

年末に使われる英語表現【10選】"Goodbye, old year!"


  1. "Happy New Year!" - 新年おめでとうございます!

  2. "New Year's Eve" - 大晦日

  3. "New Year's Day" - 元旦

  4. "Resolution" - 新年の抱負

  5. "Reflect on the past year" - 去年を振り返る

  6. "Look forward to the new year" - 新しい年を楽しみにする

  7. "Celebrate" - 祝う

  8. "Out with the old, in with the new" - 新しいものに取って代わる

  9. "Fresh start" - 新しいスタート

  10. "Goodbye, old year!" - 旧年よさらば!

これらのフレーズに加えて、"Merry Christmas"(メリークリスマス)や、"Happy Holidays"(良い休暇を)をお互いに言い合う時期でもあります。友人や家族とお祝いする時も、この一年を振り返る時も、これらの英語表現が使えますね。






↑関連動画:Happy New Yearを英語で書いてみる


The end of the year

The end of the year is a time for celebration, reflection, and looking forward to the future. As we bid farewell to the old year and welcome in the new, many English expressions are commonly used to mark this special occasion.

Here are some of the most popular phrases and expressions to use during the end of the year:

  • "Happy New Year!" - A greeting to wish someone a happy new year.
  • "New Year's Eve" - The last day of the year.
  • "New Year's Day" - The first day of the year.
  • "Resolution" - A resolution or goal for the new year.
  • "Reflect on the past year" - To think about and review the events and experiences of the past year.
  • "Look forward to the new year" - To anticipate and be excited for what the new year will bring.
  • "Celebrate" - To mark a special occasion with festivities or a party.
  • "Out with the old, in with the new" - A saying that signifies a change or transition, often used at the start of a new year.
  • "Fresh start" - A new beginning or a chance to start anew.
  • "Goodbye, old year!" - A farewell to the previous year.

In addition to these phrases, the end of the year is also a time when people say "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" to each other. Whether you're celebrating with friends and family or just taking time to reflect on the past year, these English expressions will help you easily navigate the end of the year.

↑関連動画:【2024】Year of the Dragon: 45 English phrases