

【2023年米国確定申告の単語】Household employeesとは?【家事使用人と独立請負人(independent contractors)との違い】


フォーム1040でHousehold employee wagesという項目があります。



この記事では、Household employee という英単語とその使い方について解説します。


Household employee wagesはECIの項目の一つです。

ECI(Effectively Connected Income)は「実質米国事業活動に関連するもの」という意味で、米国源泉所得として報告することになっています。具体的にはフォーム1040の下記項目で報告します。

  • Household employee wages not reported on Form(s) W-2 
  • Form(s)W-2に記載されていない家事労働者の賃金について



Household employees include housekeepers, maids, babysitters, gardeners, and others who work in or around your private residence as your employee. Repairmen, plumbers, contractors, and other business people who provide their services as independent contractors, are not your employees. Household workers are your employees if you can control not only the work they do, but also how they do it.

Topic No. 756 Employment Taxes for Household Employees | Internal Revenue Service




独立した請負業者"Independent Contractors"とは、働き方、働く時間、働く場所など、自分の仕事をコントロールしながら相手にサービスを提供する人たちのことを指します。

日常会話でつかうHousehold employee

  1. I feel incredibly grateful to have a trustworthy household employee like Maria, who keeps my home clean and organized. 😊

  2. My household employee, Juan, is more than just a gardener; he's become a dear friend, and I truly appreciate all of his hard work in keeping my yard beautiful. 😍

  3. I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed with taking care of my children and keeping the house clean, but since I hired a household employee as a babysitter, my life has become much more manageable and less stressful. 😌

  4. I feel incredibly fortunate to have found such a skilled and reliable household employee like Ahmed, who takes care of all the repairs and maintenance around my home. 😎

  5. I am so pleased with my household employee, Sophie, who is not just a housekeeper but also an excellent cook. She always makes sure that my house is spotless and smells delicious. 😋

英語で理解するHousehold employee

Imagine you have a big house and want to ensure it's always clean and tidy. So, you hire a team of housekeepers, maids, and even a babysitter to help you out. These people work for you in your house, and you tell them what to do and how to do it. They are your household employees.


Let's say you need repairs to your house, like fixing the plumbing or adding a new room. You hire experts like plumbers, contractors, and builders to help you out. These people are not your employees. They are independent contractors. They come to your house, do the work, and then leave. You do not control them on how to do their job.


So, in simple terms, household employees are the people you hire to work in your house, and you control their work, while independent contractors are the experts you hire to fix or improve your house, but they have their way of working.


日常会話でつかう Independent contractor 

  1. I feel so relieved to have found an independent contractor like John, who is an expert in electrical work and has been able to fix all the issues in my home efficiently. 🤗

  2. I am extremely impressed with the independent contractor, Sarah, who designed and built my new website. She was able to understand my vision and bring it to life perfectly. 😍

  3. I feel confident knowing I have an independent contractor like Jack, who is always available to handle any plumbing emergencies that may arise promptly. 😌

  4. I felt overwhelmed with the amount of work that needed to be done on my home renovation project, but since I hired an independent contractor like Michael, I feel at ease knowing that the work is in good hands and will be done to a high standard. 😊

  5. I am deeply grateful to have found an independent contractor like Rachel, who is a talented and efficient graphic designer. Her creativity and expertise have taken my business to the next level. 😎


米国の確定申告における専門用語の理解は大切です。特に家事従事者(household employees)と独立した請負業者(independent contractors)の区別に関して違いを知ることが重要です。家事従業員とは、あなたの従業員としてあなたの私邸やその周辺で働く人のことで、あなたは彼らが行う仕事だけでなく、その方法についてもコントロールすることができます。家事従業員の例としては、家政婦、メイド、ベビーシッター、庭師などが挙げられます。一方、独立した請負人は、別の事業体としてサービスを提供する人であり、あなたの従業員ではありません。独立請負人の例としては、修理工、配管工、請負業者などが挙げられます。フォーム1040には、"Household employee wages "という項目があり、ここで家事労働者に支払った賃金を報告します。家事使用人と独立請負人の違いは、税法上の意味合いと報告義務が異なるので、よく理解しておくことが大切です。