










リブアイステーキ 初級者ガイド

牛肉が好きな人なら、リブアイステーキ(rib-eye steak)のことを聞いたことがあるかもしれませんね。しかし、これは他の牛肉部位(beef cuts)とどう違うのかご存知でしょうか?リブアイステーキの基本を知り、美味しくて人気のあるお肉の種類をご紹介します。


まず、「リブアイ」とは、牛肉の特定の部位( a specific cut of beef)を指すということを知っておきましょう。牛の背骨(spine)の近くにある肋骨の部分(rib section)です。豊かな風味と柔らかな食感(tender texture)が特徴です。牛肉の中でも最も味わい深い部位(flavorful and desirable cuts)とされ、ステーキに使われることが多いですね。

リブアイステーキの特徴 (features)は、中央部にある脂肪にあります。この脂肪が、焼くときに肉の旨味と水分(flavor and moisture)を加え、ジューシーでおいしいステーキに仕上げるのです。リブアイステーキの脂肪分は、牛の種類や育て方によって異なります。脂肪分が多いものもあり、肉の風味や食感(texture)に影響があります。


リブアイステーキは通常、グリルやブロイル( broiling:オーブンなどで焼く)などの強火で調理されます。焼きすぎると硬くなるので、長時間で火にかけないことが大切です。ミディアムレアからミディアムレベルの焼き加減(medium level of doneness)で、肉の柔らかさと水分(tenderness and moisture)を逃がさないようにしましょう。



  1. お好みの焼き加減(level of doneness)を指定します。リブアイステーキは通常、グリルやブロイリングなどの高火力で調理されます。お好みに応じて、レア、ミディアムレア、ミディアムウェル、ウェルダン(rare, medium-rare, medium-well, or well-done)のいずれかをご注文ください。多くの人は、柔らかくてジューシーなステーキを食べるため、ミディアムレアかミディアムを好みます。
  2. 追加の味付け(additional flavors)や付け合わせも考慮しましょう。多くのレストランでは、リブアイ・ステーキにガーリック・バター、ペッパーコーン・ソース、ブルー・チーズ・クランブル( garlic butter, peppercorn sauce, or blue cheese crumbles)などの味付けや付け合わせを用意しています。好みの味付けがある場合は、店員さんに伝えてくださいね。
  3. わからないことは遠慮なく店員さんに質問してください。メニューを見てわからないことがあれば、遠慮なく店員さんに質問してください。きっと牛肉の部位、調理方法、味付けなど、詳しく教えてくれますよ。



  • "I'd like the rib eye steak, medium rare, please."

  • "Can I get the rib eye cooked medium, with a side of mashed potatoes?"
    "リブアイをミディアムで" "マッシュポテトを添えて"

  • "I'm interested in the special tonight - the rib eye with garlic butter."

  • "Could you tell me more about it?"

  • "I'd like the rib eye, with a side of sautéed vegetables and a salad."
    "リブアイ "をお願いします。野菜のソテーとサラダを添えて。

  • Could you also make sure it's cooked medium-well?"

  • "I'm vegetarian, but my partner would like the rib eye.

  • "Could you also bring out a separate vegetarian entree for me?"




  1. 休ませる(Let it rest.)。ステーキが焼き上がった直後は切る前に数分間休ませることが大切です。こうすることで、肉汁が拡散(redistribute)し、よりジューシーで風味豊かなステーキを味わうことができます。
  2. 切れ味の良いナイフを使う。鋭いナイフはステーキを切りやすくし、よりきれいで正確なカットを実現します。ステーキナイフが用意されていない場合は、サーバーに聞いてください。
  3. 肉の筋(grain of the steak)に沿って切る。ステーキの柔らかさを最大限に引き出すには、ステーキの筋に沿って切ることが重要です。これは、筋繊維(lines of muscle fibers)に対して垂直な角度(perpendicular)でステーキを切ることを意味します。こうすることで、筋繊維がほぐれ、ステーキが噛みやすくなります。
  4. お好みのサイドメニューと一緒にお楽しみください。リブアイステーキには、野菜やポテトなどのサイドメニューを添えるのが一般的です。お好みのサイドディッシュを組み合わせてもよいですし、店員さんにおすすめを聞きいてください。




Rib Eye Steak: A Guide for English Learners

If you're an English learner who loves beef, you've probably heard of rib-eye steak. But do you know what it is and how it differs from other beef cuts? In this blog post, we'll explore the basics of rib-eye steak and help you understand this delicious and popular type of meat.

What is Rib Eye Steak?

First, it's important to know that "rib eye" refers to a specific cut of beef. It comes from the rib section of a cow, which is located near the spine. This cut of meat is known for its rich, beefy flavor and tender texture. It's often considered one of beef's most flavorful and desirable cuts, which is why it's often used for steaks.


One of the unique features of rib eye steak is the "eye" of fat in the center of the cut. This circular piece of fat adds flavor and moisture to the meat as it cooks, resulting in a juicy and delicious steak. The fat content of rib eye steak can vary, depending on the specific cow and how it was raised. Some rib eye steaks may have more fat than others, which can affect the flavor and texture of the meat.


Rib eye steak is typically cooked using high-heat methods, such as grilling or broiling. It's important not to overcook rib eye steak, as it can become tough and chewy if cooked too long. Instead, aim for a medium-rare to medium level of doneness, allowing the meat to retain its tenderness and moisture.

Ordering Rib Eye Steak at a Restaurant

If you're a fan of beef and want to try the rib-eye steak at a restaurant, there are a few things you should know about how to order it. Here are some tips for ordering rib eye steak at a restaurant:


  1. Specify the level of doneness you prefer. Rib eye steak is typically cooked using high-heat methods, such as grilling or broiling. Depending on your preference, you can order it rare, medium-rare, medium-well, or well-done. Most people prefer medium-rare or medium for a tender and juicy steak.
  2. Consider any additional flavors or preparations. Many restaurants offer flavors or preparations for rib-eye steaks, such as garlic butter, peppercorn sauce, or blue cheese crumbles. If you have a particular flavor in mind, be sure to mention it to your server.
  3. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you're unsure about something on the menu, don't hesitate to ask your server for more information. They can tell you more about the different cuts of beef, cooking methods, and any additional flavors or preparations available.

Example Sentences for Ordering Rib Eye Steak at a Restaurant

  • "I'd like the rib eye steak, medium rare, please."
  • "Can I get the rib eye cooked medium, with a side of mashed potatoes?"
  • "I'm interested in the special tonight - the rib eye with garlic butter. Could you tell me more about it?"
  • "I'd like the rib eye, with a side of sautéed vegetables and a salad. Could you also make sure it's cooked medium-well?"
  • "I'm vegetarian, but my partner would like the rib eye. Could you also bring out a separate vegetarian entree for me?"

Eating Rib Eye Steak at a Restaurant

When you receive your rib-eye steak at a restaurant, there are a few things you can do to make sure you get the most out of your meal. Here are some tips for eating rib-eye steak at a restaurant:


  1. Let it rest. After your steak is cooked and served, it's important to let it rest for a few minutes before cutting it. This will allow the juices to redistribute, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful steak.
  2. Use a sharp knife. A sharp knife will make it easier to slice through the steak, resulting in cleaner and more precise cuts. You can ask your server for a steak knife if one is not provided.
  3. Cut against the grain. To maximize tenderness, it's important to cut against the grain of the steak. This means slicing the steak at an angle that is perpendicular to the lines of muscle fibers. This will help to break up the fibers and make the steak easier to chew.
  4. Enjoy it with the sides of your choice. Rib eye steak is typically served with a side of vegetables or potatoes. Feel free to mix and match with the sides you prefer, or ask your server for recommendations.


We hope these tips help you enjoy your rib-eye steak at a restaurant. Whether you're a seasoned steak connoisseur or trying it for the first time, the rib eye is a delicious and flavorful cut of beef that is