



dismissive attitudeで素っ気ない態度と言う意味になります。

Dismissive は、無関心から軽蔑まで、多くの感情や態度を伝えることができるな言葉です。この言葉はしばしば誤用されたり、誤った解釈をされたりして、コミュニケーション不足や誤解を招くことがあります。この単語を会話の中で正しく使うことは、英語学習者にとって難しいことです。

この記事では、 dismissive という単語とその意味、そして日常会話での効果的な使い方をご紹介します。dismissive にまつわる考えを取り上げ、英語の会話に取り入れるための実践的なヒントや例をご紹介します。


dismissive "の語源は動詞の "dismiss” で、何かを拒絶する、追い払う、検討を拒否するなどの意味があります。 "dis-"は否定の接頭辞です。受け入れるという意味の "miss "を否定することで、拒絶する、と言う意味になります。


For example, if someone is dismissive towards another person's idea, they may reject it or ignore it without giving it any consideration.




Dismissive is an adjective to describe a person who shows little interest or concern in something or someone. It is often used to describe someone who disregards or dismisses another person's opinions, thoughts, or feelings without consideration.



  • "I don't think that's important."

  • "That's not relevant."
    "それは関係ない "

  • "That's beside the point.""
    それは関係ない "

  • "I don't care about that."

  • "I have no interest in that."

  • "That's not a priority for me."

  • "I'm not bothered by that."

  • "That's not a concern for me."

  • "I don't see the point in that."

  • "I have no opinion on that."



In addition to the phrases mentioned above, nonverbal cues can convey dismissiveness in a conversation. Some of these cues include:

  • Eye rolling:目を回す
  • Sighing:ため息をつく
  • Shrugging:肩をすくめる
  • Turning away:向きを変える
  • Avoiding eye contact:目を合わせない
  • Crossed arms:腕を組む
  • Tapping or drumming fingers:指をたたく、ドラムをたたく


Being dismissive in English conversations can have a negative impact on the person you are speaking to, making them feel unvalued and unimportant. It can also harm your relationships and damage the dynamics of a conversation, making it less productive and less enjoyable.


To avoid being dismissive in English conversations, it is important to

  • 相手の話に積極的かつ注意深く耳を傾ける。
    Listen actively and attentively to the person speaking

  • 会話に興味を示し、参加する
    Show interest and engage in the conversation

  • 相手の話を遮らないようにする。
    Avoid interrupting the person while they are speaking

  • 目を丸くする、肩をすくめるなど、相手を見下すようなジェスチャーをしない。Avoid making dismissive gestures such as eye-rolling or shrugging
  • 相手の考えや気持ちを理解し、それを認める。
    Validate the person's thoughts and feelings by acknowledging them

"Validate "は、何かの価値や妥当性、この場合はその人の考えや感情を確認したり支持したりすることを意味します。"Acknowledge "は、あなたが何か、この場合はその人の考えや感情に気づいていることを認識したり示したりすることを意味します。
"Validate" means to confirm or support the worth or validity of something, in this case, the person's thoughts and feelings. "Acknowledge" means recognizing or showing that you are aware of something, in this case, the person's thoughts and feelings.



In conclusion, being dismissive in English conversations can have a negative impact on relationships and the dynamics of a conversation. To avoid being dismissive, it is important to listen actively and attentively, show interest and engage in the conversation, validate the person's thoughts and feelings, and avoid making dismissive gestures. Following these tips can improve your communication skills and make your conversations more productive and enjoyable.


What does dismissive mean in English?

Dismissive is an adjective to describe a person who shows little interest or concern in something or someone.

What are some common phrases used to express dismissiveness in English?

Common phrases used to express dismissiveness in English include "I don't think that's important," "That's not relevant," and "I don't care about that."

What are some nonverbal cues that accompany dismissiveness in English conversations?

Some nonverbal cues accompanying dismissiveness in English conversations include eye rolling, sighing, shrugging, turning away, and avoiding eye contact.

How can dismissiveness in English conversations affect relationships and dynamics of a conversation?

Being dismissive in English conversations can make the person you are speaking to feel unvalued and unimportant, harm your relationships, and damage the dynamics of a conversation, making it less productive and less enjoyable.