















  1. テンプレートを使わないこと


  2. 相手に対する感謝の気持ちを伝えること
  3. 今年を振り返ること
  4. 来年を楽しみにすること
  5. メールの最後には、「メリークリスマス」や「ハッピークリスマス」といった言葉を書くこと





  • 今年もあっという間に終わりがやってきましたね。
  • This year has passed by in the blink of an eye.


  • 今年一年、お世話になりました。本当にありがとうございました。
  • Thank you for everything this year.


  • 今年は、(出来事)がありましたね。振り返ると、とても楽しかったです。
  • This year, (event) happened. Looking back, it was a lot of fun.


  • 来年は、(目標や期待)を達成するよう心がけます。
  • Next year, I'll aim to (achieve my goal/expectation).


  • 今からできることとして、(アイデア)を思いつきました。一緒にやりませんか?
  • I just thought of (idea) as something we can do starting now. Want to do it together?


  • メリークリスマス!今年も一年、ありがとうございました。来年もよろしくお願いします。
  • Merry Christmas! Thank you for everything this year. I look forward to working with you next year.


  • ハッピークリスマス!今年もあっという間に終わりましたね。来年も、お互いに幸せな一年を過ごせるよう心がけましょう。
  • Happy Christmas! This year has passed by quickly. Let's try to have a happy year together next year.






Christmas is almost here!

As the Christmas season approaches, you may have noticed that this special holiday is just around the corner. Christmas is a special day for Christians to celebrate the birth of Christ. It is also a day to spend with family and friends and to enjoy peace and happiness.

Traditional Christmas activities

  • Decorating a tree
  • Exchanging gifts
  • Enjoying a special Christmas dinner

This time of year is also when various Christmas cards and messages are sent. That's why today I'd like to talk about Christmas emails. A Christmas email is a special message sent to family, friends, and business associates during the Christmas season.

Writing a Christmas email

  • Don't use templates. Since Christmas is a special day to celebrate, writing your own Christmas email rather than using a template is important.
  • Express your appreciation toward the recipient. In a Christmas email, it's important to express your appreciation toward the recipient. This can be for their support, help, or caring attitude toward you. Expressing these feelings can help build a better relationship.
  • Reflect on the year: A Christmas email is a good opportunity to reflect on the year. You can share major events, changes, and feelings about the year. This can help deepen communication with the recipient.
  • Look forward to the next year. You can also look forward to the next year in a Christmas email. You can share your goals and expectations for the year and ideas for what you can do starting now. This can help you both think positively about the future.
  • End the email with phrases like "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Christmas." Ending a Christmas email with phrases like "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Christmas" makes the email feel more festive and shows your wish for the recipient's happiness.

Phrases and expressions for your Christmas email

  • This year has passed by in the blink of an eye.
  • Thank you for everything this year.
  • This year, (event) happened. Looking back, it was a lot of fun.
  • Next year, I'll aim to (achieve my goal/expectation).
  • I just thought of (idea) as something we can do starting now. Want to do it together?
  • Merry Christmas! Thank you for everything this year. I look forward to working with you next year.
  • Happy Christmas! This year has passed by quickly. Let's try to have a happy year together next year.

These phrases and expressions can be helpful when writing a Christmas email. Why not continue to try incorporating them into your own Christmas email?


In conclusion, Christmas emails are a convenient way to express your thoughts and care toward each other, even if you are far apart and unable to meet in person. By considering the points and using the helpful phrases and expressions mentioned above, you can write a unique and meaningful Christmas email to your loved ones. Remember to express your appreciation and gratitude, reflect on the past year, and look forward to the future. And don't forget to end your email with a festive phrase like "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Christmas" to show your wish for the recipient's happiness.

These tips and phrase collection will help you write a heartfelt and thoughtful Christmas email to your loved ones. May this Christmas season be filled with joy, gratitude, and peace. I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

↑役立つクリスマスフレーズ 20選はこちら。