





クリスマスメールに "Happy Holidays "のような一般的な挨拶文を使うのはよくあることです。このような挨拶は丁寧で適切な書き出しであることは間違いありませんが、人間味に欠ける場合もあります。より個人的で親しみやすい雰囲気を出すために、相手の名前を使って挨拶文をパーソナライズしましょう。

例えば、"Merry Christmas, [Name]!" や "Happy Holidays, [Name]!" などでメールを始めるとよいでしょう。このような小さな意思表示は、あなたが時間をかけて相手のことを考え、相手の幸福を気遣っていることを示すものです。





Merry Christmas, [Name]!

I hope this email finds you well and that you are having a wonderful holiday season. It has been a pleasure working with you this year, and I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your hard work and dedication.

I hope that you have a happy and restful holiday season, surrounded by loved ones. I look forward to continuing our work together in the new year.

Warmest wishes,
[Your Name]




Are you an English learner in business who wants to write a successful Christmas email? Here's a tip: make sure to personalize your greeting.
It's easy to fall into the trap of using a generic greeting like "Happy Holidays" in your Christmas email. While this is undoubtedly a polite and appropriate way to begin your message, it can also be impersonal. To set a more personal and friendly tone in your Christmas email, consider taking the time to personalize your greeting by using the recipient's name. For example, you might start your email with "Merry Christmas, [Name]!" or "Happy Holidays, [Name]!" This small gesture shows that you have taken the time to think about the individual recipient and care about their well-being.
In addition to personalizing your greeting, keeping your email concise and to the point is also essential. Avoid using long, convoluted sentences or going off on tangents. Instead, focus on conveying your main message clearly and concisely. Your recipient likely has a lot of emails to read during the holiday season, so make sure to get straight to the point in your message.
By personalizing your greeting and keeping your email concise, you can make your Christmas email more successful and ensure that it stands out among the many other holiday messages your recipient will likely receive. Happy writing!




  • Personalize: to make something more individual or specific to a particular person or group. Example: "I personalized the invitation by including the recipient's name on the front."
  • Impersonal: lacking personal warmth or emotional connection. Example: "The impersonal tone of the email made it difficult to build a connection with the sender."
  • Gratitude: a feeling of thankfulness or appreciation. Example: "I expressed my gratitude for their help by writing a thank-you note."
  • Restful: providing or conducive to rest or relaxation. Example: "The peaceful surroundings of the beach made for a restful vacation."
  • Convoluted: complicated and difficult to follow or understand. Example: "The instructions were so convoluted that I couldn't figure out what to do."
  • Tangent: a digression from the main subject in speech or writing. Example: "She went off on a tangent about her vacation, and I lost track of the conversation."
  • Fall into the trap: to be deceived or caught unawares by something. Example: "I fell into the trap of thinking that the project would be easy."
  • Undoubtedly: without a doubt; certainly. Example: "It is undoubtedly the best solution to the problem."
  • Gesture: a movement or action made with the hands, head, or body as a way of expressing an idea or emotion. Example: "He made a gesture of apology by bowing his head."
  • Convey: to transmit or communicate information or ideas. Example: "The speaker conveyed the message effectively through clear and concise language."
  • Stand out: to be noticed or prominent because of being different or better than others. Example: "His unique style made him stand out among the other performers."
  • Personalize(パーソナライズ):何かを特定の人やグループに対して、より個別的・具体的にすること。例 "招待状の表面に受取人の名前を入れてパーソナライズした。"
  • Impersonal:個人的な温もりや感情的なつながりがないこと。例 "メールの非人間的なトーンは、送信者とのつながりを築くことを難しくした。"
  • Gratitude(グラティチュード):感謝の気持ちや感謝する気持ち。例:「ありがとうございました。例:"私はお礼状を書くことで、彼らの助けに対する感謝の気持ちを表現した。"
  • Restful: 休息やリラックスを提供する、または助長する。例 "ビーチの平和な環境は、安らかな休暇をもたらした。"
  • Convoluted:複雑で、フォローや理解が難しい。例 "説明書が複雑で、何をすればいいのかわからなかった。"
  • Tangent(タンジェント): スピーチや文章で本題から脱線すること。例 "彼女は休暇のことで脱線してしまい、話がわからなくなった。"
  • Fall into the trap: 何かに騙されたり、不意打ちを食らうこと。例 "私はこのプロジェクトが簡単だと考えて、罠にはまった。"
  • Undoubtedly:間違いなく、確実に。例:間違いなく。"間違いなく、この問題に対する最良の解決策である。"
  • ジェスチャー:アイデアや感情を表現する方法として、手や頭、体を使って行う動きや動作。例 "彼は頭を下げて謝罪のジェスチャーをした。"
  • Convey(伝える):情報や考えを伝える、伝達する。例 例:"スピーカーは明確で簡潔な言葉によってメッセージを効果的に伝えた."
  • 目立つ:他の人と違う、優れているという理由で注目される、目立つこと。例 "彼のユニークなスタイルは、他のパフォーマーの中で彼を際立たせた。"

