

【動画解説】食べ物の誘いを断る英語術:The Art of Politely Declining Food Offers in English(Never Say This in English)





よくある間違いについてはYouTube動画「Never Say This in English」を紹介します。こここでは、今日から使えるフレーズを紹介しています。


YouTube動画:"英語でこんなこと言っちゃダメ": "Never Say This in English"

ここでは、英語を話すときによくある間違いを取り上げたYouTube動画を紹介します。動画「Never Say This in English」で、効果的なコミュニケーションや誤解を避けるために避けるべきキーフレーズを紹介しています。動画に登場する以下のスクリプトを説明し、よくある英語の間違いを紹介します。まずは動画をご視聴ください。



Would you like to have a piece of cake? No, I don't like it. Please, never say I don't like it. Use different phrases instead. Would you like to have a piece of cake? No, thanks. It's not my favorite. Would you like to have a piece of cake? No, thanks. I'm on a specific diet recommended by my doctor. Would you like to have a piece of cake? No, thanks. I'm not hungry right now. This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now. Sorry, this doesn't fit into my food plan for the day.


ケーキを召し上がりますか?いいえ、嫌いです。お願いですから、決してI don't like itとは言わないでください。代わりに違うフレーズを使ってください。ケーキを一切れいかがですか?いいえ、結構です。好きではないので。ケーキを一切れいかがですか?いいえ、結構です。医者から勧められた特定のダイエットをしているんです。ケーキをお召し上がりになりますか?いいえ、結構です。今はお腹が空いてないんです。これは美味しそうですが、今は食べる場所がないんです。すみません、これは今日の食事プランに合わないんです。


  • "No, thanks."
    これは申し出を断るときの丁寧な言い方です。thanks "と言うことで、話し手は申し出を受け入れないにもかかわらず、感謝の気持ちを示しているのです。
  • "It's not my favorite."
    このフレーズは申し出を断るための理由ですが、話し手が無礼な口調で言ったり、見下すような言い方をしたりすると、ぶっきらぼうで不作法だと思われることもあります。"No, thanks."と組み合わせて使いましょう。
  • "I'm on a specific diet recommended by my doctor."
    "私は医者から勧められた特定のダイエットをしています。" 話し手がその申し出を受けられない理由を述べることで、申し出を断る丁寧な方法です。
  • "I'm not hungry right now."
    今はお腹が空いていません。これは、話し手が現在空腹であることを述べることで、申し出を断る丁寧な方法です。"No, thanks."と組み合わせて使いましょう。
  • "This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now."
    ”これは美味しそうですが、今は食べる場所がないんです。" - これは、申し出に対する感謝の気持ちを表しながら、断る理由も述べることで、申し出を断る丁寧な方法です。
  • "Sorry, this doesn't fit into my food plan for the day." 


  1. "No, I'm Good"(いらない)
    No, I'm good "は丁寧に見えるかもしれませんが、状況によっては無礼に見えてしまうこともあります。それよりも、"No, thank you" や "No, I'm not hungry right now" と言った方が良いでしょう。これなら感謝の気持ちが伝わり、誤解も避けられます。
  2. "I Don't Care" (気にしない)
    食べ物を断るときに "I don't care "と言うと、興味がない、または嫌だと解釈される可能性があります。
  3.  "Whatever"(何でもいい)
    食べ物の誘いを断るとき、"Whatever "というフレーズは、無関心な印象を与えてしまうので、避けるべきでしょう。


"No, thanks. I've already had enough dessert for today."
"I appreciate the offer, but I prefer to stick to my meal plan."
"No, thanks. I don't eat cake, but it looks delicious!"
"I'm trying to limit my sugar intake, so I'll pass this time."
"No, thanks. I'm saving room for dinner, but thanks for offering."




食事の誘いを断るときは、相手の気分を害さないよう丁寧な言葉遣いをすることが大切です。否定的な言葉や失礼な言葉を使うなど、よくある間違いを犯すと、会話や人間関係に悪い影響を与えることがあります。例えば、"no, I'm good"「いいえ、結構です」と言うと、興味がない、または見下していると思われ、"I don't care"「気にしません」と言うと、失礼、または恩知らずと思われる可能性があります。




食事の誘いを断るときに否定的な言葉や失礼な言葉を使うと、会話や人間関係が悪くなります。よくある間違いは、"No, I'm good" "I don't care" などと言うことです。その代わりに、丁寧で尊敬に値する別の言葉を使うことが重要です。例えば、"No, thank you" (いいえ、結構です)や "This looks great, but I just not have any room for it right now. "(おいしそうだけど、今はお腹いっぱいです。)などと言うことができます。


もうひとつのよくある間違いは、お料理の注文を断る際に、その理由を説明しないことです。必ずしも理由を述べる必要はないかもしれませんが、理由を述べることで、より丁寧で分かりやすい断り方をすることができます。例えば、" No, thank you, I'm not hungry right now" (いや、結構です、今はお腹が空いていないので
すみません)や "I'm sorry, I'm a strict diet, and I can't eat this right now"(ダイエット中なので、今は食べられません。) などと言えばよいでしょう。




"No, Thank You""いいえ、結構です "と言う

英語で食べ物の誘いを断るには、"No, thank you "と言うのがシンプルで効果的です。このフレーズは、申し出に対する感謝の気持ちを伝えると同時に、それを断ることができます。カジュアルな場でもフォーマルな場でも、礼儀正しく、対立することのない断り方です。例えば、社交の場で誰かがケーキを差し出したら、"No, thank you. "と言えばいいのです。より丁寧にしたい場合は、"I appreciate the offer" 「お申し出に感謝します」や "It looks delicious" 「おいしそうですね」を付け加えるとよいでしょう。


食べ物を提供されたときに断る理由を提示することで、その断り方がより理解されやすくなり、相手にも丁寧に伝わるようになります。例えば、食事制限をしている人は、" I'm on a special diet and can't eat that right now.""特別なダイエットをしているので、今は食べられないんです。" 、摂取カロリーを制限している人は、" I'm trying to watch my calorie intake today. ""今日はカロリー摂取を控えているんだ"などと言うことができます。こうすることで、相手の努力に敬意を表し、より納得のいく断り方ができるのです。ただし、その理由は簡潔にし、説明しすぎたり、言い訳のようにならないようにしましょう。


 "I'm not hungry right now" 「今はお腹が空いていないんだ」 "This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now" 「美味しそうだけど、今はお腹がいっぱい」など、別の表現で食べ物を丁重に断ることも可能です。これらのフレーズは、申し出に対する感謝の気持ちと、それを受け入れることを確約せずに後日検討する意思を表します。例えば、職場でおやつを勧められたら、" I'm not hungry right now, but I appreciate the offer. ""今はお腹が空いていないのですが、お申し出に感謝します。" と言うことができます。こうすることで、相手の意思を尊重しつつ、丁寧にお断りすることができるのです。









このブログでは、食べ物の誘いを断る際の丁寧な断り方の重要性について説明しました。また、効果的な断り方として、"No, thank you"、理由をつける、代替表現を使うなどを取り上げました。さらに、会話の文脈やトーンを意識することの重要性、文化の違い、練習の必要性についても触れています。




The Art of Politely Declining Food Offers in English

The Importance of Polite Declines

In today's multicultural society, it is important to learn how to decline food offers politely and respectfully, especially in English. Whether in a business or social setting, declining food offers can be challenging for some people, especially for non-native English speakers. This blog post aims to provide an overview of the importance of declining food offers politely in English and help readers avoid common mistakes when speaking.

The target audience for this blog post includes anyone who wants to improve their English speaking skills and learn how to politely decline food offers in different situations. By the end of this post, readers will understand the impact of common mistakes, learn how to use alternative phrases, and be able to apply effective ways to politely decline food offers.

YouTube Video: "Never Say This in English"


This blog post section will introduce a YouTube video that covers common mistakes people make when speaking English. The video, titled "Never Say This in English," highlights key phrases that should be avoided to communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings.


The following scripts from the video will be explained in more detail, emphasizing the importance of avoiding common English mistakes.

Script 1: "No, I'm Good"

Saying "No, I'm good" may seem polite, but it can come across as impolite in some situations. A better alternative would be to say, "No, thank you," or "No, I'm not hungry right now." This shows gratitude and avoids misunderstandings.

Script 2: "I Don't Care"

The phrase "I don't care" when declining food offers can be interpreted as uninterested or dismissive. Instead, try using "No, thank you" or "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not hungry." This conveys gratitude and respect.

Script 3: "Whatever"

The phrase "whatever" should be avoided when declining food offers as it can come across as dismissive or uninterested. A better alternative would be to say, "No, thank you," or "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not interested." This shows gratitude and respect.

Stay tuned for the rest of the blog post to learn about the importance of polite declines, common mistakes when declining food offers, and effective ways to decline food offers politely in English.

The Importance of Polite Declines

Polite communication is essential in all aspects of life, especially when declining food offers. When we decline food, we are not just saying no to the food but also sending a message about our relationship with the person making the offer. Saying "no" politely shows respect and appreciation for the offer, while impolite language can damage the relationship. This is why declining food offers politely in English is so important.

This blog post targets non-native English speakers or those who struggle with polite communication in English. The challenges they may face include understanding cultural differences, knowing the right words to use, and avoiding common mistakes in English that can come across as impolite or dismissive.

Importance of Polite Declines

Impact of Mistakes

When declining food offers, it's important to use polite language to avoid offending the person making the offer. Making common mistakes, such as using negative or impolite language, can have a negative impact on the conversation and relationship. For example, saying "no, I'm good" can be uninterested or dismissive, while saying "I don't care" can be rude or ungrateful.

Benefits of Avoiding Mistakes

Conversely, using polite language when declining food offers can help maintain positive relationships and avoid misunderstandings. It also demonstrates good social etiquette, which can leave a positive impression on others. Moreover, using polite language can help to show respect for the person making the offer and the situation.

Common Mistakes When Declining Food Offers

Negative Language

Using negative or impolite language when declining food offers can have a negative impact on the conversation and relationship. Some common mistakes include saying, "No, I'm good," or "I don't care." Instead, it's important to use alternative language that is polite and respectful. For example, you could say, "No, thank you," or "This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now."

Failing to Provide a Reason

Another common mistake when declining food offers is failing to provide a reason for the decline. While it may not always be necessary to give a reason, it can help to make the decline more polite and understandable to others. For example, you could say, "No, thank you, I'm not hungry right now," or "I'm sorry, I'm on a strict diet, and I can't eat this right now."

Ignoring Cultural Norms and Expectations

Cultural differences can also impact how food offers are declined and the language used. It's important to be aware of cultural norms and expectations and to be respectful of these differences. For example, it may be customary in some cultures to decline food offers multiple times before finally accepting them. In contrast, it may be considered rude to decline a food offering from others. To be respectful, it's important to be aware of cultural differences and to adjust your language and behavior accordingly.

Effective Ways to Politely Decline Food Offers

Saying "No, Thank You"

Saying "No, thank you" is a simple yet effective way to decline food offers in English. This phrase conveys gratitude for the offer while also declining it. It is a polite and non-confrontational way to decline food offers in casual or formal settings. For example, if someone offers you a piece of cake at a social gathering, you can simply say, "No, thank you." If you would like to be more polite, you can add "I appreciate the offer" or "It looks delicious."

Giving a Reason

Providing a reason for declining a food offer can make the decline more understandable and polite to others. For example, if you have a dietary restriction, you can say, "I'm on a special diet and can't eat that right now." or if you are trying to limit your calorie intake, you can say, "I'm trying to watch my calorie intake today." This way, you show respect for the person's efforts and make the decline more acceptable to them. However, keep the reason brief and not over-explain or make it sound like an excuse.

Using Alternative Phrases

Alternative phrases such as "I'm not hungry right now" or "This looks great, but I just don't have any room for it right now" can also be used to decline food offers politely. These phrases show appreciation for the offer and a willingness to consider it at a later time without committing to accepting it. For example, if someone offers you a snack at work, you can say, "I'm not hungry right now, but I appreciate the offer." This way, you are being respectful of the person's gesture while politely declining the offer.

Tips for Success When Declining Food Offers

Context and Tone

The context and tone of the conversation play a crucial role in the effectiveness of a polite decline. It is important to pay attention to the situation and the people involved, as it can impact how your decline is perceived. For example, declining food at a business meeting may require a different approach than declining food at a family gathering. Consider the setting and the relationship with the person making the offer and adjust your response accordingly. Remember to keep the tone friendly and avoid being rude or dismissive.

Cultural Differences

Different cultures have different norms and expectations regarding declining food offers. For example, it is considered rude to decline food in some cultures, while in others, it is expected. Therefore, it is important to be aware of cultural differences and respect them when declining food offers. Research the customs and traditions of your culture and adjust your response accordingly. Remember that being polite and respectful is key to effectively declining food offers in any culture.


Declining food offers politely in English requires practice. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become. Find opportunities to practice in different situations, such as at work, with friends, or in social gatherings. Seek feedback from others and make adjustments to your response as needed. Remember that learning and improving are ongoing, so be patient and persistent.

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Polite Declines

Key Points Recap

In this blog post, we have discussed the importance of polite declines when it comes to declining food offers. We have also covered effective ways to decline food offers, such as saying "No, thank you," giving a reason, and using alternative phrases. Additionally, we have touched upon the importance of being aware of the context and tone of the conversation, cultural differences, and the need for practice.

Declining food offers politely in English is an important aspect of communicating effectively and building positive relationships with others. Following the tips and suggestions covered in this blog post, you can master the art of polite declines and navigate food-related interactions with confidence and grace.

So, take the time to practice and refine your skills, and you'll soon find that declining food offers can be a simple and stress-free experience.

【2023年】英語で表現する年間すべての日本の祝日・記念日・祝祭日【Celebrating Public Holidays in Japan: An Overview of the National Holidays Act 】




例えば、”日本は年間を通して16の祝祭日があります”は、Japan celebrates 16  public holidays throughout the year. と言えますが、それ以外の表現を覚えると会話も弾むようになります。

  1. Japan gets to party 16 times a year with its public holidays. Woohoo!😃" (Excited tone)
  2. "With 16 public holidays, Japan never runs out of opportunities to take a break and celebrate its cultural heritage.😊" (Positive tone)
  3. "Japan gets to enjoy 16 public holidays throughout the year, which is a much-needed respite from the daily grind.😌" (Relieved tone)

また、国民の祝日に関する法律は英語でNational Holidays Actと言います。









元旦:New Year's Day - January 1st, 2023


The first public holiday of the year, New Year's Day, is celebrated on January 1st, 2023. It is a time for families to come together and celebrate the start of a new year. People often visit shrines and temples to offer prayers and well-wishes for the new year.

成人の日:Coming of Age Day - January 9th, 2023

Coming of Age Day is celebrated on January 9th, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate young adults who have reached the age of 20 in Japan. This day is considered an important milestone in a person's life as they officially become adults in Japan.

建国記念の日: National Foundation Day - February 11th, 2023

National Foundation Day is celebrated on February 11th, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the establishment of Japan as a nation. This day is also known as the 'Birth of Japan' and is a time for people to reflect on the country's cultural heritage and traditions.

天皇誕生日:The Emperor's Birthday - February 23rd, 2023

The Emperor's Birthday is celebrated on February 23rd, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the birthday of the current emperor of Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to come together and pay their respects to the emperor.

春分の日:Vernal Equinox Day - March 21st, 2023

Vernal Equinox Day is celebrated on March 21st, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the arrival of spring in Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to come together and enjoy the start of the new season.

昭和の日:Shōwa Day - April 29th, 2023

Shōwa Day is a public holiday observed on April 29th, 2023, in Japan to commemorate the birthday of Emperor Shōwa. The purpose of this day is to reflect on the Showa period, which saw the country's recovery after turbulent times and to contemplate the future of the country. It is also a part of the "Golden Week" holidays.

憲法記念日:Constitution Memorial Day - May 3rd, 2023

Constitution Memorial Day is celebrated on May 3rd, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the implementation of Japan's constitution. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to reflect on the country's history and political landscape.

みどりの日:Greenery Day - May 4th, 2023

Greenery Day is celebrated on May 4th, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the beauty and importance of nature in Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to come together and appreciate the natural world.

こどもの日:Children's Day - May 5th, 2023

Children's Day is celebrated on May 5th, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the happiness and well-being of children in Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for families to come together and celebrate the joys of childhood. On this day, families often fly koinobori, or colorful carp streamers, outside their homes to symbolize strength and success for their children.

海の日:Marine Day - July 17th, 2023

Marine Day is celebrated on July 17th, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the beauty and importance of the ocean in Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to come together and appreciate the natural world. People often visit the beach or participate in ocean-related activities such as fishing, boating, and swimming. This day also serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about Japan's ocean conservation and preservation efforts.

山の日: Mountain Day - August 11th, 2023

Mountain Day is celebrated on August 11th, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the beauty and importance of mountains in Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to come together and appreciate the natural world. People often participate in mountain-related activities such as hiking, camping, and climbing. This day also serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about Japan's mountain conservation and preservation efforts.


敬老の日:Respect for the Aged Day - September 18th, 2023

Respect for the Aged Day is celebrated on September 18th, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the elderly population in Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to show appreciation and respect for their elders. On this day, families often visit their elderly relatives and offer them gifts and well-wishes. It is a day to celebrate the wisdom and experience the elderly bring to the community.

敬老の日:Autumnal Equinox Day - September 23rd, 2023

Autumnal Equinox Day is celebrated on September 23rd, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the arrival of autumn in Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to come together and enjoy the start of the new season. People often participate in autumn-related activities such as harvest festivals and nature walks.

健康・スポーツの日:Health and Sports Day - October 9th, 2023

Health and Sports Day are celebrated on October 9th, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the importance of physical and mental health in Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to participate in physical activities and sports. On this day, schools and businesses often hold sports events and activities to promote health and wellness.

文化の日:Culture Day - November 3rd, 2023

Culture Day is celebrated on November 3rd, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to come together and appreciate the country's artistic and cultural achievements. On this day, cultural events and exhibitions are held throughout Japan, showcasing the diverse talents of the country's artists, musicians, and performers.

勤労感謝の日 :Labor Thanksgiving Day - November 23rd, 2023

Labor Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on November 23rd, 2023, and it is a day to celebrate the achievements of workers in Japan. This day is considered a national holiday and is a time for people to come together and express gratitude for the hard work and dedication of those who contribute to the country's economy and society. On this day, companies and businesses hold events and celebrations to recognize and appreciate the efforts of their employees.


New Year's Day (January 1st)

Celebrating the Start of a New Year

"Wow, I can't believe another year has already gone by. Let's celebrate the start of a new one on New Year's Day! 😃"


Making Resolutions and Starting Fresh

"I'm so excited for New Year's Day! It's time to make some resolutions and start fresh for the year ahead. 😁" 

Coming-of-Age Day (2nd Monday of January)

Becoming an Adult

"Finally, I get to be an adult! Let's celebrate Coming-of-Age Day with pride and joy. 🎉"
"ついに大人になれる! 誇りをもって成人の日を迎えましょう。🎉"

Legally Doing More Things

"The time has come. I can finally legally do so many things. I can't wait to celebrate Coming-of-Age Day. 😃" 

National Foundation Day (February 11th)

Celebrating Our Nation

"I'm proud to be a part of this great nation. Let's celebrate National Foundation Day and remember our roots. 🇯🇵"

Honoring Our History

"This day is such an important part of our history. Let's honor it and celebrate National Foundation Day together. 💪"

Emperor's Birthday (February 23rd)

Showing Respect and Gratitude

"Today, we celebrate the birthday of our beloved emperor. Let's show our respect and gratitude on Emperor's Birthday. 🙏"

Celebrating Leadership and Guidance

"I'm grateful for the leadership and guidance of our emperor. Let's celebrate his birthday with joy and appreciation. 😊"

Vernal Equinox Day

Celebrating Spring

"Spring is here. What a beautiful time of year! Let's celebrate Vernal Equinox Day with a picnic in the park. 🌸" 

Rejuvenating Time in Nature

"I love the arrival of spring. It's such a rejuvenating time. Let's celebrate Vernal Equinox Day with a walk in nature. 🌿"

Showa Day (April 29th)

Honoring the Showa Emperor

"Today, we celebrate the life of the Showa Emperor and our nation's history. Let's show our respect and gratitude on Showa Day. 🙏"

Celebrating Contributions to Our Nation

"I'm so grateful for the Showa Emperor's contributions to our nation. Let's celebrate Showa Day with joy and appreciation. 😊"

Constitution Memorial Day (May 3rd)

Celebrating Our Democracy

"Today, we celebrate the foundation of our democracy. Let's show our appreciation and respect on Constitution Memorial Day. 🇯🇵"

Honoring Our Freedoms and Rights

"I'm so grateful for the freedoms and rights granted to us by our constitution. Let's celebrate Memorial Day with pride and joy. 🎉" 

Greenery Day (May 4th)

Celebrating Nature and Our Environment

"Let's celebrate the beauty of nature and our environment on Greenery Day. 🌳" 

Taking a Break and Enjoying the Outdoors

"It's important to take a break and enjoy the outdoors. Let's celebrate Greenery Day with a hike or a picnic. 🌲" 

Children's Day (May 5th)

Celebrating Our Children

"Our children are our future. Let's celebrate their innocence and joy on Children's Day. 😊"

Honoring the Young Generation

"The young generation is so important. Let's honor and celebrate them on Children's Day. 🎉"

Marine Day (3rd Monday of July)

Celebrating Our Oceans and Seas

"Let's celebrate the beauty and importance of our oceans and seas on Marine Day. 🌊"

Honoring Our Marine Life and Resources

"I'm grateful for all the marine life and resources that sustain us. Let's celebrate Marine Day with appreciation. 💙"

Mountain Day (August 11th)

Celebrating Our Mountains

"Let's celebrate the majesty of our mountains on Mountain Day. 🏔️"

Taking a Break and Enjoying Nature

"It's important to take a break and enjoy nature. Let's celebrate Mountain Day with a hike or a picnic. 🌄"

Respect for the Aged Day (3rd Monday of September)

Celebrating Our Elderly

"Our elderly are an important part of our society. Let's celebrate them and show our respect on Respect for the Aged Day. 😊"

Honoring Our Experienced Generation

"I'm grateful for the wisdom and experience of our elderly. Let's celebrate them on Respect for the Aged Day. 💪" 

Autumnal Equinox Day

Celebrating Autumn

"Autumn is here. What a beautiful time of year! Let's celebrate Autumnal Equinox Day with a picnic in the park. 🍂" 

Rejuvenating Time in Nature

"I love the arrival of autumn. It's such a rejuvenating time. Let's celebrate Autumnal Equinox Day with a walk in nature. 🍁"

Sports Day (2nd Monday of October)

Celebrating Our Athletes and Sports

"Let's celebrate our athletes' and sports' achievements and hard work on Sports Day. 🏃‍♂️🏊‍♀️"

Encouraging a Healthy Lifestyle

"Sports and exercise are important for a healthy lifestyle. Let's celebrate Sports Day by being active and healthy. 💪"

Culture Day (November 3rd)

Celebrating Our Culture and Arts

"Let's celebrate the rich history and beauty of our culture and arts on Culture Day. 🎨🎵" 

Honoring Our Artists and Creatives

"Our artists and creatives play a crucial role in shaping our culture. Let's honor and celebrate them on Culture Day. 🎉"

Labor Thanksgiving Day (November 23rd)

Celebrating Our Labors and Accomplishments

"Let's celebrate all laborers' hard work and accomplishments on Labor Thanksgiving Day. 💪"

Honoring the Contribution of All Workers

"All workers play a vital role in our society. Let's honor and celebrate their contribution on Labor Thanksgiving Day. 💼"


This blog provides a comprehensive overview of the public holidays celebrated in Japan throughout the year 2023. Public Holidays in Japan offer a unique glimpse into the country's culture and traditions. From New Year's Day to Children's Day and Culture Day, each holiday serves a specific purpose and is celebrated especially. Whether you're an English learner or just interested in learning about different cultures, understanding the significance of these holidays can help deepen your appreciation for Japan and its rich history.

【英語で理解する】2月11日は建国記念の日:英語でどう言う?【National Foundation Day in Japan】




建国記念の日」は英語でNational Foundation Dayと言いますが、 実際に日本の国が始まった日ではありません。


本記事では英語でNational Foundation Dayを説明するときに注意することを解説します。

建国記念の日とは?: What is National Foundation Day?

National Foundation Day, also known as "Kenkoku-kinen-no-hi," is a day to commemorate the founding of Japan as a country. It was established as a national holiday in 1966.

建国記念の日の歴史:The History of National Foundation Day

National Foundation Day is not a historical date of the beginning of Japan. According to Japanese mythology, the first Emperor Jimmu acceded to the throne on February 11, 660 BC. However, a historical basis has yet to be found to support this claim. Despite this, it was decided that Japan was founded on that date and has been designated a national holiday in Japan.


  1. "I'm really looking forward to National Foundation Day. It's such a special holiday in Japan. 😃"

  2. "Do you have any plans for National Foundation Day? I heard there will be a parade in the city. 🤔"
    "建国記念の日 "に何か予定がありますか?街でパレードがあると聞いたのですが。🤔"

  3. "I feel proud to be a part of this country on National Foundation Day. It's a day to celebrate our history and heritage. 💪"

  4. "Have you learned about the history behind National Foundation Day? It's fascinating to think about Japan's founding myth. 😮"
    "建国記念の日 "にまつわる歴史はおわかりいただけたでしょうか?日本の建国神話に思いを馳せるのはとても魅力的なことです。😮"

  5. "I love decorating my home with flags and banners on National Foundation Day. It really gets me into the holiday spirit. 😃"


  1. Emperor Jimmu: The first emperor of Japan, according to Japanese mythology, is believed to have acceded to the throne on February 11, 660 BC.

  2. Japanese mythology: The collection of myths and legends associated with the origin and history of Japan, which provides a cultural and historical context for National Foundation Day.

  3. Cultural heritage: The cultural traditions, values, beliefs, and practices passed down from one generation to the next, which National Foundation Day helps to preserve and celebrate.

  4. Public holiday: A day designated by the government as a day off from work, during which people are free to celebrate, rest and participate in cultural activities.

  5. National Holidays Act: A government law that designates national holidays in Japan and outlines the purpose and meaning behind each holiday, including National Foundation Day.
    国民の祝日に関する法律(National Holidays Act)。国民の祝日に関する法律国民の祝日を定め、その趣旨と意味を示した法律。

建国記念の日と他の祝祭日との比較:National Foundation Day Compared to Other Holidays

National Foundation Day is similar to other national holidays, such as Independence Day in the United States (July 4), Australia Day in Australia (January 26), and Waitangi Day in New Zealand (February 6).


In conclusion, National Foundation Day is a significant holiday in Japan, commemorating the enthronement of its first emperor and the foundation of Japan as a country. While the historical basis of the holiday may not be accurate, it remains an important part of Japanese cultural heritage.



【英語で理解する"implication" 】意味と使い方【推測[予期・予想]されること/例文7選付き】

日常会話で頻繁に使われる単語や概念の意味を理解することは非常に重要ですね。そのような言葉のひとつが "implication" です。広く使われているにもかかわらず、多くの人はその重要性を十分に理解していないかもしれません。この記事では、”Implication”について説明を行い、なぜその理解が不可欠なのかをご紹介します。

 "implication" とは?What are the Implications?

 "implication"とは、特定の事実や状況がもたらす論理的な結果や影響のことです。言い換えれば、 "implication"とは、与えられた情報に基づいて起こりうること、あるいは推測されることです。これらは間接的であることが多い。例えば、誰かが "the company is downsizing," 「会社は縮小している」と言った場合、その意味するところは、雇用の喪失、会社の構造の変更、従業員の福利厚生の縮小などです。

英語で理解する "implication"

The implication is a word with several meanings in English, but its core definition refers to the logical consequences or effects arising from a specific fact or situation. It can also describe an indirect suggestion or hint or the act of suggesting something. English learners can easily understand this word by thinking of it as "what may happen or what can be deduced based on what is known."

” implication”は英語ではいくつかの意味を持つ単語ですが、その核となる定義は、特定の事実や状況から生じる論理的な結果や効果を指します。また、間接的な提案やヒント、何かを示唆する行為を表すこともあります。英語学習者は、この単語を "What may happen or what can be deduced based on what is known""起こるかもしれないこと、または既知のことに基づいて推測されること" と考えることで簡単に理解することができます。


"Implicatio"の語源は、ラテン語の "implicare "で、"to fold in." "折り込む "という意味です。これは、別のものの中に何かを折り込んだり、含めたりすることを指します。"Implicatiom"は、議論されている状況の中で、発言や状況の潜在的な結果を折り畳むことと見なすことができます。時を経て、この言葉は、特定の事実や状況から生じる論理的な結果や効果を指す現在の意味へと発展しました。


  1. When she said she might be late, the implication was that we should plan to start the meeting without her. 😕彼女が「遅れるかもしれない」と言ったとき、「彼女抜きで会議を始めるように計画しよう」という意味合いが込められていた。😕

  2. If we don't act now, the implication could be that we'll miss out on this great opportunity. 😞もし私たちが今行動しなければ、この絶好の機会を逃してしまうということを暗示しているのかもしれない。😞

  3. I should have realized that her silence implied that she was upset with me. 😔彼女の沈黙が、彼女が私に腹を立てていることを暗示していることに気付くべきだった。😔

  4. The implication of his words was that he was proud of our teamwork. 😊彼の言葉の意味は、彼が私たちのチームワークを誇りに思っていることだった😊。

  5. The implication of the weather forecast is that we should plan for a rainy weekend. 😐

  6. His words implied that he was proud of our teamwork. 😊彼の言葉には、私たちのチームワークを誇りに思うという意味が込められていました😊。

  7. The weather forecast implies that we should plan for a rainy weekend. 😐天気予報は、週末は雨の予定にした方がいいと暗に示している。😐




Key Strategies:

  1. might, could, should, would などの潜在的な結果を示唆する単語やフレーズに注意する。
  2. 発言や出来事と、その潜在的な結果との間に、因果関係などのつながりがあるかどうかを確認する。
  3. 文化的、歴史的、政治的な要素を含む、より広い文脈を考慮する。
  4. 例えば、"What does this mean for...?" や "What are the potential consequences of...?" など、暗示または示唆されていることを明確にするために質問をする。


His statement meant that the company was not doing well financially. 😟彼の発言は、会社が財務的にうまくいっていないことを意味していた。😟


If you don't finish your homework, the result will likely be that you won't pass the test tomorrow. 😔 もしあなたが宿題を終わらせなければ、その結果、明日のテストに合格できない可能性が高いでしょう。😔(宿題を終わらせないことの結果を説明しています。)

When my boss said she wanted to talk to me after the meeting, I worried because she might be upset with me. 😰 上司が会議の後で私と話したいと言ったとき、彼女は私に腹を立てているかもしれないので、私は心配した。😰  (何かが間違っているという間接的な示唆やヒントを説明しています。)

When my friend said she was busy at tonight, I took it as a sign that she didn't want to spend time with me. 😞友人が今夜は忙しいと言ったとき、私は彼女が私と一緒に時間を過ごしたくないというサインだと思った。 (間接的に何かを示唆したりほのめかしたりする行為を表しています。)

I'm not sure what will happen due to this decision for our team, so I want to talk about it more before we move ahead. 🤔私たちのチームにとってこの決定によって何が起こるか分からないので、先に進む前にもっと話し合いたいと思います。


 "implication" を理解すると、物事を理解するのに役立ちます。ある状況の潜在的な結果を考慮することで議論されていることをより深く理解し、より情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができます。この記事で紹介したヒントを活用することで、英語学習者は言語における含意を特定し理解する能力を向上させることができるのです。


Understanding Implications


As English learners, it is crucial to comprehend the meaning and significance of words and concepts frequently used in daily conversation and academic settings. One such word is "implications." Despite its widespread use, many English learners may not fully understand the concept of implications and their importance. This blog post aims to provide a clear and concise explanation of the implications and why they are vital for English learners to comprehend.

What are the Implications?

Implications refer to the logical consequences or effects of a particular fact or situation. In other words, implications are what might occur or what can be deduced based on the information given. They are often indirect and need to be stated explicitly. For example, if someone says, "the company is downsizing," the implications could be job losses, changes to the company's structure, or reduced employee benefits.

Why are Implications Important for English Learners?

Understanding implications is crucial for English learners as it allows them better to understand a situation's context and potential consequences. By considering the implications of a statement or event, English learners can gain a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of what is being discussed. This also enables them to ask more informed questions, participate in more meaningful conversations, and make more informed decisions.

Tips for Identifying Implications

Key Strategies:

  • Pay attention to words and phrases that suggest or hint at potential consequences, such as "might," "could," "should," and "would."
  • Look for connections between statements or events and their potential consequences, such as cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Consider the broader context of the situation, including cultural, historical, and political factors.
  • Ask questions to clarify what is being implied or suggested, such as "What does this mean for…?" or "What are the potential consequences of…?"

Etymology of Implication

The word "implication" originated from the Latin word "implicare," which means "to fold in." This refers to folding in or including something within another thing. In language, implications can be seen as folding in the potential consequences of a statement or situation within the context of what is being discussed. Over time, the word evolved to its current meaning of referring to the logical consequences or effects that result from a particular fact or situation.


In conclusion, understanding implications is an essential aspect of language proficiency for English learners. By considering the potential consequences of a situation, English learners can gain a deeper and more nuanced understanding of what is being discussed and make better-informed decisions. By utilizing the tips outlined in this post, English learners can improve their ability to identify and comprehend implications in language.

【大雪警報・大雪注意報が発令!英語で言うと?】不要不急の外出は控えてはAvoid going outdoors ~【Snow Warning とSnow Advisoryの違いとは?】



関東甲信や東北の太平洋側で大雪見込み 警報級大雪のおそれも | NHK | 気象


気象庁では「警報」を warning とし、「注意報」を advisory としています。


  • 大雪警報:Heavy Snow Warning
  • 大雪注意報:Heavy Snow Advisory

例:A haevy snow warning/advisory has been issued, so please stay safe.”


警報級の大雪は、"Alarming level of snowfall", ” Warning level of heavy snow”と言います。

気象警報や注意報の重要な情報を理解することは難しいことです。特に大雪警報・注意報の意味とその違い、それだけでなく情報を英語でどのように伝えるかを明確に理解することは該当地域に住んでいる人にとっては重要です。例えば、ここでの大雪はHeavy Snow ですが、言い方はそれだけではありません。複数の言い方を覚えることが重要です。また、関連フレーズも重要です。

例えば、不要不急の外出は控えるは、”Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary ”、”refrain from nonessential outings”, "avoid non-essential travel"と表現できます。

降雪予報は、snow forecastやsnowfall forecastと言います。広範囲は、a wide area of で表現できます。


気象庁では「警報」を warning とし、「注意報」を advisory としています。


  • 大雪警報:Heavy Snow Warning
  • 大雪注意報:Heavy Snow Advisory、(アメリカではWinter Storm Warning)
  • 警報級の大雪: Alarming level of snowfall, Warning Level Heavy Snow
  • 雪予報:snow forecast(snowfall forecast)(大雪予報:Heavy snow forecast)
  • 不要不急の外出は控えて:” Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary ”、”refrain from nonessential outings”
  • 広範囲:wide swathes of Japan,  a wide area of the Kanto region
  • 発令:issue
  • 警報を解除:cancel a warning、the warning has been cancelled.
  • 備える:brace for
  • 積雪: fallen snow、snow cover、accumulated snow 





  • heavy fall of snow
  • heavy snow [snowfall]
  • massive snowfall
  • much snow
  • a storm of snow
  • a ton of snow
  • snow hard




  • 大雪に関する「警報」「注意報」の定義
    Definition of "warning" and "advisory" in the context of heavy snow
  • "警報 "と "注意報 "の比較
    Comparing "warning" and "advisory"
  • 大雪警報・注意報の英語表現でよく使われるフレーズ
    Common phrases used to describe heavy snow warnings and advisories in English
  • 大雪警報・勧告に関連する表現
    Expressions related to heavy snow warnings and advisories
  • 大雪警報・注意報に関連するフレーズと文中での用法
    Phrases related to heavy snow warnings and advisories and their usage in sentences
  • コロケーションとフレーズとの関連性
    Collocation and its relevance to the phrases



↑関連動画 "Cold Wave" vs. "Cold Snap "の説明はこちら(英語での解説です)



大雪の文脈では、「警報」と「注意報」は厳しい気象状況を一般に知らせるために使用される用語である。"Warning" 「警報」は、かなりの降雪が予想されるより厳しい状態を指し、"advisory"「注意報」は、降雪の可能性はあるがそれほどでもない厳しい状態を指します。

"Warning" refers to a more severe condition where significant snowfall is expected, while "advisory" refers to a less severe condition where snowfall is possible but not significant.


一般的に、"警報 "は "注意報 "に比べてより厳しい状況を意味する。「警報」は、かなりの降雪が予想されることを示し、日常生活に大きな支障をきたす可能性があります。一方、「注意報」は、降雪の可能性はあるが、大きな混乱を引き起こすほどではないことを示します。

Generally, a "warning" implies a more severe condition than an "advisory." A "warning" indicates that significant snowfall is expected, which can cause significant disruptions to daily life. An "advisory," on the other hand, indicates that snowfall is possible but not significant enough to cause major disruptions.



  • "Snow warning":積雪警報
  • "Snow advisory":積雪注意報
  • "Heavy snow alert":大雪警報
  • "Snowstorm warning":吹雪警報
  • ”Warning Level Heavy Snow”:警報級の大雪
  • ”Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary ”:不要不急の外出は控える




Heavy Snow Warning:大雪警報

  1. A heavy snow warning has been issued for the entire city. 😨
  2. Be careful when traveling, as the roads are treacherous due to the heavy snow warning. 😔
  3. The schools have closed due to the heavy snow warning. 😱

Heavy Snow Advisory:大雪注意報

  1. The authorities have issued a heavy snow advisory, advising people to stay indoors. 😷
  2. It is best to avoid traveling today as there is a heavy snow advisory in effect. 😢
  3. The heavy snow advisory has caused flight cancellations at the airport. 😫

Alarming level of snowfall:警報レベルの降雪

  1. The level of snowfall is alarming and is causing chaos on the roads. 😱
  2. Please take extra precautions as the level of snowfall is reaching dangerous levels. 😨
  3. The alarming level of snowfall has caused widespread power outages. 😔

Heavy snow forecast:大雪予報

  1. The heavy snow forecast has put the city on alert. 😱
  2. I suggest you stay indoors as the heavy snow forecast is expected to worsen. 😨
  3. Due to the heavy snow forecast, many businesses have closed for the day. 😢

Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary:どうしても必要な時以外は、屋外への外出を避ける

  1. The authorities advise people to avoid going outdoors unless necessary due to the heavy snow. 😷
  2. I only went outside because it was absolutely necessary, following the advice to avoid going outdoors. 😢
  3. Please limit your time outdoors and avoid going outdoors unless necessary for your safety. 😔

Refrain from nonessential outings:必要以外の外出を控える

  1. It is advised to refrain from nonessential outings until the heavy snow subsides. 😷
  2. I canceled my plans as I was advised to refrain from nonessential outings. 😢
  3. Due to the heavy snow, authorities urge people to refrain from nonessential outings. 😔

Wide swathes of Japan:日本の広範囲

  1. The heavy snow has affected wide swathes of Japan, causing widespread disruption. 😨
  2. Please be careful when traveling, as wide swathes of Japan are experiencing heavy snow. 😔
  3. The heavy snow has caused road closures in wide swathes of Japan. 😱

Wide area of the Kanto region:関東地方の広い範囲

  1. The heavy snow has caused widespread power outages in a wide area of the Kanto region. 😱大雪の影響で、関東の広い範囲で停電が発生しています。😱
  2. The authorities advise people to stay indoors in a wide area of the Kanto region due to the heavy snow. 😷
  3. Please be cautious when traveling in a wide area of the Kanto region, as the roads are treacherous due to the heavy snow. 😨




  • “A Winter Storm Watch is issued when there is the potential for significant and hazardous winter weather within 48 hours. It does not mean that significant and hazardous winter weather will occur...it only means it is possible.”
  • “A Winter Storm Warning is issued when a significant combination of hazardous winter weather is occurring or imminent.”
  • Heavy snow warning: The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a warning indicating that heavy snow is expected or occurring.
  • Snow advisory: A less severe type of winter weather advisory issued by the NWS, indicating that snow accumulation of 4 inches or less is expected in 12 hours.
  • Blizzard warning: A warning issued by the NWS when blizzard conditions are expected, such as winds of 35 mph or higher and visibility reduced to ¼ of a mile or less due to snow or blowing snow for at least three hours.
  • Winter storm warning: A warning issued by the NWS when a winter storm is expected to produce significant snow, sleet, or ice accumulations, making travel dangerous or impossible.
  • Freezing rain advisory: An advisory issued by the NWS when light to moderate freezing rain is expected to cause slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks.
  • Ice storm warning:A warning issued by the NWS when significant accumulations of ice are expected, making travel dangerous and causing power outages and tree damage.



  • Example 1: "The National Weather Service has issued a heavy snow warning for the region, with accumulations of up to 12 inches expected."
  • Example 2: "Travelers are advised to use caution on the roads, as a snow advisory is in effect with expected accumulations of 4 inches or less."
  • Example 3: "Due to the blizzard warning, residents are encouraged to stay off the roads and avoid non-essential travel."
  • Example 4: "A winter storm warning has been issued for the area, with significant snow and ice accumulations expected to make travel dangerous."
  • Example 5: "A freezing rain advisory is in effect for the region, with light to moderate freezing rain expected to cause slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks."
  • Example 6: "A severe ice storm warning has been issued, with accumulations of ice expected to cause power outages and damage to trees."



  • Example: "The National Weather Service has issued a heavy snow warning for the region" (collocation with "heavy snow warning").
  • Example: "Travelers are advised to use caution on the roads, as a snow advisory is in effect" (collocation with "snow advisory").
  • Example: "Due to the blizzard warning, residents are encouraged to stay off the roads" (collocation with "blizzard warning").

避難の表現 大雪警報・注意報発令時の効果的なコミュニケーションのポイント



大雪警報や注意報が発令されると、当局や緊急対応要員は、避難や安全に関する特定の表現や語彙を使用することがよくあります。例えば、"evacuate immediately" "直ちに避難する"、 "take shelter""避難する,、"stay indoors "、"室内にとどまる"などの表現があります。英語学習者は、安全確保と効果的な緊急時のコミュニケーションのために、これらのフレーズを理解する必要があります。


大雪警報や注意報が発令されている間、当局や緊急対応要員は、安全に関する情報や指示を一般市民に伝えるために特定の表現を用いることもある。例えば、" avoid non-essential travel"不要不急の外出は控えて, "check on your neighbors"近所の人を確認する, "be prepared for power outages "停電に備えるなどと言うかもしれない。これらの表現に慣れることで、英語学習者はコミュニケーション能力を向上させ、緊急事態に備えることができます。



During heavy snow warnings and advisories, it is crucial to follow evacuation instructions from authorities and emergency responders.



 Some tips for effective communication during heavy snow warnings and advisories include using clear and concise language, following instructions, and staying calm and focused. 



With heavy snow forecast to fall across a wide area of the Kanto region from Friday morning, officials on Thursday urged those in affected areas to refrain from nonessential outings and warned of transport disruptions and the risk of blackouts.



Officials urge vigilance as Tokyo region set for heavy snowfall
Japan TImes / Feb 9, 2023


気象庁では「警報」を warning とし、「注意報」を advisory としています。


大雪警報:Heavy Snow Warning

大雪注意報:Heavy Snow Advisory

不要不急の外出は控えて:Avoid going outdoors unless absolutely necessary 

警報級の大雪は、”Warning Level Heavy Snow”でした。






I. Introduction to Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories

A. Overview of the Topic

Heavy snow warnings and advisories are used to inform the public about severe snow-related weather conditions. Understanding these terms is important for English learners as it can enhance their communication skills in an English-speaking environment. In this article, we will explore the significance of heavy snow warnings and advisories and why English learners must understand them.

B. Importance of Understanding Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories for English Learners

As an English learner, understanding heavy snow warnings and advisories is crucial because it can improve your communication skills in an English-speaking environment. This can help you effectively convey snow-related information in the workplace while traveling or in your personal life.

C. Outline and Learning Objectives

In this article, we will cover the following topics to help you understand heavy snow warnings and advisories:

  • Definition of "warning" and "advisory" in the context of heavy snow
  • Comparing "warning" and "advisory"
  • Common phrases used to describe heavy snow warnings and advisories in English
  • Expressions related to heavy snow warnings and advisories
  • Phrases related to heavy snow warnings and advisories and their usage in sentences
  • Collocation and its relevance to the phrases

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of heavy snow warnings and advisories, which will help you communicate more effectively in an English-speaking environment.

II. Understanding Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories

A. Definition of "Warning" and "Advisory" in the Context of Heavy Snow

In the context of heavy snow, "warning" and "advisory" are terms used to inform the public about severe weather conditions. "Warning" refers to a more severe condition where significant snowfall is expected, while "advisory" refers to a less severe condition where snowfall is possible but not significant.

B. Comparing "Warning" and "Advisory"

In general, a "warning" implies a more severe condition compared to an "advisory." A "warning" indicates that significant snowfall is expected, which can cause significant disruptions to daily life. An "advisory," on the other hand, indicates that snowfall is possible but not significant enough to cause major disruptions.

C. Common Phrases Used to Describe Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories in English

When describing heavy snow warnings and advisories, the following phrases are commonly used in English:

  • "Snow warning"
  • "Snow advisory"
  • "Heavy snow alert"
  • "Snowstorm warning"

It is important to use these phrases accurately and effectively to ensure that the conveyed information is clear and easily understood.

III. Expressions of Warnings and Advisories

  • Heavy snow warning: The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a warning indicating that heavy snow is expected or occurring.
  • Snow advisory: A less severe type of winter weather advisory issued by the NWS, indicating that snow accumulation of 4 inches or less is expected in 12 hours.
  • Blizzard warning: A warning issued by the NWS when blizzard conditions are expected, such as winds of 35 mph or higher and visibility reduced to ¼ of a mile or less due to snow or blowing snow for at least three hours.
  • Winter storm warning: A warning issued by the NWS when a winter storm is expected to produce significant snow, sleet, or ice accumulations, making travel dangerous or impossible.
  • Freezing rain advisory: An advisory issued by the NWS when light to moderate freezing rain is expected to cause slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks.
  • Ice storm warning: A warning issued by the NWS when significant accumulations of ice are expected, making travel dangerous and causing power outages and tree damage.

B. Usage of phrases in sentences

  • Example 1: "The National Weather Service has issued a heavy snow warning for the region, with accumulations of up to 12 inches expected."
  • Example 2: "Travelers are advised to use caution on the roads, as a snow advisory is in effect with expected accumulations of 4 inches or less."
  • Example 3: "Due to the blizzard warning, residents are encouraged to stay off the roads and avoid non-essential travel."
  • Example 4: "A winter storm warning has been issued for the area, with significant snow and ice accumulations expected to make travel dangerous."
  • Example 5: "A freezing rain advisory is in effect for the region, with light to moderate freezing rain expected to cause slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks."
  • Example 6: "A severe ice storm warning has been issued, with accumulations of ice expected to cause power outages and damage to trees."

C. Collocation and its relevance to the phrases

  • Collocation refers to the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with other words or phrases. In heavy snow warnings and advisories, collocation is relevant as it helps create natural-sounding sentences and improves overall communication accuracy.
  • Example: "The National Weather Service has issued a heavy snow warning for the region" (collocation with "heavy snow warning").
  • Example: "Travelers are advised to use caution on the roads, as a snow advisory is in effect" (collocation with "snow advisory").
  • Example: "Due to the blizzard warning, residents are encouraged to stay off the roads" (collocation with "blizzard warning").

IV. Evacuation Expressions: The Key to Effective Communication During Heavy Snow Warnings and Advisories

Clear and effective communication is essential in emergency situations, such as heavy snow warnings and advisories. It can mean the difference between life and death. This is especially true for English learners who may not be familiar with the expressions and vocabulary used during such situations. In this section, we will discuss the importance of understanding evacuation expressions and tips for effective communication during heavy snow warnings and advisories.

During heavy snow warnings and advisories, authorities and emergency responders will often use specific expressions and vocabulary related to evacuation and safety. Some examples of such expressions include “evacuate immediately,” “take shelter,” and “stay indoors.” English learners must understand these phrases to ensure safety and effective communication during emergencies.

B. Expressions Used to Convey Safety Information and Instructions

Authorities and emergency responders will also use specific expressions to convey safety information and instructions to the public during heavy snow warnings and advisories. For example, they may say, “avoid non-essential travel,” “check on your neighbors,” or “be prepared for power outages.” By familiarizing themselves with these expressions, English learners can improve their communication skills and better prepare for emergencies.

C. Importance of Following Evacuation Instructions

During heavy snow warnings and advisories, it is crucial to follow evacuation instructions from authorities and emergency responders. These instructions are given for the safety of individuals, and clear and effective communication is essential in ensuring cooperation during evacuation processes. English learners can improve their communication skills by understanding the significance of following evacuation instructions and the reasons behind such instructions.

D. Tips for Effective Communication During Evacuation

Effective communication is key during evacuation processes, and several best practices can help ensure the safety and well-being of individuals. Some tips for effective communication during heavy snow warnings and advisories include using clear and concise language, following instructions, and staying calm and focused. Accurate and effective communication can also play a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals during these situations. In conclusion, understanding evacuation expressions and vocabulary related to heavy snow warnings and advisories are essential for English learners. Effective communication can mean the difference between life and death during such situations. By familiarizing themselves with the language and expressions, individuals can better prepare for and respond to emergencies.


"certify "と "qualify "の使い分けに戸惑うことはありませんか?この2つの単語は、同じように使われがちですが、意味はそれぞれ異なります。この記事では、"certify" と "qualify" の違いを明確にします。効果的なコミュニケーションのためにその違いを理解することが重要です。



  • 〔正式に質・資格・正当性・真実性などを〕証明[認証・認定]する~に〕
  • 資格[免許]を与える


  • 〔~に〕資格を与える、〔~を〕適格とする、適任とする、〔仕事などに〕適させる

引用:英辞郎 on the WEB



  1. A woman named Sarah wanted to become a nurse. She needed to take several exams to demonstrate that she had the necessary skills and knowledge to provide medical care.

  2. First, she had to take a certification exam. The exam tested her on various topics related to nursing and healthcare. If she passed the exam, she would be certified as a nurse. Sarah felt nervous 🤔 before the exam but confident 💪 that she had studied hard and was prepared.

  3. Next, Sarah had to show that she met the qualifications required to work as a nurse. This included things like having a certain level of education and experience. She was qualified to work as a nurse because she met all the requirements. Sarah felt relieved 😅 knowing that her qualifications would help her get hired as a nurse.
    次に、サラは看護師として働くために必要な資格を満たしていることを証明しなければなりませんでした。これには、一定レベルの学歴や経験があることなどが含まれます。彼女はすべての条件を満たしていたので、看護師として働く資格があったのです。サラは安心しました😅 自分の資格が看護師として採用されるのに役立つとわかっていたからです。

  4. With her certification and qualifications, Sarah was ready to work as a nurse. She felt proud 🤗 of her achievements and grateful 🙏 that she had taken the time to understand the difference between "certify" and "qualify."
    証明書と資格を得たことで、サラは看護師として働く準備が整ったのです。彼女は自分の功績を誇りに思い🤗、"certify" と "qualify" の違いを理解するのに時間がかかったことに🙏感謝していました。


"certify "は動詞で、正確さや真実を公式に宣言したり確認したりすることを意味します。例えば、"The government certified that the election was fair and transparent"(政府は選挙が公正かつ透明であると認定した)のようになります。個人が認定された場合、その人は一定の基準や水準を満たし、資格があると公式に認められたことになります。

"Qualify" の意味するところ

一方、"qualify "は動詞で、特定の役割、地位、状態に対して必要な資格や基準を満たすことを意味します。例えば、" She qualified for the Olympic Games by breaking the world record in the 100-meter dash."(彼女は100メートル走で世界記録を更新し、オリンピックの出場資格を得た)。誰かが資格を得たとき、その人はタスクを実行するために必要なスキル、知識、または経験を実証したことになります。

"Certify "と "Qualify "の違いについて


"Certify "と "Qualify "の語源

"certify "と "qualify "は、微妙に意味が異なる英語の動詞です。

"certify "はラテン語の "certificare "に由来し、 "to make certain." "確かなものにする "という意味です。何かを認証するとき、それが特定の基準や標準を満たしていることを確認することになります。例えば、”a product has been certified as organic”(ある製品がオーガニックであると認定された)とか、”a person has been certified as a teacher”(ある人が教師であると認定された)と表現します。

一方、「qualify 」は、ラテン語の「qualificare」に由来し、 "to make fit." 「適合させる」という意味です。何かの資格を得るということは、それに参加するために必要な条件を満たしていることを証明することです。例えば、” a person has qualified for the Olympic Games by breaking a world record”(ある人が世界記録を更新してオリンピックの出場資格を得た)とか、” you qualify for a loan because you have a good credit score”(クレジットスコアが良いのでローンを組む資格がある)と表現します。

英語で理解する"Certify "と "Qualify "の違い

In general, when you certify something, you are verifying that it meets certain standards, while when you qualify for something, you are demonstrating that you meet certain requirements.


日常英会話で理解する"Certify "と "Qualify "の違い

  1. I had to certify my degree from the university so I could apply for a job as a teacher. 😊教師としての求人に応募するために、大学で学位を取得したことを証明しなければなりませんでした😊。

  2. To qualify for the job as a nurse, I had to pass a certification exam and show proof of my nursing license. 😓看護師としての仕事に応募するために、認定試験に合格し、看護師免許の証明書を提示しなければなりませんでした。😓

  3. The company requires all employees to certify their skills in customer service before they can start working in the call center. 🤔会社は、コールセンターで働き始める前に、すべての従業員に接客のスキルを証明することを要求しています。🤔

  4. To qualify for the marathon, runners must show proof of their training and ability to complete the race. 💪マラソンの参加資格を得るために、ランナーはトレーニングの証明とレースを完走する能力を示す必要があります。💪

  5. The certification program will help you certify your knowledge and skills in graphic design. 😃この認定プログラムでは、グラフィックデザインの知識と技能を認定することができます。😃

  6. To qualify for the scholarship, students must have a high GPA and demonstrate their financial needs. 😢奨学金の受給資格を得るには、高いGPAを持ち、経済的な必要性を示す必要があります。😢

  7. I had to certify my identity by showing my passport at the border checkpoint. 🤗国境検問所でパスポートを提示して身分を証明しなければなりませんでした。🤗

  8. To qualify for a mortgage, you must have a good credit score and proof of a steady income. 😒住宅ローンを組むには、良いクレジットスコアと安定した収入を証明する必要があります。😒

  9. I had to certify my dog as a therapy animal to bring him to the office, but I still had to qualify for the job first. 😍愛犬をセラピーアニマルとして職場に連れてくるには、やはりまず資格を取らなければならなかった。😍

  10. To qualify for the cooking competition, I had to certify my love for food and my skills in the kitchen with a tasting test. 😋料理コンテストに参加するために、私は試食テストで食べ物への愛とキッチンのスキルを証明しなければなりませんでした。😋

  11. I needed to certify my mastery of the Jedi force, but first, I had to qualify for Jedi training by passing the initiation test. 🤩ジェダイの力を習得したことを証明する必要があったが、まず、イニシエーションテストに合格して、ジェダイの訓練を受ける資格を得なければならなかったんだ。🤩

  12. Before getting hired as a lifeguard, I had to certify my CPR skills and qualify with a physical swim test. 🤽‍♂️ライフガードとして採用される前に、CPRのスキルを証明する必要がありました。 を証明し、水泳の体力テストで資格を得る必要がありました。🤽♂️

  13. To qualify for a driver's license, you must pass a written test and certify your knowledge of road safety rules. 🚗運転免許を取得するためには、筆記試験に合格し、交通安全規則に関する知識を証明する必要があります。🚗

  14. I had to certify my knowledge of the company's policies before I could qualify for the HR manager position. 👨‍💼人事担当者の資格を得るには、会社の方針に関する知識を証明する必要がありました。👨💼

  15. To qualify for a credit card, you must certify your identity with a government-issued ID and prove your financial stability. 💳クレジットカードの資格を得るには、政府発行の身分証明書で身分を証明し、経済的安定を証明する必要があります。💳

  16. I had to certify my abilities as a gymnast by performing specific skills, but first, I had to qualify for the competition by passing a qualifying round. 🤸‍♀️体操選手として特定の技を披露して能力を証明しなければならないが、その前に予選を通過して大会に参加する資格を得なければならない。🤸


「certify」と「qualify」の違いを理解することは非常に重要です。間違った言葉を使うと、さまざまな場面で影響が出る可能性があるからです。専門職や学術的な環境では、これらの言葉の間違った使用は、誤解や連絡ミスにつながる可能性があります。例えば、ある科目で「認定」 "certified"を受けたと主張すると、公的な認定を受けたことを意味し、その認定証を要求されるかもしれません。一方、特定の役割やポジションについて「資格がある」 "qualify" と述べるだけでは不十分で、関連組織による正式な認定や認証が必要な場合もあります。その場合、やはり認定証を要求されるかもしれません。


専門的・学問的な文脈では、"certify" と "qualify" の違いを理解することは非常に重要です。"certify "は公的な認定を意味し、"qualify "は必要な資格を満たしていることを意味します。誤解や行き違いを避けるためには、正しい単語を使うことが不可欠です。”certify "と "qualify "の違いを理解することで、効果的かつ正確にコミュニケーションをとることができるのです。


Understanding the Difference Between Certify and Qualify: A Guide for English Learners

English learners often find it confusing to use "certify" or "qualify." These two words are commonly used interchangeably but have distinct meanings and implications. In this blog post, we will clarify the difference between "certify" and "qualify" and the significance of understanding their distinction for effective communication.

What Does "Certify" Mean?

"Certify" is a verb that signifies officially declaring or confirming the accuracy or truth of something. For instance, "The government certified that the election was fair and transparent." When an individual is certified, they have fulfilled certain criteria or standards and have been officially acknowledged as qualified.

What Does "Qualify" Mean?

On the other hand, "Qualify" is a verb that means to meet the required qualifications or standards for a specific role, position, or status. For instance, "She qualified for the Olympic Games by breaking the world record in the 100-meter dash." When someone qualifies, they have demonstrated the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience to perform a task.

The Difference between "Certify" and "Qualify"

The distinction between "certify" and "qualify" is that "certify" involves official recognition, while "qualify" involves meeting the necessary qualifications. For example, you can "qualify" for a job by possessing the necessary education, experience, and skills, but you can only be "certified" by the company or organization that is hiring you.

Why is it Important to Understand the Difference?

It is crucial to understand the difference between "certify" and "qualify," as using the wrong word can have implications in various settings. In professional or academic environments, the incorrect use of these words can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. For instance, if you claim to be "certified" in a certain subject, it implies that you have received official recognition, which may not be the case. On the other hand, stating that you "qualify" for a particular role or position may not be enough, as official recognition or certification by the relevant organization may be required.

In conclusion

Understanding the difference between "certify" and "qualify" is crucial for English learners, particularly in professional and academic contexts. "Certify" involves official recognition, while "qualify" involves meeting the required qualifications. It is essential to use the correct word to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications. By comprehending the distinction between "certify" and "qualify," English learners can communicate effectively and accurately.

【英語で川柳】”リモートの 上司の指示は 現場みろ!"を英語で表現すると?【"While working remotely / my boss tells me / 'look at the actual work site!'"】

スマホ脳 ならぬようにと 検索す”これは、「サラッと一句!わたしの川柳コンクール」から選ばれた100作品の中の1つです。ユーモアたっぷりだと思いませんか?






"While working remotely / my boss tells me / 'look at the actual work site!'"


"While working remotely" - "リモートワーク中"
"My boss tells me" - "上司が言っている"
"'Look at the actual work site!'" - "「実際の作業現場を見て」"

答えは、「リモートの 上司の指示は 現場みろ!」でした。


"While working remotely, my boss tells me to 'look at the actual work site!'"


"During a heated debate / wearing pajamas / on my lower body"


"During a heated debate" - "熱い議論中"
"Wearing pajamas" - "パジャマを着ている"
"On my lower body" - "下半身に"

答えは、「激論も パジャマ姿の 下半身」でした。


"During a heated debate, wearing pajamas on my lower body"


"I'm going to work / just one "fusuma" sliding door away / teleworking"


"'I'm going to work' - "「仕事に行く」"
"Just one "fusuma" sliding door away" - "「ふすま」の一つ扉すぐ"
"Teleworking" - "テレワーク"

答えは、”「行ってくる」 ふすま一枚 テレワーク”でした。


"I'm going to work, just one sliding door (fusuma) away, teleworking"


"'I'm going to work' / just one "fusuma" sliding door away / teleworking"


"It doesn't end" - "終わらない"
"Because there are no last trains" - "最後の電車がないから"
"Drinking party on Zoom" - "Zoomでの飲み会"

答えは、「終わらない 終電がない ズーム飲み会」でした。


"It doesn't end because there are no last trains, drinking party on Zoom"

"終電がないから終わらない ズームで飲み会"


