



dismissive attitudeで素っ気ない態度と言う意味になります。

Dismissive は、無関心から軽蔑まで、多くの感情や態度を伝えることができるな言葉です。この言葉はしばしば誤用されたり、誤った解釈をされたりして、コミュニケーション不足や誤解を招くことがあります。この単語を会話の中で正しく使うことは、英語学習者にとって難しいことです。

この記事では、 dismissive という単語とその意味、そして日常会話での効果的な使い方をご紹介します。dismissive にまつわる考えを取り上げ、英語の会話に取り入れるための実践的なヒントや例をご紹介します。


dismissive "の語源は動詞の "dismiss” で、何かを拒絶する、追い払う、検討を拒否するなどの意味があります。 "dis-"は否定の接頭辞です。受け入れるという意味の "miss "を否定することで、拒絶する、と言う意味になります。


For example, if someone is dismissive towards another person's idea, they may reject it or ignore it without giving it any consideration.




Dismissive is an adjective to describe a person who shows little interest or concern in something or someone. It is often used to describe someone who disregards or dismisses another person's opinions, thoughts, or feelings without consideration.



  • "I don't think that's important."

  • "That's not relevant."
    "それは関係ない "

  • "That's beside the point.""
    それは関係ない "

  • "I don't care about that."

  • "I have no interest in that."

  • "That's not a priority for me."

  • "I'm not bothered by that."

  • "That's not a concern for me."

  • "I don't see the point in that."

  • "I have no opinion on that."



In addition to the phrases mentioned above, nonverbal cues can convey dismissiveness in a conversation. Some of these cues include:

  • Eye rolling:目を回す
  • Sighing:ため息をつく
  • Shrugging:肩をすくめる
  • Turning away:向きを変える
  • Avoiding eye contact:目を合わせない
  • Crossed arms:腕を組む
  • Tapping or drumming fingers:指をたたく、ドラムをたたく


Being dismissive in English conversations can have a negative impact on the person you are speaking to, making them feel unvalued and unimportant. It can also harm your relationships and damage the dynamics of a conversation, making it less productive and less enjoyable.


To avoid being dismissive in English conversations, it is important to

  • 相手の話に積極的かつ注意深く耳を傾ける。
    Listen actively and attentively to the person speaking

  • 会話に興味を示し、参加する
    Show interest and engage in the conversation

  • 相手の話を遮らないようにする。
    Avoid interrupting the person while they are speaking

  • 目を丸くする、肩をすくめるなど、相手を見下すようなジェスチャーをしない。Avoid making dismissive gestures such as eye-rolling or shrugging
  • 相手の考えや気持ちを理解し、それを認める。
    Validate the person's thoughts and feelings by acknowledging them

"Validate "は、何かの価値や妥当性、この場合はその人の考えや感情を確認したり支持したりすることを意味します。"Acknowledge "は、あなたが何か、この場合はその人の考えや感情に気づいていることを認識したり示したりすることを意味します。
"Validate" means to confirm or support the worth or validity of something, in this case, the person's thoughts and feelings. "Acknowledge" means recognizing or showing that you are aware of something, in this case, the person's thoughts and feelings.



In conclusion, being dismissive in English conversations can have a negative impact on relationships and the dynamics of a conversation. To avoid being dismissive, it is important to listen actively and attentively, show interest and engage in the conversation, validate the person's thoughts and feelings, and avoid making dismissive gestures. Following these tips can improve your communication skills and make your conversations more productive and enjoyable.


What does dismissive mean in English?

Dismissive is an adjective to describe a person who shows little interest or concern in something or someone.

What are some common phrases used to express dismissiveness in English?

Common phrases used to express dismissiveness in English include "I don't think that's important," "That's not relevant," and "I don't care about that."

What are some nonverbal cues that accompany dismissiveness in English conversations?

Some nonverbal cues accompanying dismissiveness in English conversations include eye rolling, sighing, shrugging, turning away, and avoiding eye contact.

How can dismissiveness in English conversations affect relationships and dynamics of a conversation?

Being dismissive in English conversations can make the person you are speaking to feel unvalued and unimportant, harm your relationships, and damage the dynamics of a conversation, making it less productive and less enjoyable.

【動画で理解する】前置詞 On / Inの使い分け【空間/椅子/ベッドを用いるとき】English Class at School. IN vs ON

英語に慣れていたとしても話したり書いたりするときに間違うことがあります。よくある間違いのひとつに、場所や位置を表現するときの "in "と "on "の違いがあります。

椅子に座るのときは "in "か "on "だっけ?


"in "と "on "の違いをマスターしてみませんか。

Youtube動画「English Class at School. IN vs ON」を使って、"in "と "on "の違いを理解し、間違いを避けるためのヒントやコツを提供します。コミュニケーション能力を高めたい方、ミスコミュニケーションを防ぎたい方、単に英語の理解を深めたい方にとっては、この記事が参考になります。

前置詞 "In "と "On "をマスターして、より良いコミュニケーションにする

前置詞 "In "と "On "に注目する

英語は複雑で微妙なニュアンスに満ちており、特に非ネイティブスピーカーにとっては習得が困難な場合があります。その中でも、特に "in "と "on "という前置詞の使い方は、しばしば混乱を引き起こします。このブログでは、この2つの前置詞の違いや、より良いコミュニケーションのための効果的な使い分けについてご紹介します。

Youtube動画「English Class at School. IN vs ON」

"in" と "on" の前置詞に焦点を当てた動画を紹介します。この動画では、前置詞をマスターし、コミュニケーション能力を高めるために、実際の正解例と間違い、そのヒントが示されています。

- in" と "on" の前置詞の区別を理解する
- よくある誤解と避けるべき間違い
- 効果的なコミュニケーションのためのヒントとコツ


Youtube動画「English Class at School. IN vs ON」の視聴



Okay class, who can tell me what is he doing? He's sitting on the chair. That's incorrect. Kate, he's sitting in the chair. That's right. What about this one? Is she in bed or on the bed? She's on bed. No, she's in bed. Great job. And the last one. Where's the cat? I think she's in bed. No, you're wrong. It's on the bed. Great job. Come see me after class.


さて、クラスのみんな、彼は何をしているのか分かるかな?”He's sitting on the chair” ”椅子の上に座っています。それは間違いです。ケイト ”he's sitting in the chair." 椅子に座っています。その通り この子はどうでしょう?ベッドにいるのか、ベッドの上なのか?"She's on bed" ベッドの上です。いいえ、 "she's in bed" 彼女はベッドの上です。よくやりましたね。そして最後の1つ ネコはどこ?” she's in bed”ベッドにいると思う。 いや、それは違う  ”It's on the bed”ベッドの上よ。 よくやったね。 授業が終わったら私のところに来なさい。


動画はいかがでしたでしょうか? 場所や位置を表現するときに "in "と "on "の違う人もも多いと思います。動画は、誰かや何かがある場所を指すときの前置詞の使い方を訂正している授業の風景です。生徒は最初 "sitting on the chair" と "on the bed" と言っていましたが、教師は "sitting in the chair" と "in the bed" に訂正しました。また、教師は、生徒が言った猫の居場所を "in bed" から "on the bed" に訂正しています。教師は、おそらくさらなる説明や指導のために、授業後に生徒が会いに来るように伝えていましたね。



逆に、前置詞の使い方を誤ると、混乱や誤解、ミスコミュニケーションを招くことがあります。特に「in」と「on」は、同じ意味で使われることが多い前置詞ですが、それぞれの意味や使い方が異なります。in" と "on" の前置詞の使い分けをマスターし、正しく使うことで、英語でのコミュニケーションの透明性と効果を大幅に向上させることができます。以下のセクションでは、この目標を達成するための重要な概念、ヒント、およびリソースを紹介します。

もしあなたが「I was in the car」と言えば、英語のネイティブスピーカーは通常、あなたが車の中で座席に座っていたことを想像するでしょう。もしあなたが「I was on the car」と言えば、英語のネイティブスピーカーは、あなたが車の屋根の上に座っていた、あるいは車の上に立っていたと想像するかもしれません。


  1. 昔々、ボブという男が友人の結婚式に出席するため急いで車を走らせていた。車を運転していると、突然、友人から電話がかかってきました。友人は「ボブ、どこにいるんだ」と尋ねた。ボブは"I'm on the car."「車の上だ」と答えた。友人は笑いながら、「どういうことだ?車の屋根の上に座っているのか?ボブは驚いて、自分の間違いに気がついた。ボブは驚いて自分の間違いに気づき、 "I'm in the car. Sorry about that."「車の中です。すみませんでした」と言いました。
    Once upon a time, a man named Bob was in a hurry to reach his friend's wedding. He was driving his car, and suddenly he received a call from his friend. His friend asked, "Bob, where are you?" Bob replied, "I'm in the car." His friend laughed and asked, "What do you mean by that? Are you sitting on the roof of the car?" Bob was surprised and realized his mistake. He quickly corrected himself, "I'm in the car. Sorry about that."
  2. ボブは結婚式場に着いたが、車から降りようとしたとき、誤って車を踏んでしまい、顔面から転倒してしまった。その場にいた全員が爆笑しました。ボブは立ち上がり、体をほぐすと、新郎新婦のほうへ歩いていった。新婦は、"ボブ、大丈夫?"と聞いた。ボブは真顔で "I'm on the ground now.""今、地面に倒れました "と答えた。
    Bob reached the wedding venue, but as he was getting out of the car, he accidentally stepped on the car and fell flat on his face. Everyone present there burst out laughing. Bob got up, dusted himself, and walked towards the bride and groom. The bride asked, "Bob, are you okay?" Bob replied with a straight face, "I'm on the ground now."
  3. 結婚式に出席していた全員が、目に涙を浮かべるほど大笑いした。笑いと冗談の連続だったが、ボブは結婚式を楽しみ、素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができた。その日からボブは、"on the car" "車に乗る""on the ground." "地面に座る "男として知られるようになった。
    Everyone at the wedding laughed so hard that they had tears in their eyes. Despite all the laughter and jokes, Bob could still enjoy the wedding and have a great time. From that day on, Bob became known as the man who was "on the car" and "on the ground."
  4. 結局、ボブはコミュニケーションにおいて、"in "や "on "などの正しい前置詞を使うことが、誤解を避け、会話を明確にするために重要であることを学んだのであった。
    In the end, Bob learned that using the correct prepositions, like "in" and "on," is important in communication to avoid misunderstandings and bring clarity to the conversation.


前置詞は英語の重要な要素であり、コミュニケーションの明確さと効果に大きな影響を与えます。前置詞を正しく使うには、"in "と "on "の区別を理解することが重要です。

前置詞 "in" と "on" の明確で簡潔な定義

前置詞 "in" と "on" は、特定の物や場所との位置関係や関係を示すために使用されます。"in "は、何かが特定の領域の中にある、または囲まれていることを表現し、"on "は、何かが物理的に表面に触れている、または上に乗っていることを表現します。


The prepositions "in" and "on" are used to indicate a location or relationship with a certain object or place. "In" expresses that something is inside or surrounded by a particular area, whereas "on" expresses that something is physically touching or resting upon a surface.


- The cat is in the box.  猫は箱の中にいる。(箱が猫を囲んでいる)

- The book is on the table. 本がテーブルの上にある。 (本がテーブルの表面に触れている) 


船、バス、飛行機、電車、フェリー、地下鉄など、密閉された空間を持つ乗り物では、"in "を使用します。また、屈みこんで乗り込み、移動が困難である乗り物には in を使います。

自転車、サーフボード、オートバイ、スケートボード、スキー、アイススケートスノーボードなど、密閉されていない乗り物の場合は、"on "を使います。乗り物の中で自由に行動できれば、前置詞の on を使います。座ったり、立ったりすることができる場合も、on を使います。

例外として、" in a rowboat," "in a taxi," "in a car," "in a truck," "in a helicopter "など、オープンスペースがあるにもかかわらず "in "を使用する場合があります。これらの場合、人の物理的な位置ではなく、乗り物の中にいることに焦点が当てられているため、「in」が使われています。


椅子やベッドなどの物に対する「in」と「on」の区別は、その物の束縛や囲いのレベルによって決まります。この例では、椅子がその人を完全に囲い込んでいる(乗り物と同じで座り込む)と考えるため、"he's sitting in the chair"「彼は椅子に座っている」が正しいです。

同様に、"she's in bed "も、ベッド(布団)がその人を完全に囲い込んでいるため、正しい表現です。一方、"she's on the bed "は、ベッドが人を完全に囲い込んだり閉じ込めたりしていないため、不正解です。上に乗っかっているのみであれば正解です。

同じことが「the cat is on the bed」にも当てはまり、猫はベッドの中ではなく、ベッドの上にいることになります。



明確な定義と例文にもかかわらず、人々はしばしば "in "と "on "の前置詞を使うときに誤るときがあります。

前置詞 "in "と "on "に関するよくある誤解の解説

よくある誤解として、"in "は常に場所の中にあることを表すのに使われ、"on "は常に物理的な接触を表すのに使われる、というものがあります。しかし、これらの前置詞の使い方は文脈によって異なるため、必ずしもそうとは限りません。例えば、"I live in Main Street" はよくある間違いで、場所を表すには "on" が正しい前置詞です。


これらの間違いを避けるには、文脈を考慮し、"in" と "on" の区別を理解することが重要です。周囲の物やその関係性に細心の注意を払うことで、正しい前置詞を判断することができます。また、実例を勉強して練習することで、"in" と "on" を正しく使うための理解と能力を大きく向上させることができます。

ここでは、"in "と "on "の適切な使い分けについて、例をご紹介します。

  1. To live in the street means
  2. To live on the street means

”in" と "on" の前置詞を使用する際のよくある間違いの概要

「in」と「on」の前置詞を使うときに最もよくある間違いの1つは、ある文脈でどちらの前置詞を使うべきか混乱することです。例えば、"in "を意味するときに "on "を使ってしまったり、その逆もよくあることです。また、"on the phone" や "in the car" などの慣用句で、これらの前置詞を誤って使用することがよくあります。



練習で "In "と "On "をマスターする

前置詞、特に "in" と "on" の学習と習得には、練習が欠かせません。読者が前置詞の理解と定着を強化するために、魅力的な練習問題とクイズが用意されています。これらのアクティビティは教室でも自宅でも行うことができ、"in "と "on "の区別を内面化するのに役立ちます。

クイズに挑戦( "In "と "On "のどちらが正しいか)

  1. The cat is _____ the box. (in)
  2. I keep my keys _____ the desk. (on)
  3. The picture is _____ the wall. (on)
  4. The meeting is taking place _____ Zoom. (on)
  5. The book is _____ the shelf. (on)
  6. The children are playing _____ the park. (in)
  7. She is sitting _____ the couch. (on)
  8. The plane is flying _____ the sky. (in)
  9. The food is cooking _____ the stove. (on)
  10. The flowers are blooming _____ the garden. (in)
  11. The bird is perched _____ the tree. (on)
  12. The fish is swimming _____ the pond. (in)
  13. The train is running _____ the tracks. (on)
  14. The sun is shining _____ the sky. (in)
  15. The company is investing _____ research and development. (in)
  16. The writer is working _____ a new novel. (on)
  17. The politician is running _____ a platform of reform. (on)
  18. The scientists are collaborating _____ a groundbreaking project. (on)
  19. The company is engaged _____ a merger with a rival. (in)
  20. The musician is performing _____ a tour of Europe. (on)

英語で理解するキーコンセプトの再確認と解決策:Recap of Key Concepts and Solutions:

前置詞 "In "と "On "の区別のまとめ:Summary of the Distinction between "In" and "On" Prepositions

今回のブログでは、"in "と "on "の前置詞の区別と英語におけるその重要性について説明しました。これらの前置詞の違いを理解することは、スピーチやライティングで効果的なコミュニケーションをとるために必要不可欠です。

In this blog post, we discussed the distinction between the "in" and "on" prepositions and their importance in English. Understanding the difference between these prepositions is essential for effective communication in speech and writing.


間違いを避け、コミュニケーションスキルを向上させるためのストラテジーのまとめ:Recap of Strategies for Avoiding Mistakes and Improving Communication Skills

また、前置詞の使い方を上達させるための様々なヒントやコツ、リソースについて、魅力的なエクササイズやクイズ、インタラクティブなリソース、おすすめのリーディングや学習教材など、概要を説明しました。これらのツールやリソースを活用することで、コミュニケーションスキルを向上させ、"in" と "on" の前置詞の使用におけるよくある間違いを避けることができます。

We have also outlined various tips, tricks, and resources for improving your use of these prepositions, including engaging exercises and quizzes, interactive resources, and recommended reading and study materials. Utilizing these tools and resources can improve your communication skills and avoid common mistakes when using "in" and "on" prepositions.



As English language learners, we understand the frustration of making mistakes when speaking or writing in English. One common area of confusion is the difference between "in" and "on" when describing location or position. Our English Class at School video aims to help you understand the distinction between "in" and "on" and offer tips and tricks to avoid mistakes. Whether you're looking to improve your communication skills, avoid miscommunication, or simply acquire a better understanding of the English language, this video and accompanying blog post have covered you. So, let's dive in and master the difference between "in" and "on" once and for all!

Mastering "In" and "On" Prepositions for Better Communication

The Focus on "In" and "On" Prepositions

The English language is full of intricacies and subtleties that can be challenging to master, especially for non-native speakers. One aspect of the language that often causes confusion is the use of prepositions, particularly "in" and "on." This blog post will explore the distinction between these two prepositions and how to use them effectively for better communication.

Brief Summary of the Accompanying Video

Accompanying this blog post is a helpful video that focuses on "in" and "on" prepositions. The video will provide real-world examples, tips and tricks, and exercises to help you master these important prepositions and enhance your communication skills. 

Format and Style of the Video

The accompanying video is a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to improve their understanding and use of "in" and "on" prepositions. The video is presented in an engaging, easy-to-follow format and is suitable for native and non-native English speakers.

Overview of the Video Content and Purpose

The video covers the following key concepts: - Understanding the distinction between "in" and "on" prepositions - Common misconceptions and mistakes to avoid - Tips and tricks for effective communication - Practice and learning resources The purpose of the video is to provide a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to improve their use of "in" and "on" prepositions in the English language. Whether you are a native or non-native speaker, this video will provide you with the tools and resources you need to master these important prepositions and enhance your communication skills. C. Importance of Prepositions in the English Language

The Importance of Prepositions

Prepositions are a crucial part of the English language and play a key role in conveying meaning and establishing relationships between words and concepts. When used correctly, prepositions can greatly enhance the clarity and effectiveness of communication.

The Impact of Using Prepositions Correctly

Conversely, when used incorrectly, prepositions can lead to confusion, misinterpretation, and miscommunication. This is particularly true for "in" and "on" prepositions, which are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings and uses. By mastering the distinction between "in" and "on" prepositions and using them correctly, you can greatly enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your communication in English. The following sections will explore key concepts, tips, and resources for achieving this goal.

Understanding the Distinction

Prepositions are an important aspect of the English language and can greatly impact the clarity and effectiveness of communication. Understanding the distinction between "in" and "on" prepositions is crucial in using them correctly.

Clear and concise definition of "in" and "on" prepositions

The prepositions "in" and "on" are used to indicate a location or relationship with a certain object or place. "In" expresses that something is inside or surrounded by a particular area, whereas "on" expresses that something is physically touching or resting upon a surface.

Real-world examples to help clarify the distinction

To better understand the distinction between "in" and "on," consider the following examples: - The cat is in the box. (The box surrounds the cat) - The book is on the table. (The book is touching the surface of the table) B. Common Misconceptions and Mistakes

Common Misconceptions and Mistakes

Despite the clear definitions and examples, people often make mistakes when using "in" and "on" prepositions.

Explanation of common misconceptions about "in" and "on" prepositions

One common misconception is that "in" is always used to express location inside a place, and "on" is always used to express physical contact. However, this is not always the case, as the usage of these prepositions can vary depending on the context.

How to avoid common mistakes when using these prepositions

To avoid these mistakes, it is important to consider the context and to understand the distinction between "in" and "on." Paying close attention to the surrounding objects and their relationship can help you determine the correct preposition. Also, studying and practicing real-world examples can greatly improve your understanding and ability to correctly use "in" and "on" correctly.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Communication

Strategies for using "in" and "on" prepositions correctly in speech and writing

When it comes to using "in" and "on" prepositions in speech and writing, several strategies can help you communicate effectively. For example, it's important to remember the basic rules for each preposition, such as when to use "in" for enclosed spaces and "on" for surfaces. Additionally, you can use visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams, to help reinforce the distinction between these prepositions in your mind.

Best practices for avoiding mistakes and improving communication skills In addition to understanding the basic rules for using "in" and "on" prepositions, there are other best practices that can help you avoid mistakes and improve your communication skills. For example, it's helpful to practice using these prepositions in context by speaking and writing in English as much as possible. Additionally, you can seek feedback from native English speakers or language teachers to help you identify areas for improvement.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overview of common errors when using "in" and "on" prepositions

One of the most common mistakes when using "in" and "on" prepositions is confusion about which preposition to use in a given context. For example, it's common for people to use "on" when they mean "in" or vice versa. Additionally, people often use these prepositions incorrectly in idiomatic expressions, such as "on the phone" or "in the car."

How to identify and avoid these mistakes

To avoid these common mistakes when using "in" and "on" prepositions, it's important to be aware of the basic rules for each preposition and practice using them in context. Additionally, you can consult reference materials, such as grammar guides or dictionaries, to help you identify and avoid common errors. If you're still unsure, don't hesitate to ask a native English speaker or language teacher for help.

IV. Practice and Learning Resources

Mastering "In" and "On" through Practice

Engaging exercises and quizzes to reinforce understanding and retention Practice is crucial to learning and mastering prepositions, especially "in" and "on." Engaging exercises and quizzes are available to help readers reinforce their understanding and retention of these prepositions. These activities can be done in the classroom or at home and help readers internalize the distinction between "in" and "on."

Interactive resources for continued learning and improvement

Interactive resources, such as online games and simulations, can provide opportunities for continued learning and improvement. These resources allow readers to apply their knowledge of "in" and "on" in real-world scenarios and receive feedback on their usage. This active engagement can further strengthen readers' understanding and improve their overall language skills.

Further Study and Improvement

Additional resources for continued learning and improvement of "in" and "on" prepositions

Readers who want to continue learning and improving their use of "in" and "on" can access a wealth of additional resources. These may include language textbooks, grammar guides, and online courses. Each of these resources provides a different approach to learning and can help readers find the best methods to suit their needs and preferences.

For readers looking to enhance their overall language skills, recommended reading and study materials can help. These may include novels, articles, and other texts that use "in" and "on" in various contexts. Reading and studying these materials can help readers understand how prepositions are used in natural language and improve their comprehension of English.


Recap of Key Concepts and Solutions

Summary of the Distinction between "In" and "On" Prepositions

In this blog post, we discussed the distinction between the "in" and "on" prepositions and their importance in English. Understanding the difference between these prepositions is essential for effective communication in speech and writing.

Recap of Strategies for Avoiding Mistakes and Improving Communication Skills

We have also outlined various tips, tricks, and resources for improving your use of these prepositions, including engaging exercises and quizzes, interactive resources, and recommended reading and study materials. Utilizing these tools and resources can improve your communication skills and avoid common mistakes when using "in" and "on" prepositions.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

Importance of Continued Learning and Improvement of Prepositions

It's important to remember that improving your use of prepositions is an ongoing process. There's always more to learn and room for improvement. By continuing to practice and study, you'll be able to enhance your language skills and become a more confident and effective communicator.

Encouragement to Use the Provided Resources and Continue Practicing

We hope this blog post has been helpful in your journey to master the distinction between "in" and "on" prepositions. We encourage you to use the resources and exercises provided in this post and to continue practicing and improving your language skills. With dedication and effort, you'll be able to achieve your goals and become a confident and effective communicator in the English language.

【引っ越し】英語では何と言う?【Moving to a new place!英文転居メール例あり】




「引っ越し業者」はmoverと言います。これも動詞のMoveをer形にして名詞化させた単語です。「動く」+er=働く人→「引っ越し業者」です。運送会社のことは「transport company」と言うので、こちらも覚えておきましょう。不動産業者は、英語ではReal estate agency、またはRealtorと言います。





Moving to a new place can be a thrilling but challenging experience, especially when you are an English learner. However, with the right vocabulary and expressions, it becomes much easier. This guide is designed to assist English learners in expressing their plans for moving to a new place and navigating conversations about this topic with friends, family, and colleagues.

引越しに必要な語彙:Essential Vocabulary for Moving

Before diving into the expressions used for sharing your moving plans, you must familiarize yourself with some key vocabulary related to moving.

引越しに関する主な語彙:Key Vocabulary for Moving


Some of the most important words and phrases for moving include:

  1. Move:引越し
  2. New place:新しい場所
  3. Relocate:移転
  4. Residence:住まい
  5. House:家
  6. Apartment:アパート
  7. Pack:荷造り(packing)
  8. Unpack:開梱
  9. Move-in:入居
  10. Move out:引越し
  11. Transfer:転勤
  12. Real estate agency、Realtor:不動産会社
  13. Search for~:~を探す
  14. an available room:空き部屋
  15. View the room:部屋の下見をする
  16. cardboard:段ボール
  17. duct tape:ガムテープ
  18. Movers:引っ越し業者
  19. Moving truck:引っ越しトラック
  20. Loading:積み込み
  21. Unloading:荷下ろし
  22. Moving boxes:引っ越し用の箱
  23. Bubble wrap:エアキャップ
  24. Moving checklist:引っ越しのチェックリスト
  25. Change of address(change of address announcement, change of address notice):転居届け
  26. Forwarding address:転送先の住所
  27. Moving expenses(moving cost、cost of moving):引っ越し費用
  28. Moving permit:引っ越し許可証
  29. Storage unit:保管庫、倉庫
  30. Donation center:寄付センター
  31. Yard sale:庭先での販売
  32. Cleaning service:クリーニングサービス
  33. Estimate (quote):見積もり
  34. Competitive quotes(collect multiple quotes):相見積もり

A quote is a fixed price the moving company provides to the customer for the specific services requested. This means that the final price the customer pays should not deviate from the quoted price unless there are changes to the services provided.

On the other hand, an estimate is an approximate price that the moving company provides to the customer based on the information about the items to be moved and the services required. Depending on the services provided and unforeseen circumstances arising during the move, the customer's actual price may be higher or lower than the estimated price.


  1. I need a real estate agent to help me search for an apartment.
  2. We must pack our belongings in cardboard boxes and duct tape them securely for the move.
  3. The movers arrived with the moving truck to load up our furniture and boxes.
  4. It's important to make a moving checklist to ensure you don't forget anything during the move.
  5. After unloading the boxes, we began unpacking and organizing our new residence.
  6. We had to fill out a change of address form and provide a forwarding address for our mail.
  7. The apartment complex had several available rooms for rent, so we scheduled a time to view them.
  8. We had to obtain a moving permit from the city before parking the moving truck in front of our house.
  9. The storage unit was a convenient option for temporarily storing our belongings before the move.
  10. We decided to hold a yard sale to remove items we no longer needed before the move.
  11. Does a moving company charge for providing a quote or estimate for their services?
  12. Is it possible to get a free quote or estimate from a moving company, or do they charge for this service?
  13. Before choosing a moving company, it's always a good idea to request competitive quotes from several companies and compare their prices and services.
  14. To get the best deal on your move, it's important to collect multiple quotes for each service and negotiate with the moving companies to see if they can offer any discounts or promotions.
  15. I'm in the process of planning my move and have decided to request competitive quotes from several moving companies to ensure that I'm getting a fair price for their services.
  16. By collecting multiple quotes for each service, I could compare the prices and services offered by several moving companies and make an informed decision.
  17. If you're planning a move, it's a good idea to request competitive quotes from at least three moving companies and compare their rates and services to find the best fit for your needs.

引っ越しの計画を伝えるための表現:Expressions for Sharing Your Moving Plans

When it comes to expressing your plans for moving to a new place, you can use several key expressions to communicate effectively.

引越しの計画を伝えるための表現:Expressions for Sharing Your Moving Plans

Some of the most commonly used expressions for sharing your moving plans include:


  • I'm moving to a new place next week.
  • I'll be relocating to a new residence soon.
  • I'm packing up and moving out.
  • I'm excited to move into my new house.
  • I'll be moving into my new apartment in a few days.


Before we move to our new apartment, I need to send a change of address notice to the post office so that our mail will be forwarded to our new address.


[Your Name]
[Your Previous Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

[Post Office Box 100]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear Postmaster,

I am writing to inform you of my recent change of address. As of [Date], I have moved to a new residence and would like to request that my mail be forwarded to my new address.

Please update your records with my new address information:

[Your Name]
[Your New Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

I would also request that you forward my mail to my new address starting on [Date]. I have attached a copy of my identification to this letter for your records.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

助けを求めるとき、提供するときのエチケット:Etiquette for Asking for and Offering Help

When moving to a new place, it's common to need or offer help from friends, family, or colleagues. Knowing the proper etiquette for asking for and offering help in these situations.

助けを求める:Asking for Help

When asking for help, it's best to use polite expressions such as:

  • Would you be able to help me with my move?
  • I could really use some assistance with packing and moving.
    荷造りや引っ越しの手伝いをお願いしたいのですが。(「I could use ~」は「〜があったらありがたいな」、「〜がほしいな」という言い方)
  • Can I count on you for some help with my relocation?

ヘルプを提供する:Offering Help

When offering help, it's polite to use expressions like:

  • I'd be happy to help you with your move.
  • Let me know if you need any assistance with packing or moving.
  • I'm here to help in any way I can during your relocation.

引っ越し前1週間のスケジュール例:Detailed Moving Plan

Day 1

  • 荷物の整理と分類を行い、持っていくものと寄付または売却するものを決める。Declutter belongings to determine what to take, donate, or sell.
  • 電気、ガス、水道、インターネットなどの公共施設に引越しの連絡をし、旧住所と新住所でサービスの停止と再接続の手続きをする。
    Notify utility companies (electricity, gas, water, internet, etc.) of the move and arrange disconnection and reconnection of services at the old and new places.

Day 2

  • 本、装飾品、衣類など、引っ越し前に不要になるものの荷造りを始める。
    Start packing non-essential items, such as books, decorative items, and clothes you won't need before the move.

  • 引越し業者やレンタカーを比較検討し、自分の希望に合った業者を予約します。Research and compare moving companies or rental truck options, and book the one that best fits your needs.

Day 3

  • 食器やガラス製品など、壊れやすいものを梱包し、箱に "FRAGILE "とラベルを貼る。
    Pack fragile items, such as dishware and glassware, and label boxes with "FRAGILE."

  • 郵便局に住所変更の連絡をし、郵便物の転送を手配する。
    Notify the post office of the address change and arrange for mail forwarding.

Day 4

  • テレビ、パソコン、スピーカーなどの電化製品を梱包し、箱にラベルを貼る。Pack electronics, such as televisions, computers, and speakers, and label the boxes accordingly.


  • 引越し業者やレンタカー会社に引越しの詳細を確認する。
    Confirm details of the move with the moving company or rental truck company.

Day 5

  • 家具や家電などの重いものを梱包し、部屋番号のラベルを貼る。
    Pack heavy items, such as furniture and appliances, and label boxes with the room they belong in.

  • 引越し先に行き、大きな荷物の搬入方法などを確認する。
    Visit the new place and note any specific instructions for moving large items into the building.

Day 6

  • 残りの荷物を梱包し、箱の中身と部屋のラベルを貼る。
    Pack the remaining items and label boxes with the contents and room they belong in.

  • ベッドや机などの大きな家具を分解し、組み立てやすいようにラベルを貼る。
    Disassemble larger furniture items, such as beds and desks, and label the pieces for easier reassembly.

Day 7

  • 引越しの日です。箱や家具をトラックに積み込み、きちんと固定されていることを確認します。
    Move day! Supervise loading boxes and furniture onto the truck, and ensure everything is properly secured.
  • 引越し先まで車で行き、箱や家具を降ろすのを監督し、すべてが正しい部屋に配置されていることを確認します。
    Drive to the new place, supervise unloading boxes and furniture, and ensure everything is in the correct rooms.

  • すべてのアイテムが移動され、何も残されていないことを再確認します。
    Double-check that all items have been moved and nothing has been left behind.

  • 引っ越しが成功したら、食事やご馳走でお祝いしましょう。
    Celebrate the successful move with a well-deserved meal or treat!



Moving to a new place can be overwhelming, but it can be a smooth and enjoyable experience with the right vocabulary and expressions. This guide has provided you with the essential vocabulary, expressions, and etiquette for sharing your moving plans and asking for or offering help. Whether you are relocating to a new house, apartment, or residence, this information will come in handy as you navigate the moving process.

By incorporating this information into your conversation and writing, you can effectively communicate your plans for moving to a new place and make the process as stress-free as possible.

【動画で学ぶ英単語】掛け算を英語で言うと? Multiplicationの使い方【Mathematicsと Arithmeticの違い】








In mathematics, the concept of multiplication is one of the most basic and widely used operations. As an English learner, it's important to understand how to express this operation in English. In this blog, we'll explore the meaning of "multiply" and learn how to say "72 times 35" in English, along with related terms and phrases that will help you understand and use this operation in your everyday life.


算数は英語で mathematics と言います。"s"をつけて複数形で表現します。

  • 「mathematics」という言葉は、数、量、および図形を扱う科学の一分野を指す集合名詞です。「mathematic」とすると、数学に関連するものを表す形容詞を示し、科目全体とはなりません。
    The word "mathematics" is a collective noun that refers to the branch of science that deals with numbers, quantities, and shapes. The word "mathematic" is an adjective that describes something related to mathematics or its principles but not the subject as a whole.
  • アメリカ英語では math、イギリス英語では maths、と言います。
    The short form of mathematics is "math" in American English and "maths" in British English.

Mathematicsと Arithmeticの違い

数学"Mathematics "は、算数、代数、幾何学など、さまざまな分野を含む幅広い学問です。算数" Arithmetic"は数学の一部で、特に数字とその性質、および足し算、引き算、掛け算、割り算などの基本的な数学演算に重点を置いています。
Mathematics is a broad field of study that includes various branches such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and more. Arithmetic is a subset of mathematics that focuses specifically on studying numbers, their properties, and basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Arithmetics(複数)か Arithmetic(単数)のどちらを用いるか

Arithmeticsか Arithmeticは、数の性質や基本的な演算を扱う数学の一分野を指す場合に使用する用語として、どちらも正しく、許容されるものです。しかし、現代英語では「arithmetic」の方がより一般的に使われています。アメリカ英語では「arithmetic」が好まれ、イギリス英語では「arithmetic」と「arithmetics」の両方が互換的に使用されます。
Both "arithmetic" and "arithmetics" are correct and acceptable terms to use when referring to the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of numbers, their properties, and basic operations. However, "arithmetic" is more commonly used in modern English. In American English, "arithmetic" is the preferred term, while in British English, both "arithmetic" and "arithmetics" are used interchangeably.

Youtube動画「人間電卓」から学ぶ:Learning from a Human Calculator

英語での掛け算をマスターするために、"ZHC's Girlfriend Is A Human Calculator!"という素晴らしいYouTube動画を紹介します。この動画では、ZHCのガールフレンドのミシェルが電卓を使わずに素早く数学の計算をしています。「92×15」や「598×130」といった問題にも簡単に答えています。しかし、私が注目したのは、彼女が自信を持って流暢に掛け算を英語で言っているところです。
To help you master the art of multiplication in English, we've found an incredible YouTube video called "ZHC's Girlfriend Is A Human Calculator!" In this video, ZHC's girlfriend Michelle does quick math calculations without using a calculator. She easily answers questions like "92 times 15" and "598 times 130". But, what caught our attention is how she confidently and fluently says the multiplication operation in English.

動画:"ZHC's Girlfriend Is A Human Calculator!"




Michelle what's 72 times 35? Uh, 2520. Whoa! Michelle what's 92 times 15? 1380. Oh my goodness. Michelle what's 69 times 69? Uh, 4761. Oh. Michelle what's 11 times 32? Uh, 352. Michelle what's 598 times 130? Uh, 77740. Ooh. What's 6 times 7? 42. Yes!


ミシェル......72×35は?ええと、2520。ワーッ!ミッシェル 92×15は?1380. すごいな ミッシェル69の69倍は?えーと、4761 ああ ミッシェル 11×32は?352 ミッシェル 598×130は?えーと 77740 おお 6×7は?42. やった!

フレーズを分解してみる:Breaking Down the Phrases

So, let's take a closer look at this video and break down the phrases Michelle uses when doing her calculations. 

  • "72 times 35" 英語で掛け算を表現する場合、単純に2つの数字を言い、演算を示すために "times "という単語を使用します。つまり、この場合は "72 times 35 "と言うことになります。- When expressing multiplication in English, you simply say the two numbers and use the word "times" to indicate the operation. So, in this case, you would say "72 times 35."
  • "92 times 15"  掛け算を英語で表現する場合のもう一つの例です。単純に2つの数字を言い、"times "という単語を使って演算を表します。つまり、この場合、"92 times 15 "と言うことになります。- Another example of expressing multiplication in English. Simply say the two numbers and use the word "times" to indicate the operation. So, in this case, you would say "92 times 15."
  • "Do the math" - これは、誰かが計算を実行したり、問題を解決したりすることを示す一般的なフレーズです。例えば、「答えがよくわからないんだけど。計算をやってもらえますか?" This is a common phrase used to indicate that someone should perform a calculation or solve a problem. For example, you might say, "I'm not sure what the answer is. Can you do the math for me?"

Now that we've explored examples of how to express multiplication in English let's cover some related terms that will help you understand and use this operation in everyday conversations.

  • Multiplication - 、2つ以上の数字を掛け合わせる操作を説明するための用語です。例えば、"I need to use multiplication to solve this problem."(この問題を解くには、掛け算を使う必要がある)と言うことができます。 This is the formal term used to describe the operation of multiplying two or more numbers together. For example, you might say, "I need to use multiplication to solve this problem."
  • Product - 掛け算の結果です。例えば、2と3を掛けると、積(product)は6になる。 This is the result of a multiplication operation. For example, if you multiply 2 and 3, the product is 6.
  • Factor -因数のことです(掛け合わされる数のうちの1つです)。例えば、2と3を掛けると、2と3が因数になります。  This is one of the numbers being multiplied together. For example, if you multiply 2 and 3, 2 and 3 are factors.


  1. "What is 5 times 7? The answer is 35."

  2. "I'm struggling with this math problem. I think I need to use multiplication to solve it."

  3. "The product of 4 and 9 is 36."

  4. "In this multiplication problem, the factors are 7 and 8. What's the product?""この掛け算の問題では、因子は7と8です。積は何でしょう?"

  5. "Remember to write down all the factors when doing long multiplication."

  6. Can you find two factors that multiply to give 24?"

  7. "The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12."
  8. "I can't remember which number is the factor in this equation. Was it the first or the second one?"

  9. "I need to calculate the total area of my garden. I'll need to multiply the length times the width to get the result."

  10. "She scored a perfect 100% on the math test. She must be really good at multiplication and division."

  11. "The recipe calls for 2 cups of flour and 3 eggs. I'll need to use multiplication to adjust the ingredients for a larger batch."

  12. "I need to check my work to make sure I didn't make a mistake when multiplying the numbers. I don't want to get the wrong answer."

  13. "Can you help me with my math homework? I'm not sure how to do multiplication with decimals."

  14. "The teacher gave us a quiz on basic multiplication and division. It was harder than I expected."



Mathematics is a useful tool in our daily lives, and students and professionals may require its use. In this article, we have learned how to express multiplication in English. It is important to become familiar with both Japanese and English arithmetic, and practice is key to mastering this skill. Therefore, we can ask random multiplication questions during English conversations and practice using mathematics in a foreign language. Though it may be difficult at first, with continued practice, we can improve our skills and become proficient in using arithmetic in English.

【学歴フィルター 】英語で言うと?【採用プロセスを理解する: Academic Background Filterの意義について】"Understanding Japan's Hiring Process: The Significance of the Academic Background Filter




さて、"学歴フィルター "を英語でどう説明するでしょうか?

学歴フィルターは英語で"Academic Background Filter "と言います。

英語学習者にとって、"Academic Background Filter "の概念を理解し、それを説明することは難しいことですよね。

このブログでは、”Academic Background Filter”の定義と、このトピックについて説明するための表現を学びます。日本語と英語を表記することで、英語学習に役立ちます。


このブログは、英語学習者のために「学歴フィルター」について理解を深めることを目的としています。このトピックについて学ぼうとする個人が、自分の考えや意見を効果的に英語で表現できるようにすることが目的です。特に、日本で就職活動をされている方にとっては、「Academic Background Filter」を英語で議論することは、採用の際に非常に重要なことです。

This blog post aims to better understand the "Academic Background Filter" for English learners. The purpose is to help individuals interested in learning about this topic effectively express their thoughts and opinions in English. This is particularly important for those looking for job opportunities in Japan, as discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English is crucial in the hiring process.

日本の採用プロセスにおける「学歴フィルター」に関する記事の概要:A summary of the article about the "Academic Background Filter" in Japan's hiring process

A recent article has shed light on the "Academic Background Filter" in Japan's hiring process, causing a buzz and sparking discussions among many individuals. The "Academic Background Filter" refers to a practice in which companies prioritize applicants from universities with high deviation scores during recruitment. This article has raised questions and sparked mixed reactions among many individuals, making it a hot topic in Japan's hiring process.

記事で提起された様々なコメントと疑問についての考察:Discussion of the mixed comments and questions raised by the article

この記事には様々な反応があり、"学歴フィルター "の活用を支持する声もあります。それに対して、削除すべきだという意見もある。学歴フィルターに賛成する人は、企業が最も優秀で能力のある応募者を見分けるのに役立つと主張します。一方、反対派は、不公正な採用プロセスを生み出し、あまり有名でない大学に通っていたかもしれない人の機会を制限すると考えています。

The article has received a range of responses, with some supporting the use of the "Academic Background Filter." In contrast, others believe it should be removed. Those who favor the filter argue that it helps companies identify the most talented and capable applicants. At the same time, those against it believe that it creates an unfair hiring process and limits opportunities for individuals who may have attended a less prestigious university.

"学歴フィルター "の理解:Understanding the "Academic Background Filter"

"学歴フィルター "の定義:Definition of the "Academic Background Filter"

"学歴フィルター "とは、採用選考の際に応募者の学歴をフィルターとして利用し、候補者を絞り込むことを指します。コロナ前の日本では、偏差値の高い大学群ごとに応募先を優先的に開設したり、会社説明会の応募者を時間差で選別したりするために、このフィルターがよく使われていた。

The "Academic Background Filter" refers to using an applicant's academic background as a filter to narrow down the pool of potential candidates during the hiring process. This filter was often used in Japan before the COVID-19 pandemic to prioritize opening application sites for each group of universities with the highest deviation scores and use time differences to screen applicants for company information sessions.

コロナ災害前の日本の採用活動での活用方法とプロセスの説明:Explanation of the process and how it was used in Japan's hiring process before the COVID-19 pandemic

コロナ前の採用説明会は、応募者を大学別にグループ分けし、複数回に分けて開催していました。そして、企業は偏差値の高い大学から優先的に応募サイトを開設し、時間差を利用して一次選考を兼ねた会社説明会に応募する人を絞り込んでいた。このようなやり方は、"学歴フィルター "と呼ばれていた。

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, recruitment information sessions were held in multiple rounds, with applicants divided into groups based on their university. Companies would then prioritize opening application sites for the universities with the highest deviation scores and use time differences to narrow down the applicants for company information sessions, which also served as the first round of selection. This practice was known as the "Academic Background Filter."

なぜ問題なのか、課題なのかの考察:Discussion of why it is an issue or a problem

The "Academic Background Filter" has caused controversy as it has been seen as discrimination against individuals from less prestigious universities or less affluent backgrounds. This filter can also limit the pool of potential candidates and prevent individuals with diverse experiences and skills from being considered for job opportunities. As a result, it has been criticized for perpetuating inequality in the hiring process and limiting diversity in the workplace.

「学歴フィルター」を英語で表現する:Expressing the "Academic Background Filter" in English

関連単語・表現:Related Words and Expressions

「学歴フィルター」を説明するとき、効果的にメッセージを伝えるためには、適切な語彙や表現を用いることが大切です。よく使われる関連ワードや表現としては、"採用説明会"、"一次選考"、"偏差値"、"優先順位"、"絞り込み "などがあります。
When discussing the "Academic Background Filter," it is important to use the right vocabulary and expressions to effectively convey your message. Some commonly used related words and expressions include "recruitment information session," "first-round selection," "deviation scores," "prioritize," and "narrow down."

例えば、 "recruitment information session" "採用説明会 "とは、企業が応募者に対して自社や求人の情報を提供するイベントのことです。"First-round selection"「一次選考」とは、応募者を絞り込む採用プロセスの初期段階を指します。 "Deviation scores" "偏差値 "とは、学力と希望する点数との差を測定すること。 "prioritize" 「優先順位をつける」とは、重要度や順番を他より優先させること、 "narrow down" 「絞り込む」とは、大きな選択肢のグループを小さくする、制限することを意味する言葉です。

For example, a "recruitment information session" refers to an event where a company provides information about their company and job opportunities to potential applicants. "First-round selection" refers to the initial stage of the hiring process, where applicants are narrowed down. "Deviation scores" measure the difference between academic performance and the desired score. The phrase "prioritize" means to put something ahead of others in importance or order, while "narrow down" means to reduce or limit a large group of options to a smaller one.


Recruitment information session:採用説明会
First-round selection:一次選考
Deviation scores:偏差値
Narrow down:絞り込み

文例:Sample Sentences

Here are some sample sentences using the related words and expressions:

  • The company held a recruitment session to provide information about the job opportunities and the company to potential applicants.
  • The first selection round was used to narrow down the pool of applicants before inviting them for an interview.
  • The deviation scores were used to prioritize opening application sites for the universities with the highest scores.
  • The company narrowed down the applicants for the company information sessions based on their deviation scores and time differences.
  • The academic background filter was used to prioritize the opening of application sites for each group of universities with the highest deviation scores.

会話のコツ:Conversation Tips

「学歴フィルター」の話題を会話やディスカッションで表現する場合、明確かつ簡潔に伝えることが重要です。まず、トピックを紹介し、" Academic Background Filter "を説明することから始めましょう。その後、自分の主張を裏付ける例や証拠を示し、相手から出された疑問や反論に対処します。自分の主張を説明し、議論をより魅力的なものにするために、具体的な例や逸話を用いることも効果的です。

When expressing the "Academic Background Filter" topic in conversation or discussion, it is important to be clear and concise. Start by introducing the topic and explaining the "Academic Background Filter." You can then provide examples and evidence to support your argument and address any questions or objections raised by the other person. Using specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points and make the discussion more engaging is also helpful.


When discussing a controversial topic like the "Academic Background Filter," it is important to be respectful and open-minded. Listen to the other person's perspective and try to understand their point of view. Avoid using confrontational or dismissive language; focus on finding common ground and having a productive discussion.

日本の採用活動のカギを握る "学歴フィルター": Key to Japan's Hiring Process with the "Academic Background Filter"

日本の就職活動で "学歴フィルター "を理解することが重要な理由:Why Understanding the "Academic Background Filter" Matters for Job Seekers in Japan

日本で就職活動をする場合、"学歴フィルター "を理解することが重要です。このフィルターは、日本企業が採用の際によく用いる方法です。学歴フィルター」を理解することで、より有利に就職活動を進めることができます。その理由をご紹介します。
If you're looking for a job in Japan, it's important to understand the "Academic Background Filter." This filter is a common practice used by Japanese companies during the hiring process. By understanding the "Academic Background Filter," you'll have a better chance of being considered for a job. Here are some reasons why:

  • 「学歴フィルター」を知ることで、採用活動の準備ができ、企業が求める人材を理解することができる。
    Knowing about the "Academic Background Filter" will help you prepare for the recruitment process and understand what companies are looking for in a candidate.
  • 「学歴フィルター」を知ることで、このプロセスを知らない他の求職者よりも有利になる可能性があります。
    Being informed about the "Academic Background Filter" can give you an advantage over other job seekers who may not know this process.
  • 「学歴フィルター」は採用プロセスにおいて一般的に行われているため、日本で仕事を探している人にとって知っておくことは必須です。
    Knowing about the "Academic Background Filter" is essential for anyone looking for a job in Japan, as it is a common practice during the hiring process.

「学歴フィルター」を英語で表現することの重要性:The Importance of Expressing the "Academic Background Filter" in English

「学歴フィルター」を英語で表現できるようになることは、いくつかの理由で重要です。まず、このトピックについて他の人とコミュニケーションをとるのに役立ちます。これには、クラスメート、友人、潜在的な雇用主が含まれる可能性があります。第二に、英語でこのトピックを表現することは、あなたが "Academic Background Filter "を理解していることを示すのに役立ちます。最後に、"Academic Background Filter "について英語で議論することは、日本の採用プロセスで一般的に使われている慣習であるため、重要です。
Being able to express the "Academic Background Filter" in English is important for several reasons. First, it will help you communicate with others about the topic. This could include classmates, friends, and potential employers. Second, expressing the topic in English will help you show that you understand the "Academic Background Filter." Finally, discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English is important because it is a commonly used practice in Japan's hiring process.

英語で「学歴フィルター」について話すメリット:Benefits of Discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English

Discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English is important for those interested in Japan's hiring process. Here's why:

  • 「学歴フィルター」について英語で議論することで、このトピックに対する理解や日本の採用プロセスに関する知識を示すことができます。
    Discussing the "Academic Background Filter" in English will help you show your understanding of this topic and your knowledge of Japan's hiring process.
  • 英語で表現することで、「学歴フィルター」について英語で話せない他の求職者よりも優位に立つことができます。
    Expressing the topic in English can give you an advantage over other job seekers who may not be able to discuss the "Academic Background Filter" in English.
  • 採用時の常識である「学歴フィルター」について英語で議論できることは、日本の採用プロセスに興味がある人にとって必須です。
    The ability to discuss the "Academic Background Filter" in English is essential for anyone interested in the Japanese hiring process, as it is a common practice during recruitment.


要点のまとめ:Summary of Key Points


In this blog, we have discussed the "Academic Background Filter" in Japan's hiring process. We have discussed the significance of understanding the filter for those seeking employment in Japan and the advantages of expressing the topic in English. The blog has emphasized the importance of being informed and being able to communicate about the filter for job seekers in Japan.

表現の使い方と例文:Using the Expressions and Sample Sentences


We encourage our readers to use the expressions and sample sentences discussed in the blog. These expressions and sentences will help you communicate better and increase your chances of success in Japan's hiring process. By using these expressions and sentences, you will be able to express your thoughts on the "Academic Background Filter" more effectively and efficiently.

最後に:Final Thoughts

結論として、「学歴フィルター」は日本の採用プロセスにおいて重要な要素です。それを理解することは、日本での就職を希望する人、日本の採用プロセスに興味がある人にとって、大きなメリットになります。より良いコミュニケーションと採用プロセスの成功のために、学歴フィルターについて知り、その話題を英語で表現できるようになることが重要です。このブログが、"Academic Background Filter "に関する貴重な情報と洞察を提供できたなら幸いです。
In conclusion, the "Academic Background Filter" is an important aspect of Japan's hiring process. Understanding it can greatly benefit those seeking employment in Japan or those interested in the Japanese hiring process. It is important to be informed about the filter and to be able to express the topic in English for better communication and success in the hiring process. We hope this blog has provided valuable information and insights into the "Academic Background Filter."


仕事や生活の場で様々な証明書を扱うことがあります。証明書は英語ではどう言うでしょうか。英語では、 Certificate、Attestation、Authentication、Declarationと言うことができます。複数あるのでどのように違うのか悩みますよね。しかし、違いを知ることは、正確な記録を残し、使用されている情報を信頼するためにとても重要なことなのです。






  1. I received my certificate of completion for my cooking class today! 😁
    本日、料理教室の修了証書を受け取りました 😁
  2. Can you show me your birth certificate to prove your identity? 😕
  3. The certificate of achievement showcases my hard work and dedication. 😊


  1. To make it official, I had to have my signature attested by a notary public. 😒
  2. The attestation confirms that the information in the document is accurate. 💼
  3. I feel relieved knowing that my will has been attested. 😌


  1. I had to use my password for authentication before accessing my online bank account. 🔐
  2. Fingerprint authentication is a quick and secure way to verify your identity. 💻
  3. I had to authenticate my identity with my signature to complete the transaction. 💳


  1. I made a declaration of intention to pursue my dream career. 💪
  2. The declaration of facts provided official documentation of the incident. 📝
  3. I made a declaration of rights to assert my beliefs. 🗣️


Certificate, Attestation, Authentication, Declarationの違いを理解するストーリーを紹介します。

  1. A young man named Tom wanted to study abroad in the United States. He needed to gather all the necessary documents to apply for a student visa, including his high school diploma and passport.

  2. He went to his high school to get a certificate of completion. The certificate showed that he had graduated from high school and was issued by the school. Tom felt proud 🤗 of his achievement and knew the certificate would be a crucial part of his application.

  3. Next, he had to get a notary public to attest to the accuracy of his high school diploma. The notary confirmed that the diploma was genuine and signed it as a witness. Tom felt relieved 😅 knowing that the attestation process would help ensure that his application was not rejected due to any doubts about the authenticity of his documents.

  4. 次に、公証人に卒業証書が正確であることを証明してもらわなければならない。公証人は、卒業証書が本物であることを確認し、証人としてサインをした。トムは安心した😅 この認証手続きによって、書類の真偽を疑われ、申請が却下されることがないのだから。

  5. To get his passport, Tom had to go to the government office. The officer there asked for his ID and verified his identity through authentication. The authentication process involved checking Tom's fingerprints and signature to ensure he was who he claimed to be. Tom felt secure 💪 knowing that the authentication process was in place to protect against identity theft and fraud.
    パスポートを手に入れるために、トムは役所に行かなければならない。役所では、身分証明書の提示を求められ、認証手続きによって身元を確認した。認証では、トムの指紋と署名を確認し、彼が本人であることを確認した。トムは安心した💪 身分詐称や詐欺から守るために認証プロセスがあることを知ったからだ。

  6. Finally, Tom had to make a declaration of his intention to study abroad in the United States. He had to state his plans and goals for studying overseas and any other relevant information. Tom felt confident 💁‍♂️ knowing that his declaration would provide more information about his situation and help the visa application process move along smoothly.

  7. With all the necessary documents, Tom was ready to apply for his student visa. He felt grateful 🙏 that he had taken the time to understand the differences between certificates, attestations, authentications, and declarations and knew that his application was in good hands.
    必要な書類がすべて揃い、トムは学生ビザを申請する準備が整った。彼は、証明書、. Attestation、Authentication、Declarationの違いを理解するために時間をかけてきたことに感謝し、自分の申請がうまくいくことを知りました。


成績証明書、ステータス証明書:Certificate of Achievement or Status


A certificate is an official document that verifies an individual's achievement, status, or certification. Examples of certificates include certificates of completion, birth certificates, and certificates of achievement issued by authorized organizations like schools or governments. These certificates officially recognize an individual's accomplishments and can be used as proof of course completion, birth, or identity.

ステートメントの真偽を検証する:Verifying the Truth of a Statement - Attestation

Attestation verifies the truth of a statement, document, or fact. An official like a notary public performs this process to ensure that the information in a document is accurate and genuine. Attestation is crucial for confirming the validity of signatures on important documents such as contracts, deeds, or wills.

本人確認と文書の認証:Identity Verification and Document Authentication


Authentication is verifying a person's identity or the authenticity of a document or item. This process can be performed through a password, fingerprint, or signature and is crucial to prevent fraud and ensure that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information.

正式な声明文の作成 - 宣言:Making a Formal Statement - Declaration

A declaration is a formal statement by an individual or organization. Declarations can include declarations of intention, facts, or rights and are used to publicly state one's intentions, beliefs, or goals and to provide official documentation of certain facts or information.



Differentiating certificates, attestations, authentications, and declarations are essential for effective record keeping and ensuring the information presented is trustworthy. Whether it's a certificate of completion, a confirmed signature, or a declaration of intention, these processes play a crucial role in verifying the validity and authenticity of important information. Understanding these terms and processes ensures that your records are accurate, secure, and easily accessible when needed.


"Implication "という英語は、「特定の行動、発言、または状況がもたらす可能性のある結果や影響」を指します。このままでは理解しにくいと思いますので、解説していきます。英会話では、この単語の意味を理解し、自分の考えを効果的に伝え、誤解を防ぐために正確に使用することが重要です。

この記事では、"implication "を分かりやすく説明し、正しい使い方のコツをお伝えします。また、英語で単語を理解するように、英文でも説明しています。

"Implication "の定義

英語の"implication "定義です。


引用:英辞郎 on the WEB

"Implications" で”影響”という意味になることに注意してください。「影響」であれば"impact"もありますが、「まだはっきりしない」時には"implication"を使います。

"Implication" と"Impact" は似たような意味を持つことがありますが、"Implication" は何かの間接的または副次的な影響を指す傾向があり、"Impact" は一般的に何かの直接的で重大な影響を指します。両者は関連していますが、インパクトはより直接的で深遠な効果を表現するために使われることが多いです。
Implications and impact can have similar meanings, but implications tend to refer to the indirect or secondary effects of something. In contrast, impact generally refers to the direct and significant effect of something. They are related, but the impact is often used to describe a more direct and profound effect.

  1. Implications: The new tax policy has far-reaching implications for the economy.
  2. Impact: The devastating earthquake had a huge impact on the local community.


"Implication" is a word used to describe the potential consequences or outcomes of something. It refers to what is suggested or hinted at rather than what is explicitly stated. For instance, if someone says, "I won't be able to attend the meeting tomorrow," the implication is that they won't be present at the meeting.

"implication "は、何かの潜在的な結果や成り行きを説明するために使われる言葉です。これは、明確に述べられたことよりも、示唆されたり、ほのめかされたりすることを指します。例えば、誰かが "I won't be able to attend the meeting tomorrow ""明日の会議には出席できません。”と言った場合、その人は会議の場にいない(発言できない)ことを暗示していることになります。

明示的な表現例: "I will not be present at the meeting tomorrow." 

Tips for Proper Usage of "Implication": "implication "を正しく使うためのヒント

When using "implication" in your writing or speaking, it is important to keep the following considerations in mind:
ライティングやスピーチで "implication "を使用する際には、以下の点に注意することが大切です。

  • Use "implication" to describe potential consequences or effects, not explicit statements.潜在的な結果や効果を表現するために "implication "を使用し、明示的な記述はしない。

  • Use "implication" to express what is hinted at or suggested, not what is directly stated.暗示 "は、直接的に述べられたことではなく、ほのめかされたことや示唆されたことを表現するために使用する。

  • Use examples to clarify the meaning and usage of "implication.""implication "の意味や使い方を明確にするために、例を使用する。

Examples of "Implication" in Use: "Implication "の使用例

Here are some examples of how "implication" can be used in various situations:
さまざまな場面で "implication "がどのように使われるのか、その例をご紹介します。

  • If a politician says, "I support the new policy," the implication is that they believe the policy will have positive results.政治家が「私は新しい政策を支持します」と言った場合、その政策が良い結果をもたらすと信じていることを暗に示しています。

  • If a doctor advises "Avoid alcohol," the implication is that drinking alcohol may negatively affect the patient's health.医者が「アルコールを避けなさい」と言えば、飲酒が患者の健康に悪い影響を与える可能性があることを暗に示している。

  • If a manager states, "I expect everyone to be on time for the meeting," the implication is that being late won't be acceptable.上司が「会議には全員が時間通りに来ることを期待する」と言えば、遅刻は許されないという意味合いです。


"implication "を理解し、正しく使うことは、効果的なコミュニケーションのために非常に重要です。この記事で紹介したヒントや例文を頭に入れることで、ライティングやスピーキングで効果的に "implication "を使うことができます。さらに理解を深め、使いこなすためには、辞書や文法資料を参照することをお勧めします。
In conclusion, understanding and correctly using "implication" is crucial for effective communication. By keeping the tips and examples in this blog post in mind, English learners can effectively use "implication" in their writing and speaking. To further improve their understanding and usage, it is recommended to consult dictionaries and grammar resources.