

【動画解説】食べ物の誘いを断る英語術:The Art of Politely Declining Food Offers in English(Never Say This in English)





よくある間違いについてはYouTube動画「Never Say This in English」を紹介します。こここでは、今日から使えるフレーズを紹介しています。


YouTube動画:"英語でこんなこと言っちゃダメ": "Never Say This in English"

ここでは、英語を話すときによくある間違いを取り上げたYouTube動画を紹介します。動画「Never Say This in English」で、効果的なコミュニケーションや誤解を避けるために避けるべきキーフレーズを紹介しています。動画に登場する以下のスクリプトを説明し、よくある英語の間違いを紹介します。まずは動画をご視聴ください。



Would you like to have a piece of cake? No, I don't like it. Please, never say I don't like it. Use different phrases instead. Would you like to have a piece of cake? No, thanks. It's not my favorite. Would you like to have a piece of cake? No, thanks. I'm on a specific diet recommended by my doctor. Would you like to have a piece of cake? No, thanks. I'm not hungry right now. This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now. Sorry, this doesn't fit into my food plan for the day.


ケーキを召し上がりますか?いいえ、嫌いです。お願いですから、決してI don't like itとは言わないでください。代わりに違うフレーズを使ってください。ケーキを一切れいかがですか?いいえ、結構です。好きではないので。ケーキを一切れいかがですか?いいえ、結構です。医者から勧められた特定のダイエットをしているんです。ケーキをお召し上がりになりますか?いいえ、結構です。今はお腹が空いてないんです。これは美味しそうですが、今は食べる場所がないんです。すみません、これは今日の食事プランに合わないんです。


  • "No, thanks."
    これは申し出を断るときの丁寧な言い方です。thanks "と言うことで、話し手は申し出を受け入れないにもかかわらず、感謝の気持ちを示しているのです。
  • "It's not my favorite."
    このフレーズは申し出を断るための理由ですが、話し手が無礼な口調で言ったり、見下すような言い方をしたりすると、ぶっきらぼうで不作法だと思われることもあります。"No, thanks."と組み合わせて使いましょう。
  • "I'm on a specific diet recommended by my doctor."
    "私は医者から勧められた特定のダイエットをしています。" 話し手がその申し出を受けられない理由を述べることで、申し出を断る丁寧な方法です。
  • "I'm not hungry right now."
    今はお腹が空いていません。これは、話し手が現在空腹であることを述べることで、申し出を断る丁寧な方法です。"No, thanks."と組み合わせて使いましょう。
  • "This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now."
    ”これは美味しそうですが、今は食べる場所がないんです。" - これは、申し出に対する感謝の気持ちを表しながら、断る理由も述べることで、申し出を断る丁寧な方法です。
  • "Sorry, this doesn't fit into my food plan for the day." 


  1. "No, I'm Good"(いらない)
    No, I'm good "は丁寧に見えるかもしれませんが、状況によっては無礼に見えてしまうこともあります。それよりも、"No, thank you" や "No, I'm not hungry right now" と言った方が良いでしょう。これなら感謝の気持ちが伝わり、誤解も避けられます。
  2. "I Don't Care" (気にしない)
    食べ物を断るときに "I don't care "と言うと、興味がない、または嫌だと解釈される可能性があります。
  3.  "Whatever"(何でもいい)
    食べ物の誘いを断るとき、"Whatever "というフレーズは、無関心な印象を与えてしまうので、避けるべきでしょう。


"No, thanks. I've already had enough dessert for today."
"I appreciate the offer, but I prefer to stick to my meal plan."
"No, thanks. I don't eat cake, but it looks delicious!"
"I'm trying to limit my sugar intake, so I'll pass this time."
"No, thanks. I'm saving room for dinner, but thanks for offering."




食事の誘いを断るときは、相手の気分を害さないよう丁寧な言葉遣いをすることが大切です。否定的な言葉や失礼な言葉を使うなど、よくある間違いを犯すと、会話や人間関係に悪い影響を与えることがあります。例えば、"no, I'm good"「いいえ、結構です」と言うと、興味がない、または見下していると思われ、"I don't care"「気にしません」と言うと、失礼、または恩知らずと思われる可能性があります。




食事の誘いを断るときに否定的な言葉や失礼な言葉を使うと、会話や人間関係が悪くなります。よくある間違いは、"No, I'm good" "I don't care" などと言うことです。その代わりに、丁寧で尊敬に値する別の言葉を使うことが重要です。例えば、"No, thank you" (いいえ、結構です)や "This looks great, but I just not have any room for it right now. "(おいしそうだけど、今はお腹いっぱいです。)などと言うことができます。


もうひとつのよくある間違いは、お料理の注文を断る際に、その理由を説明しないことです。必ずしも理由を述べる必要はないかもしれませんが、理由を述べることで、より丁寧で分かりやすい断り方をすることができます。例えば、" No, thank you, I'm not hungry right now" (いや、結構です、今はお腹が空いていないので
すみません)や "I'm sorry, I'm a strict diet, and I can't eat this right now"(ダイエット中なので、今は食べられません。) などと言えばよいでしょう。




"No, Thank You""いいえ、結構です "と言う

英語で食べ物の誘いを断るには、"No, thank you "と言うのがシンプルで効果的です。このフレーズは、申し出に対する感謝の気持ちを伝えると同時に、それを断ることができます。カジュアルな場でもフォーマルな場でも、礼儀正しく、対立することのない断り方です。例えば、社交の場で誰かがケーキを差し出したら、"No, thank you. "と言えばいいのです。より丁寧にしたい場合は、"I appreciate the offer" 「お申し出に感謝します」や "It looks delicious" 「おいしそうですね」を付け加えるとよいでしょう。


食べ物を提供されたときに断る理由を提示することで、その断り方がより理解されやすくなり、相手にも丁寧に伝わるようになります。例えば、食事制限をしている人は、" I'm on a special diet and can't eat that right now.""特別なダイエットをしているので、今は食べられないんです。" 、摂取カロリーを制限している人は、" I'm trying to watch my calorie intake today. ""今日はカロリー摂取を控えているんだ"などと言うことができます。こうすることで、相手の努力に敬意を表し、より納得のいく断り方ができるのです。ただし、その理由は簡潔にし、説明しすぎたり、言い訳のようにならないようにしましょう。


 "I'm not hungry right now" 「今はお腹が空いていないんだ」 "This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now" 「美味しそうだけど、今はお腹がいっぱい」など、別の表現で食べ物を丁重に断ることも可能です。これらのフレーズは、申し出に対する感謝の気持ちと、それを受け入れることを確約せずに後日検討する意思を表します。例えば、職場でおやつを勧められたら、" I'm not hungry right now, but I appreciate the offer. ""今はお腹が空いていないのですが、お申し出に感謝します。" と言うことができます。こうすることで、相手の意思を尊重しつつ、丁寧にお断りすることができるのです。









このブログでは、食べ物の誘いを断る際の丁寧な断り方の重要性について説明しました。また、効果的な断り方として、"No, thank you"、理由をつける、代替表現を使うなどを取り上げました。さらに、会話の文脈やトーンを意識することの重要性、文化の違い、練習の必要性についても触れています。




The Art of Politely Declining Food Offers in English

The Importance of Polite Declines

In today's multicultural society, it is important to learn how to decline food offers politely and respectfully, especially in English. Whether in a business or social setting, declining food offers can be challenging for some people, especially for non-native English speakers. This blog post aims to provide an overview of the importance of declining food offers politely in English and help readers avoid common mistakes when speaking.

The target audience for this blog post includes anyone who wants to improve their English speaking skills and learn how to politely decline food offers in different situations. By the end of this post, readers will understand the impact of common mistakes, learn how to use alternative phrases, and be able to apply effective ways to politely decline food offers.

YouTube Video: "Never Say This in English"


This blog post section will introduce a YouTube video that covers common mistakes people make when speaking English. The video, titled "Never Say This in English," highlights key phrases that should be avoided to communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings.


The following scripts from the video will be explained in more detail, emphasizing the importance of avoiding common English mistakes.

Script 1: "No, I'm Good"

Saying "No, I'm good" may seem polite, but it can come across as impolite in some situations. A better alternative would be to say, "No, thank you," or "No, I'm not hungry right now." This shows gratitude and avoids misunderstandings.

Script 2: "I Don't Care"

The phrase "I don't care" when declining food offers can be interpreted as uninterested or dismissive. Instead, try using "No, thank you" or "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not hungry." This conveys gratitude and respect.

Script 3: "Whatever"

The phrase "whatever" should be avoided when declining food offers as it can come across as dismissive or uninterested. A better alternative would be to say, "No, thank you," or "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not interested." This shows gratitude and respect.

Stay tuned for the rest of the blog post to learn about the importance of polite declines, common mistakes when declining food offers, and effective ways to decline food offers politely in English.

The Importance of Polite Declines

Polite communication is essential in all aspects of life, especially when declining food offers. When we decline food, we are not just saying no to the food but also sending a message about our relationship with the person making the offer. Saying "no" politely shows respect and appreciation for the offer, while impolite language can damage the relationship. This is why declining food offers politely in English is so important.

This blog post targets non-native English speakers or those who struggle with polite communication in English. The challenges they may face include understanding cultural differences, knowing the right words to use, and avoiding common mistakes in English that can come across as impolite or dismissive.

Importance of Polite Declines

Impact of Mistakes

When declining food offers, it's important to use polite language to avoid offending the person making the offer. Making common mistakes, such as using negative or impolite language, can have a negative impact on the conversation and relationship. For example, saying "no, I'm good" can be uninterested or dismissive, while saying "I don't care" can be rude or ungrateful.

Benefits of Avoiding Mistakes

Conversely, using polite language when declining food offers can help maintain positive relationships and avoid misunderstandings. It also demonstrates good social etiquette, which can leave a positive impression on others. Moreover, using polite language can help to show respect for the person making the offer and the situation.

Common Mistakes When Declining Food Offers

Negative Language

Using negative or impolite language when declining food offers can have a negative impact on the conversation and relationship. Some common mistakes include saying, "No, I'm good," or "I don't care." Instead, it's important to use alternative language that is polite and respectful. For example, you could say, "No, thank you," or "This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now."

Failing to Provide a Reason

Another common mistake when declining food offers is failing to provide a reason for the decline. While it may not always be necessary to give a reason, it can help to make the decline more polite and understandable to others. For example, you could say, "No, thank you, I'm not hungry right now," or "I'm sorry, I'm on a strict diet, and I can't eat this right now."

Ignoring Cultural Norms and Expectations

Cultural differences can also impact how food offers are declined and the language used. It's important to be aware of cultural norms and expectations and to be respectful of these differences. For example, it may be customary in some cultures to decline food offers multiple times before finally accepting them. In contrast, it may be considered rude to decline a food offering from others. To be respectful, it's important to be aware of cultural differences and to adjust your language and behavior accordingly.

Effective Ways to Politely Decline Food Offers

Saying "No, Thank You"

Saying "No, thank you" is a simple yet effective way to decline food offers in English. This phrase conveys gratitude for the offer while also declining it. It is a polite and non-confrontational way to decline food offers in casual or formal settings. For example, if someone offers you a piece of cake at a social gathering, you can simply say, "No, thank you." If you would like to be more polite, you can add "I appreciate the offer" or "It looks delicious."

Giving a Reason

Providing a reason for declining a food offer can make the decline more understandable and polite to others. For example, if you have a dietary restriction, you can say, "I'm on a special diet and can't eat that right now." or if you are trying to limit your calorie intake, you can say, "I'm trying to watch my calorie intake today." This way, you show respect for the person's efforts and make the decline more acceptable to them. However, keep the reason brief and not over-explain or make it sound like an excuse.

Using Alternative Phrases

Alternative phrases such as "I'm not hungry right now" or "This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now" can also be used to decline food offers politely. These phrases show appreciation for the offer and a willingness to consider it at a later time without committing to accepting it. For example, if someone offers you a snack at work, you can say, "I'm not hungry right now, but I appreciate the offer." This way, you are being respectful of the person's gesture while politely declining the offer.

Tips for Success When Declining Food Offers

Context and Tone

The context and tone of the conversation play a crucial role in the effectiveness of a polite decline. It is important to pay attention to the situation and the people involved, as it can impact how your decline is perceived. For example, declining food at a business meeting may require a different approach than declining food at a family gathering. Consider the setting and the relationship with the person making the offer and adjust your response accordingly. Remember to keep the tone friendly and avoid being rude or dismissive.

Cultural Differences

Different cultures have different norms and expectations regarding declining food offers. For example, it is considered rude to decline food in some cultures, while in others, it is expected. Therefore, it is important to be aware of cultural differences and respect them when declining food offers. Research the customs and traditions of your culture and adjust your response accordingly. Remember that being polite and respectful is key to effectively declining food offers in any culture.


Declining food offers politely in English requires practice. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become. Find opportunities to practice in different situations, such as at work, with friends, or in social gatherings. Seek feedback from others and make adjustments to your response as needed. Remember that learning and improving are ongoing, so be patient and persistent.

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Polite Declines

Key Points Recap

In this blog post, we have discussed the importance of polite declines when it comes to declining food offers. We have also covered effective ways to decline food offers, such as saying "No, thank you," giving a reason, and using alternative phrases. Additionally, we have touched upon the importance of being aware of the context and tone of the conversation, cultural differences, and the need for practice.

Declining food offers politely in English is an important aspect of communicating effectively and building positive relationships with others. Following the tips and suggestions covered in this blog post, you can master the art of polite declines and navigate food-related interactions with confidence and grace.

So, take the time to practice and refine your skills, and you'll soon find that declining food offers can be a simple and stress-free experience.