to sort through all the boxes in the basement and see what I can throw away."

Cleaning Supplies

Ensure all the necessary cleaning supplies are on hand when performing year-end cleaning. These include "brooms," "mops," "vacuum cleaners," "dusters," and "cleaning supplies." For example:

  • "I need to buy a new broom because the old one is falling apart."
  • "I'm going to stock up on cleaning supplies before the year-end cleaning."


Year-end cleaning is a traditional practice in Japan that helps to wrap up the past year, refresh the mind and body, and get a head start on the new year. It involves tidying up the home or office, decluttering, organizing, and deep cleaning. Remember to have all the necessary cleaning supplies, such as brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners, dusters, and cleaning supplies. Year-end cleaning is an excellent opportunity to improve the environment of your home or office and recharge your energy for the new year. So, take this chance to practice your English skills and have a successful year-end cleaning.