

【2023年米国確定申告の単語】Household employeesとは?【家事使用人と独立請負人(independent contractors)との違い】


フォーム1040でHousehold employee wagesという項目があります。



この記事では、Household employee という英単語とその使い方について解説します。


Household employee wagesはECIの項目の一つです。

ECI(Effectively Connected Income)は「実質米国事業活動に関連するもの」という意味で、米国源泉所得として報告することになっています。具体的にはフォーム1040の下記項目で報告します。

  • Household employee wages not reported on Form(s) W-2 
  • Form(s)W-2に記載されていない家事労働者の賃金について



Household employees include housekeepers, maids, babysitters, gardeners, and others who work in or around your private residence as your employee. Repairmen, plumbers, contractors, and other business people who provide their services as independent contractors, are not your employees. Household workers are your employees if you can control not only the work they do, but also how they do it.

Topic No. 756 Employment Taxes for Household Employees | Internal Revenue Service




独立した請負業者"Independent Contractors"とは、働き方、働く時間、働く場所など、自分の仕事をコントロールしながら相手にサービスを提供する人たちのことを指します。

日常会話でつかうHousehold employee

  1. I feel incredibly grateful to have a trustworthy household employee like Maria, who keeps my home clean and organized. 😊

  2. My household employee, Juan, is more than just a gardener; he's become a dear friend, and I truly appreciate all of his hard work in keeping my yard beautiful. 😍

  3. I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed with taking care of my children and keeping the house clean, but since I hired a household employee as a babysitter, my life has become much more manageable and less stressful. 😌

  4. I feel incredibly fortunate to have found such a skilled and reliable household employee like Ahmed, who takes care of all the repairs and maintenance around my home. 😎

  5. I am so pleased with my household employee, Sophie, who is not just a housekeeper but also an excellent cook. She always makes sure that my house is spotless and smells delicious. 😋

英語で理解するHousehold employee

Imagine you have a big house and want to ensure it's always clean and tidy. So, you hire a team of housekeepers, maids, and even a babysitter to help you out. These people work for you in your house, and you tell them what to do and how to do it. They are your household employees.


Let's say you need repairs to your house, like fixing the plumbing or adding a new room. You hire experts like plumbers, contractors, and builders to help you out. These people are not your employees. They are independent contractors. They come to your house, do the work, and then leave. You do not control them on how to do their job.


So, in simple terms, household employees are the people you hire to work in your house, and you control their work, while independent contractors are the experts you hire to fix or improve your house, but they have their way of working.


日常会話でつかう Independent contractor 

  1. I feel so relieved to have found an independent contractor like John, who is an expert in electrical work and has been able to fix all the issues in my home efficiently. 🤗

  2. I am extremely impressed with the independent contractor, Sarah, who designed and built my new website. She was able to understand my vision and bring it to life perfectly. 😍

  3. I feel confident knowing I have an independent contractor like Jack, who is always available to handle any plumbing emergencies that may arise promptly. 😌

  4. I felt overwhelmed with the amount of work that needed to be done on my home renovation project, but since I hired an independent contractor like Michael, I feel at ease knowing that the work is in good hands and will be done to a high standard. 😊

  5. I am deeply grateful to have found an independent contractor like Rachel, who is a talented and efficient graphic designer. Her creativity and expertise have taken my business to the next level. 😎


米国の確定申告における専門用語の理解は大切です。特に家事従事者(household employees)と独立した請負業者(independent contractors)の区別に関して違いを知ることが重要です。家事従業員とは、あなたの従業員としてあなたの私邸やその周辺で働く人のことで、あなたは彼らが行う仕事だけでなく、その方法についてもコントロールすることができます。家事従業員の例としては、家政婦、メイド、ベビーシッター、庭師などが挙げられます。一方、独立した請負人は、別の事業体としてサービスを提供する人であり、あなたの従業員ではありません。独立請負人の例としては、修理工、配管工、請負業者などが挙げられます。フォーム1040には、"Household employee wages "という項目があり、ここで家事労働者に支払った賃金を報告します。家事使用人と独立請負人の違いは、税法上の意味合いと報告義務が異なるので、よく理解しておくことが大切です。

【2023年米国確定申告の単語】 dependents/dependent child /dependent parent とは?【扶養される~】

確定申告は誰にとっても大変な作業ですが、英語となるとさらに困難ですね。確定申告の際に理解すべき最も重要な用語のひとつが "dependents" です。この記事では、この単語の意味、日常会話で使われる例文、そして確定申告の際に正しく使うためのヒントをご紹介します。

確定申告上の"dependents" の定義

"dependents"は、他人に頼って生活している人、依存している人、扶養家族の意味です。扶養家族とは、経済的にあなたを頼りにしている人(子供や親など)のことです。この「扶養家族」という言葉の意味は、古フランス語の "dependre" とラテン語の "dependere" に由来しています。これらの言葉は、"下 "を意味する接頭辞 "de-" と "吊るす" を意味する動詞 "pendere" から構成されています。本来、ここでいう扶養家族とは、その人が確定申告書を記入する人にぶら下がっている、あるいは経済的に頼っていることを意味します。つまり、税金では、dependentは、確定申告を記入する人に経済的に依存している人という意味です。


  • "I just found out that my adult child is still listed as a dependent on my taxes. I feel relieved that I can claim them and lower my tax bill."😃


  • "I'm so excited to file taxes and claim my new baby as a dependent. I can't wait to see the extra money back in my refund."😃

  • "I feel frustrated and confused trying to figure out if my elderly parent qualifies as a dependent for tax purposes."😕

  • "I'm surprised to learn that I can no longer claim my college-aged child as a dependent on my taxes. I feel a little disappointed but understand the reasoning behind it."😔

また、"dependent child"(扶養される子供 )や "dependent parent" (扶養される親)など、関連ワードがあるのもポイントです。これらの関連用語を理解することで、扶養家族という概念全体をより深く理解することができます。

確定申告に必要な情報(Filing a Tax Return)




  • The IRS defines a dependent as a qualifying child (under age 19 or under 24 if a full-time student or any age if permanently and totally disabled) or a qualifying relative.
  • A qualifying dependent can have income but cannot provide more than half their annual support.
  • A taxpayer can’t claim a dependent if they are a dependent themselves, if the dependent files a joint tax return with a spouse (except in certain cases), or is claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.

参考:Rules for Claiming a Dependent on Your Tax Return - TurboTax Tax Tips & Videos


  • Make sure you understand the tax form and the instructions carefully.
  • Get help from a tax professional if you need it.
  • Double-check your work to avoid errors.


  1. "I am so grateful to have my dependents because they cannot support themselves financially and rely on me for their basic needs. 😇"
  2. "I have a dependent in the form of my college-aged child who is still studying and needs financial support from me. 😊"
  3. "I am blessed to have my dependents, as they can no longer take care of themselves, and I am happy to provide them with the support they need. 😇"
  4. "I am happy to claim my domestic partner as a dependent on my tax return as we share a household, and I provide financial support for them. 😘"


確定申告は英語学習者にとって難しいものですが、「扶養家族」という用語を理解することは重要なステップとなります。この単語の意味と日常会話での使い方を理解することで、確定申告での控除やクレジットを申請するための準備ができます。また、会話の中でこの用語を使う練習ができれば記憶の定着にもつながりますし、自信を持って確定申告をすることができるようになります。Good luck and happy learning!



Filing a tax return can be a daunting task for anyone, but it can be even more challenging for English learners. One of the most important terms to understand when filing a tax return is "dependents." In this blog, we'll break down the meaning of the word, provide fun examples of how it's used in everyday conversations, and give tips on how to use it correctly when filing your tax return.

Understanding the Word

First, let's define the word "dependents." A dependent is someone (such as a child or parent) who relies on you for financial support. Here are a few fun examples of how you might use the word in everyday conversations:

  • "I can't go out tonight. I have to stay home and take care of my dependents."
  • "I'm claiming my dependent child on my tax return this year."
  • "I'm worried about my aging dependent parent and how I'll take care of them."

It's also worth noting that there are related words you should know, such as "dependent child" and "dependent parent." By understanding these related terms, you'll better understand the overall concept of dependents.

Filing a Tax Return

Now that you understand the meaning of "dependents," it's time to learn how it's used when filing a tax return. When you file your tax return, you'll need to provide information about any dependents you have to claim certain deductions and credits. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when choosing the appropriate choice for a better tax return outcome:

  • Make sure you understand the tax form and the instructions carefully.
  • Get help from a tax professional if you need it.
  • Double-check your work to avoid errors.

Enhancing Vocabulary in a Fun Way

Learning new vocabulary words can be fun, especially when you put them into practice. Here are a few exercises and activities to help you remember the word and its meaning:

  • Create flashcards with the word "dependents" and related terms on one side and the definition on the other.
  • Practice using the word in conversation with native English speakers.
  • Look for real-world examples of the word in the news, social media, or books.

If you're looking for more resources to improve your English vocabulary, we recommend checking out online English learning platforms, English language classes, or language exchange programs.


Filing a tax return can be challenging for English learners, but understanding "dependents" is an important step. By understanding the word's meaning and its use in everyday conversations, you'll be better equipped to file your tax return and claim any deductions or credits you're entitled to. Remember to practice using the word in conversation, and take advantage of the resources available to you to enhance your vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. Now that you better understand the word "dependents," you're one step closer to filing your tax return with confidence. Good luck and happy learning!

【正しく訳せますか?】His performance left nothing to be desired.【誤訳しがちな英文に挑戦!】


His performance left nothing to be desired.


left nothing : 残していない、何もない

to be desired: 望んだもの














まったく逆の意味に解釈する人が多いのですが、「望むべきことはひとつも残っていない」のですから、「非の打ちどころがない」「完璧だ」の意味です。逆にleave much to be desired は「改善すべき点が多くある」「不十分だ」の意味になります。


leave nothing to be desiredの日本語訳

辞書では、leave nothing to be desiredは「全く申し分がない」という訳になっています。

・The surgeon's thoroughness leaves nothing to be desired. :




”His performance left nothing to be desired "というフレーズは、その人の演技がとても良く、改善や変更が必要な部分がなかったことを意味する慣用表現です。このフレーズはしばしば、その人が素晴らしい仕事をし、期待に応えた、あるいは期待を上回ったことを表します。スポーツ選手の試合でのパフォーマンス、俳優の演劇でのパフォーマンス、従業員の仕事でのパフォーマンスなど、様々な文脈で使うことができます。誰かのパフォーマンスが何も不満がない、つまり最高水準で欠点がないことを言う褒め言葉です。

ポイントは leave ~ to be desired の意味です。leave ~ to be desired  を日本語の「望みを残す」と考えると反対の意味になってしまいます。


His performance left nothing to be desired.



シチュエーションで理解する「 leave nothing to be desired 」

  1. "His performance in the presentation was impeccable and left nothing to be desired, impressing both the clients and his colleagues."

  2. "Despite the high-pressure situation, his performance in the game was outstanding, leaving nothing to be desired, and led the team to victory."

  3. "His performance in the interview was exceptional, leaving nothing to be desired, and secured him the job offer."

  4. "His performance in the competition was flawless, leaving nothing to be desired and earning him first place."

  5. "His performance during the crisis was exceptional, leaving nothing to be desired, effectively managing the situation and minimizing damage."

leave ~ to be desiredの理解

"leave nothing to be desired"が理解できたところで” leave ~ to be desired”を使ったその他の表現もご紹介します。

leave little to be desired


leave much to be desired

leave something to be desired

leave a bit to be desired

leave a lot to be desired



"leave little to be desired":

  • "The organization of the event was near perfect, leaving little to be desired."

  • "The performance of the team was impressive, leaving little to be desired."

"leave much to be desired":

  • "The customer service at the store was lacking, leaving much to be desired."

  • "The design of the website was confusing, leaving much to be desired."

  • "The pacing of the movie was slow, leaving much to be desired."

"leave something to be desired":

  • "The cleanliness of the hotel room was not up to par, leaving something to be desired."

  • "The quality of the products was not as expected, leaving something to be desired."

  • "The communication from the manager was often unclear, leaving something to be desired."

"leave a bit to be desired":

  • "The lighting at the concert was dim, leaving a bit to be desired.""コンサートの照明が薄暗く、少し不満が残った。"

  • "The sound quality of the audio was not very clear, leaving a bit to be desired."

  • "The layout of the bookstore was confusing, leaving a bit to be desired."

"leave a lot to be desired":

  • "The safety measures at the theme park were inadequate, leaving a lot to be desired."
    "テーマパークの安全対策が不十分であった。" "大いに不満である。"

  • "The durability of the product was poor, leaving a lot to be desired."

  • "The customer service at the restaurant was lacking, leaving a lot to be desired."


日本人が誤訳しやすい英文を紹介しました。「His performance left nothing to be desired.」は「彼の演技は、非の打ちどころがなかった」という意味です。逆の意味に解釈する人が多い。「望むべきことはひとつも残っていない」から、「非の打ちどころがない」「完璧だ」「期待を裏切らない」の意味です。ポイントは leave ~ to be desired の意味です。そこで、「叶えたい望みがあとどれぐらいあるか」という意味で考えましょう。「彼の演技は叶えたい望みはもうない」くらい、よい演技だったとなります。






【英語川柳】”マスクでは 防ぎきれない 妻のグチ"を英語表現すると?【Masks / can't block / my wife's complaints】

ふるさとへ 帰る代わりに 税納め」これは、「サラッと一句!わたしの川柳コンクール」から選ばれた100作品の中の1つです。ユーモアたっぷりだと思いませんか?








"Masks / can't block / my wife's complaints."


"Masks" - "マスク"
"Can't block" - "防ぐことができない"
"My wife's complaints" - "妻の抱えた不満"

答えは、「マスクでは 防ぎきれない 妻のグチ」でした。


"Masks can't block my wife's complaints."


"No need for hanko / no need to go to the office / am I next?"


"No need for hanko" - "判子は不要"
"No need to go to the office" - "オフィスに行く必要がない"
"Am I next?" - "次は私?"

答えは、「ハンコ不要 出社も不要 次は俺?」でした。


"No need for hanko, no need to go to the office, am I next?"


"Abolishment of hanko / to proceed with it / hanko is needed."


"Abolishment of hanko" - "ハンコの廃止"
"To proceed with it" - "それを進める"
"Hanko is needed" - "判が必要"
答えは、「脱ハンコ 進めるために 判が要る」でした。


"Abolishment of hanko to proceed with it, hanko is needed."



ご紹介した川柳は、日常生活のさまざまな側面をユーモラスに表現しています。最初の川柳「マスクでは 防ぎきれない 妻のグチ」は、妻の不満をブロックするマスクの無力さについて述べています。2つ目の「ハンコ不要 出社も不要 次は俺?」は、テレワークでハンコも出社も不要にななり、次は何が不要になるかを自分を使って表現していました。3つ目「脱ハンコ 進めるために 判が要る」は、ハンコ廃止を進めるのにハンコが要るという矛盾をうまく表現しています。

【今日から2月】英語でどう表現? 2月が来たことを英語で表現しよう【It is February from Today】





2月はラテン語の "Februarius "が語源で、"浄化 "を意味します。古代ローマでは、2月に "Februa "というお祭りを行い、身を清め、神々に供物を捧げて、その年の健康と幸運を祈願していたそうです。


2月の到来を表現するキーフレーズ(Key Phrases to Express February's Arrival)


2月の表現は簡単(February Expressions Made Easy)


"今日から2月です "→ "It is February from Today"を表現する


  • "It is February from today."今日から2月です"
  • "Today is the first day of February.""今日は2月の初日です。"
  • "Today marks the start of February.""今日から2月が始まりました。"
  • "We are now in the month of February.""2月に入りました。"
  • "February has arrived, and it starts today.""2月に入りました。今日から2月です。

ユーモアたっぷり英語日常会話で使う"今日から2月です "

  1. Today we say goodbye to January and hello to February! 🎉
    今日で1月とお別れ、2月とご挨拶です 🎉

  2. Today is the start of a new adventure. It's the first day of February! 🚀
    今日は新しい冒険の始まり、2月の初日です 🚀

  3. February is here, and we're ready to have a blast! 🎉

  4. Today, we start a new chapter in our lives, and it's called February! 📖

  5. Time to put on our winter coats. Today is the first day of February! ❄️

  6. Today, we take a step into the future. It's the first day of February! 👀

  7. February is finally here. Today is the first day of the month! 🎉

  8. Today, we start counting down the days until spring. It's the first day of February! 🌷
    今日から春までのカウントダウン、2月1日です! 🌷

  9. Today, we take a deep breath and embrace the new month, the first day of February! 💪
    今日は、深呼吸して新しい月を受け入れる、2月の最初の日です 💪

  10. Let's make the most of today, it's the first day of February and a new beginning! 🎉今日は2月の最初の日、新しい始まりの日です!今日を大切にしましょう。🎉

日本で過ごす2月は特別な時期です。(February in Japan - A Special Time)


2月の訪れを表現する準備(Ready to Express February's Arrival with Confidence)

2月の到来を英語で表現することは、日本に住む人にとって貴重であり、達成可能なスキルです。このブログで紹介したフレーズやコツを使えば、日常会話で自信をもって2月の始まりを表現することができます。2月の始まりを英語で表現するスキルを向上させるには、ネイティブスピーカーと話す練習をし、日常会話でこれらのフレーズを使うことが大切です。練習すればするほど、2月の到来を英語で表現することに自信が持てるようになるはずです。Happy speaking!



Get Ahead in English Conversation: Learn How to Express February's Arrival Today in Japan

February has Arrived - Let's Start Expressing it in English!

As an English learner living in Japan, being able to express the arrival of February in daily conversation is a valuable skill to have. Whether you are talking about current events, keeping track of time, or simply communicating effectively with native English speakers, knowing how to express the arrival of February is an important part of speaking English.

Key Phrases to Express February's Arrival

In this blog, we will cover key tips and phrases to help you confidently express the start of February. Let's get started!

February Expressions Made Easy

Many English learners may believe that expressing the arrival of February in English is a difficult task that requires advanced language skills. But this is not the case! With a few simple phrases, you can easily express the arrival of February. Being able to express the arrival of February is a crucial part of daily conversation for English learners living in Japan. It allows you to talk about current events, keep track of time, and communicate effectively with native English speakers.

Expressing "It is February from Today"

Here are a few ways to express that February has started today in English:

  • "It is February from today."
  • "Today is the first day of February."
  • "Today marks the start of February."
  • "We are now in the month of February."
  • "February has arrived, and it starts today."

February in Japan - A Special Time

February is a special time in Japan. During this time, the country is adorned with beautiful pink and white cherry blossom trees, which bloom in early February in some regions and in late March in others. February is also a time of traditional festivals and events, such as the Setsubun Festival, which marks the end of winter and the start of spring. [Insert image of cherry blossom trees in Japan]

Ready to Express February's Arrival with Confidence?

In conclusion, expressing the arrival of February in English is a valuable and achievable skill for English learners living in Japan. Using the phrases and tips outlined in this blog, you can confidently express the start of February in daily conversation. To improve your skills in expressing February's arrival in English, it is important to practice speaking with native English speakers and using these phrases in daily conversations. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in expressing the arrival of February in English.

Happy Speaking!

With these tips and phrases, you are well on expressing February's arrival with confidence in English conversation while living in Japan. Happy speaking!






 ↑関連動画  "Cold Wave" vs. "Cold Snap "の説明はこちら(英語での解説です)

雪崩(なだれ)を英語で表現するとAvalanche【ˈavəlɑːn(t)ʃ】でした。その他、雪崩から思いつくのはSnowfallです。雪=Snow と崩れる=Fallの組み合わせですね。しかし、Snowfallは雪崩という意味ではありません。



雪崩は英語でAvalanche【ˈavəlɑːn(t)ʃ】といいます山肌を滑り落ちる危険な雪の塊のことで、ウィンタースポーツや自然災害のニュースなどでよく使われる言葉です。一方、Snowfallは降雪という意味です。heavy snowfallは大雪(豪雪)となります。Japan Timesではニュースタイトルにheavy snowfall を使って、「Japan faces heavy snowfall amid once-in-a-decade cold snap」(10年に1度の寒波で大雪に見舞われた日本)としていました。






Avalancheの語源はフランス語で、アルプスの方言の "lavanche "が変化したものです。この言葉は、フランス語で "下る "(descend)という意味の "avaler "に影響されたものです。

雪崩は大量の雪や氷が山を突然、急速に "下る"と覚えておきましょう。


  • snow avalanche:雪崩( snowslide , slush avalancheと表現することもあります)
  • mud avalanche:泥なだれ
  • rock-and-soil avalanche:土砂崩れ

その他:Ice Avalanche,Debris Avalancheなど

雪崩を言うときにはAvalancheかSnow avalancheを使うのですが、Snowがなくても一般的に雪崩として理解されます。


A skier was rescued after being buried in snow from an avalanche. He was lucky to have survived. 😲

Wow, this shows how unpredictable and dangerous avalanches can be. It's a miracle that the skier was rescued and made alive.😇




An avalanche is a phenomenon that occurs when a large amount of snow suddenly and rapidly slides down a mountainside. Various factors, including the snow's weight, temperature changes, and the shape of the mountain slope, can trigger this.


「雪崩(なだれ)が起こる」の英語表現は”An avalanche had occurred”となります。実際に冒頭でご紹介したニュースでもこの表現になっています。

According to Hokkaido Prefectural Police, another woman called police at around 2:25 p.m. Friday and reported in English that an avalanche had occurred.


「雪崩に巻き込まれた」の英語表現は” They were caught in an avalanche.”となります。ニュースでもこの表現になっています。

OTARI, Nagano — Skiers were caught in an avalanche on the Tengu plateau of Mt. Hakuba Norikura in the village of Otari, Nagano Prefecture, on Sunday afternoon, according to police.


A skier was stuck in the snow while skiing in the wild.

Being caught in an avalanche can be dangerous and put your life in danger.






An avalanche is a rapid flow of snow down a slope caused by loud sounds like shouting, explosions or music or the weight of new snow. Snowfall is simply snow that falls from the sky to the ground.

In simple terms, an avalanche is a sudden and dangerous movement of snow, while snowfall is the act of snow coming down from the sky.

「雪崩」の英語表現(Avalanche/Snow Avalanche/Slush Avalanche/Snowslideの違い)




Slush Avalanche


Snow Avalanche

雪崩は、その名の通り大量の雪が山を転げ落ちることです。最も一般的な雪崩で、人や物が流されると大変危険です。Snow Avalancheは、雪でできた雪崩の種類を具体的に説明したい場合に使用します。



Avalanche と Snowslide




引用:日本雪崩ネットワーク,What is Avalanche?

Loose Snow Avalanche (点発生雪崩):


Slab Avalanche(面発生雪崩):


Powder Snow Avalanche(粉雪雪崩):


Wet Snow Avalanche(湿雪雪崩):


Surface Avalanche(表層雪崩):



雪崩(なだれ)注意報(Avalanche Warning)

雪崩(なだれ)注意報(avalanche warning)は、政府機関やその他の組織が、特定の地域で雪崩が発生する可能性があることを警告するために発する通知です。この警告は、掲示板、標識、放送などの形で出され、多くの場合、危険度と発生する可能性のある雪崩の種類を示します。雪崩警報は、ウィンタースポーツに参加する人々、および雪崩の発生しやすい地域に居住または旅行する人々にとって重要です。




  • "Did you hear about the avalanche that happened near the ski resort?"
  • The skiers were amazed by the massive size of the snow avalanche as it roared down the mountain. 😲


  • The sound of the snow avalanche was deafening, like thunder, causing the ground to shake beneath their feet. 🔊


  • The snowboarder felt a wave of fear wash over him as he saw the huge snow avalanche barreling toward him. 😱


  • The snow avalanche buried the tiny village, leaving nothing but destruction in its aftermath. 😔


  • The tourists were stunned by the incredible power of the snow avalanche, which had swept away everything in its path. 😲


  • The snow avalanche was a humbling reminder of the immense power of nature and its ability to change the landscape in an instant. 💪🏻


  • "Have you heard about the recent snow avalanche in the mountains? It was so massive!" 🤯
    "最近、山で起きた雪崩のことを聞いたことがありますか?すごく大規模だったんだ!" 🤯

  • "The snow avalanche blocked the road, making it challenging for rescue teams to reach the affected area." 🚫

  • "I can't imagine what it would feel like to be caught in a snow avalanche. It must be incredibly scary." 😨
    雪崩に巻き込まれたらどんな感じなのか、想像もつかない。とてつもなく怖いんだろうな" 😨

  • "I saw a video of a snow avalanche online and was stunned by its sheer power and speed." 😲
    "ネットで雪崩のビデオを見たが、その威力とスピードにただただ唖然とした" 😲

  • "I love skiing in the mountains, but I always have a deep respect for the dangers of snow avalanches." 😯
    "私は山でスキーをするのが好きですが、雪崩の危険性にはいつも深い敬意を抱いています" 😯

  • "The snow avalanche reminded us all about the significance of being prepared for natural disasters." 💡"雪崩は、自然災害に対する備えの重要性について、私たち全員に思い起こさせるものでした。" 💡


  •  "An avalanche warning has been issued for the northern region of Nagano Prefecture after heavy snowfall in the area."
  • "A massive snow avalanche swept through the mountain range, causing extensive damage to homes and infrastructure.""大規模な雪崩が発生し、家屋やインフラに甚大な被害が出ています。"
  • "Rescue teams are working tirelessly to locate survivors from the fatal snow avalanche that struck the village yesterday."
  • "According to experts, the recent snow avalanche was caused by a combination of heavy snow accumulation and strong winds in the region."
  • "The ski resort has closed for the season due to the destructive snow avalanche that ravaged the slopes."
  • "The government has declared a state of emergency in response to the devastating snow avalanche and is providing assistance to those impacted."
  • "The local community is coming together to support those impacted by the snow avalanche, with volunteers and donations pouring in from across the nation."



  • "雪崩だ! すぐに助けが必要です!"
    "Avalanche! We need help immediately!"

  • "大変なことになったよ! 雪崩が発生しました!"
    "We're in trouble! An avalanche has hit us!"

  • "緊急事態発生! 雪崩に巻き込まれた!"
    "Emergency! We're caught in an avalanche!"

  • "救助を求む。雪崩が発生した!"
    "We need rescue. An avalanche has occurred!"



  • "The skiers were caught in a dangerous avalanche while they were hiking up the mountain.""スキーヤーが山登り中に危険な雪崩に巻き込まれた。"

  • "I was shoveling my driveway when a small snowslide came down the hill and buried my car.""私道を雪かきしていたら、小さな雪崩がやってきて私の車を埋めた。"

  • "The snow avalanche caused a massive power outage in the small village at the bottom of the mountain.""雪崩のせいで、麓の小さな村が大停電になった"

  • "My kids had so much fun sledding down the hill, but I was worried about them getting caught in a snowslide.""子供たちはソリで丘を降りるのがとても楽しかったのですが、雪崩に巻き込まれないか心配でした。"

  • "The rescue teams had to use helicopters to reach the victims of the massive snow avalanche.""救助隊は大規模な雪崩の犠牲者に到達するためにヘリコプターを使わなければならなかった。"




  1. "The flood of compliments from your crush was like an avalanche of happiness and excitement. 😃""片思いの相手からの褒め言葉の洪水は、幸せと興奮のなだれのようだった。😃"

  2. "The sudden surge of bookings for your bed and breakfast was like an avalanche of success and pride. 😊""あなたのベッド&ブレックファーストの突然の予約の急増は、成功と誇りの雪崩のようだった。" 😊"

  3. "The adrenaline rush while bungee jumping was like an avalanche of excitement and thrill. 😎"「バンジージャンプのアドレナリンラッシュは、興奮とスリルの雪崩のようだった。😎"

  4. "The cascade of beautiful flowers at the wedding was like an avalanche of beauty and joy. 😍""結婚式での美しい花の滝は、美しさと喜びの雪崩のようだった。😍"

  5. "The avalanche of emails in your inbox was like a rush of stress and anxiety. 😔""受信箱に届く雪崩のようなメールは、ストレスと不安のラッシュのようだった。😔"

  6. "The barrage of negative comments on your latest post was like an avalanche of criticism and hurt. 😞""あなたの最新の投稿に対する否定的なコメントの嵐は、批判と傷の雪崩のようだった。😞"

  7. "The surge of expenses during the holidays was like an avalanche of financial stress and worry. 😟""休暇中の出費の急増は、経済的なストレスと心配の雪崩のようだった。😟"

  8. "The avalanche of work responsibilities was like a rush of pressure and exhaustion. 😫""仕事の責任の雪崩は、プレッシャーと疲労のラッシュのようだった。😫"

  9. "The overwhelming traffic on the highway during rush hour was like an avalanche of frustration and annoyance. 😠""ラッシュアワーの高速道路の圧倒的な交通量は、イライラと腹立たしさのなだれのようだった。😠"




Avalanche: Understanding the Word and its Usage

I. Introduction

An avalanche is a dangerous and sudden mass of snow that slides down a mountainside. It is a term that is commonly used in the winter sports industry, as well as in news reports about natural disasters. In this blog, we'll discuss the meaning of the word "avalanche," its significance, and how to use it in everyday conversation or the news.

II. The Definition of Avalanche

An avalanche is a phenomenon that occurs when a large amount of snow suddenly and rapidly slides down a mountainside. Various factors, including the snow's weight, temperature changes, and the shape of the mountain slope, can trigger this. Avalanches can range in size from small slides to massive ones covering entire valleys.

III. Etymology of the Word

The word "avalanche" is derived from the French word "avalanche," which means "to slide." It was originally used in the 17th century to describe a landslide or a rockslide, but it was later referred to as a snow slide.

IV. Types of Avalanches

There are several different types of avalanches, including loose snow avalanches, slab avalanches, and powder avalanches. Loose snow avalanches occur when snow on the surface of a slope becomes unstable and starts to slide down. Slab avalanches happen when a layer of snow breaks off the slope and slides down. Powder avalanches are typically triggered by skiers or snowboarders who cause the snow to slide.

V. Avalanche Warning

An avalanche warning is a notice issued by government agencies or other organizations warning of the likelihood of an avalanche in a specific area. These warnings can be issued in the form of a bulletin, a sign, or a broadcast, and they often indicate the level of risk and the type of avalanche that may occur. Avalanche warnings are important for those who participate in winter sports and for people who live or travel in areas prone to avalanches.

VI. Using "Avalanche" in Daily Conversation and News

Here are a few examples of how to use the word "avalanche" in daily conversation and news:

  • In conversation: "Did you hear about the avalanche that happened near the ski resort?"
  • In the news: "An avalanche warning has been issued for the northern region of Nagano Prefecture after heavy snowfall in the area."

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, "avalanche" refers to a dangerous and sudden mass of snow that slides down a mountainside. Understanding the meaning of this word and its usage in daily conversation and news is important for those who participate in winter sports or live in areas prone to avalanches. Stay informed and stay safe in areas that are at risk of avalanches.

When people are in danger in the snow due to an avalanche, the following expressions could be used to call for help: "Avalanche! We need help immediately!" "We're in trouble! An avalanche has hit us!" "Emergency! We're caught in an avalanche!" "We need rescue. An avalanche has occurred!" "Mayday! Mayday! We're in danger from an avalanche!" It's important to use clear and concise language when calling for help in an emergency. The priority is to convey the nature of the danger and the need for immediate assistance.

【英語川柳】”会社へは 来るなと上司 行けと妻"を英語表現すると?【Going to the office / forbidden by my boss / demanded by my wife】

「オミクロン 家族全員 株主に!!」これは、「サラッと一句!わたしの川柳コンクール」から選ばれた100作品の中の1つです。ユーモアたっぷりだと思いませんか?









"Going to the office / forbidden by my boss / demanded by my wife."


"Going to the office" - 「会社に行く」
"Forbidden by my boss" - 「上司に禁止されている」
"Demanded by my wife" - 「妻に要求されている」

答えは、「会社へは 来るなと上司 行けと妻」でした。


"Going to the office is forbidden by my boss but demanded by my wife." 


"Teleworking / a different side / of my father I learn about."


"Teleworking" - 「テレワーク」
"A different side" - 「異なる側面」
"Of my father I learn about" - 「私の父について知る」

答えは、「テレワーク いつもと違う 父を知る」でした。


"Teleworking allowed me to learn about a different side of my father."


"Going to work / was actually an exercise / my tummy realized."


"Going to work" - 「仕事に行く」
"Was actually an exercise" - 「実際には運動であった」
"My tummy realized" - 「私のおなかが気づいた」
"Teleworking allowed me to learn about a different side of my father." 
答えは、「出勤が 運動だったと 気づく腹」でした。


"Going to work was actually an exercise, and my tummy realized." 



ご紹介した川柳は、日常生活のさまざまな側面をユーモラスに表現しています。最初の川柳「会社へは 来るなと上司 行けと妻」は、仕事と私生活の矛盾を浮き彫りにしていました。2番目「テレワーク いつもと違う 父を知る」は、テレワークが以外な再発見につながることを表現しています。3つめ「出勤が 運動だったと 気づく腹」は、出勤することで得られるダイエット効果に驚いていました。
