


"certify "と "qualify "の使い分けに戸惑うことはありませんか?この2つの単語は、同じように使われがちですが、意味はそれぞれ異なります。この記事では、"certify" と "qualify" の違いを明確にします。効果的なコミュニケーションのためにその違いを理解することが重要です。



  • 〔正式に質・資格・正当性・真実性などを〕証明[認証・認定]する~に〕
  • 資格[免許]を与える


  • 〔~に〕資格を与える、〔~を〕適格とする、適任とする、〔仕事などに〕適させる

引用:英辞郎 on the WEB



  1. A woman named Sarah wanted to become a nurse. She needed to take several exams to demonstrate that she had the necessary skills and knowledge to provide medical care.

  2. First, she had to take a certification exam. The exam tested her on various topics related to nursing and healthcare. If she passed the exam, she would be certified as a nurse. Sarah felt nervous 🤔 before the exam but confident 💪 that she had studied hard and was prepared.

  3. Next, Sarah had to show that she met the qualifications required to work as a nurse. This included things like having a certain level of education and experience. She was qualified to work as a nurse because she met all the requirements. Sarah felt relieved 😅 knowing that her qualifications would help her get hired as a nurse.
    次に、サラは看護師として働くために必要な資格を満たしていることを証明しなければなりませんでした。これには、一定レベルの学歴や経験があることなどが含まれます。彼女はすべての条件を満たしていたので、看護師として働く資格があったのです。サラは安心しました😅 自分の資格が看護師として採用されるのに役立つとわかっていたからです。

  4. With her certification and qualifications, Sarah was ready to work as a nurse. She felt proud 🤗 of her achievements and grateful 🙏 that she had taken the time to understand the difference between "certify" and "qualify."
    証明書と資格を得たことで、サラは看護師として働く準備が整ったのです。彼女は自分の功績を誇りに思い🤗、"certify" と "qualify" の違いを理解するのに時間がかかったことに🙏感謝していました。


"certify "は動詞で、正確さや真実を公式に宣言したり確認したりすることを意味します。例えば、"The government certified that the election was fair and transparent"(政府は選挙が公正かつ透明であると認定した)のようになります。個人が認定された場合、その人は一定の基準や水準を満たし、資格があると公式に認められたことになります。

"Qualify" の意味するところ

一方、"qualify "は動詞で、特定の役割、地位、状態に対して必要な資格や基準を満たすことを意味します。例えば、" She qualified for the Olympic Games by breaking the world record in the 100-meter dash."(彼女は100メートル走で世界記録を更新し、オリンピックの出場資格を得た)。誰かが資格を得たとき、その人はタスクを実行するために必要なスキル、知識、または経験を実証したことになります。

"Certify "と "Qualify "の違いについて


"Certify "と "Qualify "の語源

"certify "と "qualify "は、微妙に意味が異なる英語の動詞です。

"certify "はラテン語の "certificare "に由来し、 "to make certain." "確かなものにする "という意味です。何かを認証するとき、それが特定の基準や標準を満たしていることを確認することになります。例えば、”a product has been certified as organic”(ある製品がオーガニックであると認定された)とか、”a person has been certified as a teacher”(ある人が教師であると認定された)と表現します。

一方、「qualify 」は、ラテン語の「qualificare」に由来し、 "to make fit." 「適合させる」という意味です。何かの資格を得るということは、それに参加するために必要な条件を満たしていることを証明することです。例えば、” a person has qualified for the Olympic Games by breaking a world record”(ある人が世界記録を更新してオリンピックの出場資格を得た)とか、” you qualify for a loan because you have a good credit score”(クレジットスコアが良いのでローンを組む資格がある)と表現します。

英語で理解する"Certify "と "Qualify "の違い

In general, when you certify something, you are verifying that it meets certain standards, while when you qualify for something, you are demonstrating that you meet certain requirements.


日常英会話で理解する"Certify "と "Qualify "の違い

  1. I had to certify my degree from the university so I could apply for a job as a teacher. 😊教師としての求人に応募するために、大学で学位を取得したことを証明しなければなりませんでした😊。

  2. To qualify for the job as a nurse, I had to pass a certification exam and show proof of my nursing license. 😓看護師としての仕事に応募するために、認定試験に合格し、看護師免許の証明書を提示しなければなりませんでした。😓

  3. The company requires all employees to certify their skills in customer service before they can start working in the call center. 🤔会社は、コールセンターで働き始める前に、すべての従業員に接客のスキルを証明することを要求しています。🤔

  4. To qualify for the marathon, runners must show proof of their training and ability to complete the race. 💪マラソンの参加資格を得るために、ランナーはトレーニングの証明とレースを完走する能力を示す必要があります。💪

  5. The certification program will help you certify your knowledge and skills in graphic design. 😃この認定プログラムでは、グラフィックデザインの知識と技能を認定することができます。😃

  6. To qualify for the scholarship, students must have a high GPA and demonstrate their financial needs. 😢奨学金の受給資格を得るには、高いGPAを持ち、経済的な必要性を示す必要があります。😢

  7. I had to certify my identity by showing my passport at the border checkpoint. 🤗国境検問所でパスポートを提示して身分を証明しなければなりませんでした。🤗

  8. To qualify for a mortgage, you must have a good credit score and proof of a steady income. 😒住宅ローンを組むには、良いクレジットスコアと安定した収入を証明する必要があります。😒

  9. I had to certify my dog as a therapy animal to bring him to the office, but I still had to qualify for the job first. 😍愛犬をセラピーアニマルとして職場に連れてくるには、やはりまず資格を取らなければならなかった。😍

  10. To qualify for the cooking competition, I had to certify my love for food and my skills in the kitchen with a tasting test. 😋料理コンテストに参加するために、私は試食テストで食べ物への愛とキッチンのスキルを証明しなければなりませんでした。😋

  11. I needed to certify my mastery of the Jedi force, but first, I had to qualify for Jedi training by passing the initiation test. 🤩ジェダイの力を習得したことを証明する必要があったが、まず、イニシエーションテストに合格して、ジェダイの訓練を受ける資格を得なければならなかったんだ。🤩

  12. Before getting hired as a lifeguard, I had to certify my CPR skills and qualify with a physical swim test. 🤽‍♂️ライフガードとして採用される前に、CPRのスキルを証明する必要がありました。 を証明し、水泳の体力テストで資格を得る必要がありました。🤽♂️

  13. To qualify for a driver's license, you must pass a written test and certify your knowledge of road safety rules. 🚗運転免許を取得するためには、筆記試験に合格し、交通安全規則に関する知識を証明する必要があります。🚗

  14. I had to certify my knowledge of the company's policies before I could qualify for the HR manager position. 👨‍💼人事担当者の資格を得るには、会社の方針に関する知識を証明する必要がありました。👨💼

  15. To qualify for a credit card, you must certify your identity with a government-issued ID and prove your financial stability. 💳クレジットカードの資格を得るには、政府発行の身分証明書で身分を証明し、経済的安定を証明する必要があります。💳

  16. I had to certify my abilities as a gymnast by performing specific skills, but first, I had to qualify for the competition by passing a qualifying round. 🤸‍♀️体操選手として特定の技を披露して能力を証明しなければならないが、その前に予選を通過して大会に参加する資格を得なければならない。🤸


「certify」と「qualify」の違いを理解することは非常に重要です。間違った言葉を使うと、さまざまな場面で影響が出る可能性があるからです。専門職や学術的な環境では、これらの言葉の間違った使用は、誤解や連絡ミスにつながる可能性があります。例えば、ある科目で「認定」 "certified"を受けたと主張すると、公的な認定を受けたことを意味し、その認定証を要求されるかもしれません。一方、特定の役割やポジションについて「資格がある」 "qualify" と述べるだけでは不十分で、関連組織による正式な認定や認証が必要な場合もあります。その場合、やはり認定証を要求されるかもしれません。


専門的・学問的な文脈では、"certify" と "qualify" の違いを理解することは非常に重要です。"certify "は公的な認定を意味し、"qualify "は必要な資格を満たしていることを意味します。誤解や行き違いを避けるためには、正しい単語を使うことが不可欠です。”certify "と "qualify "の違いを理解することで、効果的かつ正確にコミュニケーションをとることができるのです。


Understanding the Difference Between Certify and Qualify: A Guide for English Learners

English learners often find it confusing to use "certify" or "qualify." These two words are commonly used interchangeably but have distinct meanings and implications. In this blog post, we will clarify the difference between "certify" and "qualify" and the significance of understanding their distinction for effective communication.

What Does "Certify" Mean?

"Certify" is a verb that signifies officially declaring or confirming the accuracy or truth of something. For instance, "The government certified that the election was fair and transparent." When an individual is certified, they have fulfilled certain criteria or standards and have been officially acknowledged as qualified.

What Does "Qualify" Mean?

On the other hand, "Qualify" is a verb that means to meet the required qualifications or standards for a specific role, position, or status. For instance, "She qualified for the Olympic Games by breaking the world record in the 100-meter dash." When someone qualifies, they have demonstrated the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience to perform a task.

The Difference between "Certify" and "Qualify"

The distinction between "certify" and "qualify" is that "certify" involves official recognition, while "qualify" involves meeting the necessary qualifications. For example, you can "qualify" for a job by possessing the necessary education, experience, and skills, but you can only be "certified" by the company or organization that is hiring you.

Why is it Important to Understand the Difference?

It is crucial to understand the difference between "certify" and "qualify," as using the wrong word can have implications in various settings. In professional or academic environments, the incorrect use of these words can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. For instance, if you claim to be "certified" in a certain subject, it implies that you have received official recognition, which may not be the case. On the other hand, stating that you "qualify" for a particular role or position may not be enough, as official recognition or certification by the relevant organization may be required.

In conclusion

Understanding the difference between "certify" and "qualify" is crucial for English learners, particularly in professional and academic contexts. "Certify" involves official recognition, while "qualify" involves meeting the required qualifications. It is essential to use the correct word to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications. By comprehending the distinction between "certify" and "qualify," English learners can communicate effectively and accurately.

【英語で川柳】”リモートの 上司の指示は 現場みろ!"を英語で表現すると?【"While working remotely / my boss tells me / 'look at the actual work site!'"】

スマホ脳 ならぬようにと 検索す”これは、「サラッと一句!わたしの川柳コンクール」から選ばれた100作品の中の1つです。ユーモアたっぷりだと思いませんか?






"While working remotely / my boss tells me / 'look at the actual work site!'"


"While working remotely" - "リモートワーク中"
"My boss tells me" - "上司が言っている"
"'Look at the actual work site!'" - "「実際の作業現場を見て」"

答えは、「リモートの 上司の指示は 現場みろ!」でした。


"While working remotely, my boss tells me to 'look at the actual work site!'"


"During a heated debate / wearing pajamas / on my lower body"


"During a heated debate" - "熱い議論中"
"Wearing pajamas" - "パジャマを着ている"
"On my lower body" - "下半身に"

答えは、「激論も パジャマ姿の 下半身」でした。


"During a heated debate, wearing pajamas on my lower body"


"I'm going to work / just one "fusuma" sliding door away / teleworking"


"'I'm going to work' - "「仕事に行く」"
"Just one "fusuma" sliding door away" - "「ふすま」の一つ扉すぐ"
"Teleworking" - "テレワーク"

答えは、”「行ってくる」 ふすま一枚 テレワーク”でした。


"I'm going to work, just one sliding door (fusuma) away, teleworking"


"'I'm going to work' / just one "fusuma" sliding door away / teleworking"


"It doesn't end" - "終わらない"
"Because there are no last trains" - "最後の電車がないから"
"Drinking party on Zoom" - "Zoomでの飲み会"

答えは、「終わらない 終電がない ズーム飲み会」でした。


"It doesn't end because there are no last trains, drinking party on Zoom"

"終電がないから終わらない ズームで飲み会"




【英語のcertificate と certificationの違い】それぞれの意味は違う?【証明する内容の違い】

仕事で証明書を作成するとき、certificateと certificationのどちらを使ったらよいか悩みませんか?この用語の違い、そしてその重要性と関連性を理解することは仕事によっては非常に重要です。この記事では、certificateと certificationでよくある誤解を解き、違いを理解していきます。





  1. "I just received my certificate for completing a course in project management! 🎉 I feel proud of my achievement."
    "プロジェクトマネジメントのコース修了証が届きました! 🎉 自分の功績を誇りに思います。"

  2. "I think I'll take a few courses and earn certificates to improve my skills. 😊 It will look great on my resume."
    "自分のスキルアップのために、いくつかのコースを受講し、証明書を取得しようと思います。😊 履歴書にもよく書けますよ。"




  1. "Getting a certification in a particular field can boost your career prospects. 😃 Employers look for certified professionals when hiring."
    "特定の分野の資格を取得することは、キャリアの可能性を大きく広げます。😃 雇用主は、採用の際に認定された専門家を探します。"

  2. "Certifications require hard work, dedication and passing exams. 😓
    But, the effort is worth it as they show your mastery of the subject.""資格は、ハードワークと献身と試験に合格することが必要です。しかし、その教科の習得を示すものなので、努力する価値はある 😓"

  3. "I'm considering getting a certification in a related field to expand my career options. 🤗I think it will be a great investment in my future."
    "キャリアの選択肢を広げるために、関連分野の資格取得を考えています。🤗 自分の将来への大きな投資になると思っています。"

  4. "Certifications can sometimes cost a lot of money, but the investment is worth it for your career. 💰 You'll see the benefits in the long run."
    "資格取得には時に多額の費用がかかりますが、キャリアアップのために投資する価値はあります。 長い目で見れば、その恩恵は大きいでしょう。"


  1. "I've been working towards getting certified in my field for the past year. 💪 It's a recognition of my expertise and skills."
    "私はこの1年間、自分の分野の資格取得を目指してきました。💪 私の専門知識とスキルが認められたということです。"

  2. "My boss suggested I get certified in a new software we'll be using. 🤔 I think it's a good idea to stay up-to-date with the latest technology.""上司から、これから使う新しいソフトの認定を受けることを勧められました。🤔 最新技術に通じているのはいいことだと思うから"

  3. "I heard certified professionals often receive higher salaries and better job opportunities. 🤗 It's a great incentive to get certified."

Certificateと Certificationの違い

Certificateと Certificationはどちらもスキルと知識を証明するものですが、この2つには大きな違いがあります。Certificateは通常、コースやトレーニングプログラムを修了した場合に授与されるのに対し、Certificationは専門的な能力を証明する試験に合格することで取得できるものです。教育機関や研修機関が Certificateを授与することが多いのに対し、専門機関や業界団体がcertificationを授与することが多いのも特徴です。

Certificateと Certificationの違いを理解するための例文

  1. A certificate is a document that verifies you have completed a specific course or training program, while a certification is a formal recognition of your professional skills and abilities.

  2. A certificate is like a participation trophy for a race you ran, while a certification is like a gold medal you earned through rigorous training and competition.

  3. Earning a certificate shows that you have gained knowledge in a certain subject, but obtaining a certification demonstrates that you have mastered the skills and can apply them in a professional setting.

  4. Certificates are great for personal satisfaction and showing what you have learned, but certifications hold more weight and are highly valued by employers as they prove your expertise and competency.

  5. Think of a certificate as a snapshot of your learning journey, while a certification is a long-term commitment to continued professional development and growth.

Certificate と Certificationの重要性・妥当性

Certificate と Certificationは、さまざまな業界で重要な概念となっています。Certificateは、特定の分野への取り組みと、特定のプログラムを通じて習得したスキルを証明するものです。また、資格(certification)取得への足がかりとすることもできます。一方、certificationは、特定の分野における専門的な能力を証明(evidence)するものとして、雇用主が認識しているものです。キャリアアップや収入アップに役立ち、その分野での信頼性を高めることができます。 

Certificate と Certificationの重要性・妥当性を理解する例文

  1. "A certificate is like a diploma for a short course you took, while a certification is a professional recognition for your skills and expertise. 💡 Knowing the difference can help you in your career advancement."
    "certificateは短期間受けた講座の卒業証書のようなもので、certificationはスキルや専門知識を専門的に認定するものです。💡 この違いを知っておくと、キャリアアップに役立ちます。"

  2. "A certificate shows that you participated in a training program, but a certification proves that you have mastered the skills and can apply them in real-life situations. 💪 It's a higher level of recognition."

  3. "Earning multiple certificates in different areas can be a great way to showcase your diverse skills and knowledge. 😃 But, certification in a specific field can really set you apart and demonstrate your expertise."

  4. "Getting a certificate is like a pat on the back for your effort, while getting a certification is like receiving a standing ovation. 🌟 Certifications carry more weight and recognition in the professional world."

  5. "A certificate can be a great way to boost your confidence and show what you have learned, while a certification can open doors to new career opportunities. 😊 Both have their own value, but a certification holds more importance in the professional world."
    "certificateは、自分の自信を高め、学んだことを示すのに最適な方法であり、一方、certificationは新しいキャリアへの扉を開くことができます。😊 どちらにもそれぞれの価値がありますが、プロの世界では資格の方がより重要視されます。"


Certificate と Certificationは、特定の分野におけるスキルや知識を証明する2つの異なる資格です。どちらも様々な業界で重要かつ関連性の高いものであり、Certificate と certificationの取得は多くのメリットをもたらします。Certificate と Certificationの違いを理解することで、今後取得する資格を選択しやすくなります。キャリアをスタートしたばかりでも、次のレベルに進もうと考えている場合でも、認定証や資格に投資することは、自分の専門知識と分野への興味や実力を示す貴重な方法となり得るのです。違いが分からないからといって迷うことなく(don't let confusion hold you back)、証明書や資格について学びましょう。それらがどのようにあなたの目標達成に役立つかを考えてみましょう。

【英語初級者向け】2023年・日銀と金融政策について英語で学ぶ【Get Ready for the BOJ Leadership Change: Learn About BOJ and its Monetary Policy in English 】




日銀は、Bank of Japan (BOJ)と言います。また、日銀総裁BOJ Governorです。







日本銀行とは?: What is the Bank of Japan?

The Bank of Japan (BOJ) is the central bank of Japan, tasked with making decisions related to monetary policy to achieve the goals set by its policy board.

黒田東彦氏とは?:Who is Haruhiko Kuroda?

Mr. Haruhiko Kuroda is the current Bank of Japan (BOJ) governor, serving in this role since March 2013. As the head of the central bank, he is responsible for leading the BOJ and making key decisions that affect monetary policy in Japan.

なぜ黒田東彦氏の後継者が重要なのか?: Why is the Successor of Haruhiko Kuroda Important?


Haruhiko Kuroda's term as BOJ governor will end on April 8, 2023, and searching for his successor is a topic of significance. The choice of the next governor could impact the BOJ's ultra-loose monetary policy and, in turn, affect the Japanese economy.

銀と金融政策に関連する英語の用語と表現:English Terminology and Expressions Relevant to BOJ and Monetary Policy

金融政策:Monetary Policy


Monetary policy refers to the actions taken by a central bank, such as the BOJ, to regulate the money supply and interest rates to achieve specific economic goals, like controlling inflation or promoting growth.

超低金利金融政策:Ultra-Loose Monetary Policy


Ultra-loose monetary policy is a strategy employed by central banks, including the BOJ, where low-interest rates and high injections of money into the economy are maintained to encourage growth and prevent deflation.

政策委員会:Policy Board


The policy board is the governing body of a central bank, responsible for setting goals and making decisions related to monetary policy. In the case of the Bank of Japan, the policy board is responsible for determining the monetary policy that the BOJ will follow to achieve its goals.

中央銀行:Central Bank


A central bank is a government-owned financial institution that manages a country's monetary policy, regulates its banking system, and provides financial services to its government. The Bank of Japan is the central bank of Japan and plays a crucial role in the country's financial system.

マネーサプライ:Money Supply


Money supply refers to the total amount in circulation in an economy. Central banks, like the BOJ, can influence the money supply by adjusting the economy's amount through various means, such as open market operations.



Inflation refers to the general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy over time. Central banks, including the BOJ, aim to maintain low and stable inflation levels to ensure stability and avoid economic hardships for citizens.


  1. "Can you believe that the BOJ is about to have a leadership change? It's going to be interesting to see how the new leadership impacts their monetary policy and the economy. 🤗"

  2. "I'm so excited to learn about the Bank of Japan and its monetary policy! 😃 It's fascinating to see how they influence the economy and make decisions to maintain stability. 💪""
    日本銀行とその金融政策について学ぶことができ、とてもわくわくしています! 😃経済にどのように影響を与え、安定を維持するためにどのような決定を下すのか、とても興味深いです。💪"

  3. "I heard that the Bank of Japan has been implementing an ultra-loose monetary policy lately. That means they're keeping interest rates low and injecting more money into the economy to promote growth. 😮"

  4. "Did you know that the policy board at the BOJ is the governing body responsible for making decisions related to monetary policy? They're the ones who set the goals and determine the monetary policy the BOJ will follow. 🤔"

  5. "The Bank of Japan is the central bank of Japan and plays a crucial role in the country's financial system. It regulates the banking system and provides financial services to the government. 💰"

  6. "I was reading about how central banks can influence the money supply. For example, the BOJ can adjust the money supply through different methods, such as open market operations. 🤓"

  7. "I think it's important to maintain stable inflation levels in the economy. If inflation gets too high, it can lead to economic difficulties for citizens. That's why the BOJ is focused on keeping inflation low and steady. 💡"

まとめ:Key Takeaways



【英単語】accuracy と precision の違いは?【精度と正確度/正確さの違いを英語の例文で紹介】

Precision and accuracy in glacial geology - AntarcticGlaciers.org




Precision:(精度) 何回やっても同じ結果になるか。結果がお互いにどれだけ近いかを評価します。

Accuracy:(正確さ/正確度) 正確度は、結果が真値あるいは既知の値にどれだけ近いかを評価します。

正確さ/正確度 (accuracy) と精度 (precision) はどちらも結果を評価する尺度です。します。 












  • 簡単に言うと、精度は測定値がどれだけ近いかということで、精度は測定値がどれだけ真の値に近いかということです。
    In simple words, precision is about how close the measurements are to each other, while accuracy is about how close the measurements are to the true value.

  • 違いを覚えるには、的を思い浮かべるとよいでしょう。例えば、アーチェリーでは、的の上でどれだけ矢を近づけられるかが「精度」です。一方、正確さは、矢が的の中心にどれだけ近いかということです。
    A good way to remember the difference is by thinking of a target. In archery, for example, precision would be how close your arrows are to each other on the target. Accuracy, on the other hand, would be how close your arrows are to the center of the target.


Low accuracy and High precision:(低い正確度/正確さと高い精度)

  1. If you are playing football and you always hit the right goalpost instead of scoring, then you are not accurate, but you are precise!
  2. A basketball player consistently hits the backboard instead of the hoop. They are not scoring, but their shots consistently hit the same spot.

High accuracy and Low precision:(高い正確度/正確さと低い精度) 

  • Can you have high accuracy and low precision?
    It’s a common misconception that you can’t have it both ways. You might think that the more accurate a measurement is, the more precise it is. But this isn’t necessarily true.

Accuracy vs. Precision: What's the Difference?

  • If you measure the width of a table three times and get three different results, your accuracy is high, but your precision is low. This could be because your ruler isn’t precise or because you’re not very good at measuring accurately.

High accuracy and High precision:(高い正確度/正確さと高い精度) 

  • A chef consistently makes a dish with the same measurements and tastes every time. The measurements and taste are accurate and consistent.


  1. "I'm feeling frustrated because my measurements have low accuracy. They're not even close to the true values. 😔""測定精度が低く、もどかしい思いをしている。真の値には遠く及ばない"

  2. "I feel confident in my work because my measurements have high accuracy. They're very close to the true values. 😃""私の測定は精度が高いので、自分の仕事に自信を持っています。それらは真の値に非常に近い。"

  3. "I'm unsure about my results because my measurements have low precision. They vary greatly each time I take them. 😕""私の測定は精度が低いので、自分の結果に不安を感じています。測定するたびに大きく変化している"

  4. "I feel satisfied with my experiment because my measurements have high precision. They're consistently the same each time I take them. 😊""私の測定は精度が高いので、私は自分の実験に満足していると感じています。測定するたびに一貫して同じ値になっている"

  5. "I'm feeling embarrassed because my presentation's data has low accuracy. It's not even close to what the true values are. 😳""私の発表のデータは精度が低いので、恥ずかしい思いをしています。真の値には遠く及ばない。

  6. "I'm feeling proud because my presentation's data has high accuracy. It's very close to what the true values are. 😍""私のプレゼンのデータは精度が高いので、誇らしい気分です。真の値に非常に近い。"

  7. "I'm feeling worried because my calculations have low precision. They're not consistent with each other. 😟""私の計算の精度が低いので、不安を感じている。計算の精度が低く、整合性が取れていない。

  8. "I'm feeling relieved because my calculations have high precision. They're consistently the same as each other. 😌""私の計算は精度が高いので、安心感があります。一貫して同じである。"

  9. "I'm feeling disappointed because my survey results have low accuracy. They're not even close to the true responses. 😞""私の調査結果は精度が低いので、失望を感じている。真の回答には遠く及ばない。

  10. "I'm feeling content because my survey results have high accuracy. They're very close to the true responses. 😌""私の調査結果は精度が高いので、満足しています。本当の回答に非常に近い。"

  11. "I'm feeling perplexed because my data has low precision. It's not consistent with each other. 😕""私のデータは精度が低いので、困惑している感じです。互いに整合性が取れていない。"

  12. "I'm feeling confident because my data has high precision. It's consistently the same with each other. 😎""私のデータは精度が高いので、自信を感じている。一貫して互いに同じである。"







When learning English, it's important to understand the difference between precision and accuracy. These two terms may seem similar, but they have very different meanings. In this blog post, we will explain the difference between precision and accuracy with examples, so you can feel confident using these words in your English conversations.


Precision, on the other hand, refers to how consistent and repeatable a measurement is. Using the same example, if the shooter hits the target with a bullet but it lands in the same spot every time, the shots are precise, even if they are not accurate.


Accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true or actual value. For example, if a bull's-eye target has a circle in the center with a diameter of 5 cm, and a shooter hits the target with a bullet but it lands in the outer ring of the bull's-eye, the shot is not very accurate because it is not close to the center of the target.

An example of a precise but not accurate measurement would be using a stopwatch to time a 100-meter race. The stopwatch may measure the time with a precision of one hundredth of a second, but if the stopwatch is not properly calibrated, the time it measures may not be accurate.

In short, accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true value, and precision refers to how consistent and repeatable a measurement is. Scientists strive for measurements that are both accurate and precise.

The difference between precision and accuracy

In simple words, precision is about how close the measurements are to each other, while accuracy is about how close the measurements are to the true value.

A good way to remember the difference

A good way to remember the difference is by thinking of a target. In archery, for example, precision would be how close your arrows are to each other on the target. Accuracy, on the other hand, would be how close your arrows are to the center of the target.

In summary

In summary, precision and accuracy are important concepts to understand when learning English, especially in the context of measurements and experiments. Precision refers to the consistency of measurements, while accuracy refers to the closeness of measurements to the true value. By understanding the difference between these two concepts, you can communicate more effectively in English, whether you're discussing scientific experiments or everyday measurements.

Unit of measurement

It is also worth noting that in scientific studies and engineering, the International System of Units (SI) is widely used instead of feet or other unit measurements.

【英語でバレンタインデーを祝う】心のこもったメッセージを英語で作る【例文66選】"Valentine's Day Celebrations: Crafting Heartfelt Messages in English"


"I'm so nervous about what to get my partner for Valentine's Day 😅"






参考:【英単語 Chocolate】チョコレートの英語表現【数え方はキャンディーと同じ?例文32選】 - 英語で学ぶ英語のブログ


バレンタインデーは英語でValentine's Dayと言います。最後に”e‘s ”がついていることに注意すしてください!カタカナでいうとバレンタインデーとなります。バレンタインデーは世界中で祝われていますが、その始まりや伝統は国によって大きく異なります。バレンタインデーは愛と友情を祝う日であり、この祝日(お祝いする日であり、休日ではない)の意義と様々な祝い方を理解することが重要です。この記事では、バレンタインデーの歴史や意義、日本や他の国での祝い方、そしてこの特別な日に愛や情を表現するために使われる英語表現について探っていきます。



Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th, dedicated to expressing love and affection between intimate partners. Its origins date back to ancient times and are steeped in legend and religious tradition. The holiday has evolved, with different customs and practices emerging in different cultures and countries. In this blog, we will explore the definition, history, and significance of Valentine's Day and its unique expressions in Japan and overseas. 



Valentine's Day begins with the tale of Saint Valentine, a Catholic priest who lived in the third century. Saint Valentine was said to have secretly performed marriages for Christian couples when the Roman Empire banned the practice. He was discovered and executed and later became the patron saint of love and affection. Over time, the holiday evolved to include exchanging love notes, gifts, and acts of kindness, becoming the celebration of love that we know today. 



日本のバレンタインデー:「義理チョコ」は英語で「Obligatory chocolate」と表現します。

日本のバレンタインデーは、チョコレートを贈ることに重点を置いたユニークな祝い方をしています。同僚や知人に贈る「義理チョコ」と、恋人に贈る「本命チョコ」の2種類です。この日、女性はプレゼントで愛情を表現し、男性は1ヶ月後のホワイトデーにお返しをしますね。「義理チョコ」は英語で「Obligatory chocolate」と表現します。

Valentine's Day in Japan is celebrated uniquely, with a focus on the giving of chocolates. Two types of chocolates are given on this holiday - giri-choco, which is given to colleagues and acquaintances, and honmei-choco, which is given to a romantic partner. On this day, women are expected to express their affection through gifts, while men are expected to reciprocate their feelings on White Day, which is celebrated one month later. 



In other countries, Valentine's Day is often associated with exchanging flowers, gifts, and love notes. The holiday is celebrated more romantically, with couples going out on dates and expressing their love through grand gestures. The giving of flowers is also a popular tradition, with red roses being the most commonly given flower due to their association with love and passion. 

バレンタインデーを英語で表現する:Expressing Valentine's Day in English



  1. "I'm so nervous about what to get my partner for Valentine's Day 😅""バレンタインデーに何を贈ろうかドキドキしちゃう😅"

  2. "I can't wait for Valentine's Day to show my love to my partner 💕""バレンタインデーが待ち遠しい! パートナーに愛を伝えたい💕"

  3. "Valentine's Day has me feeling so much love and happiness 🥰""バレンタインデーで愛と幸せをいっぱい感じている🥰"

  4. "I'm feeling so anxious about expressing my feelings on Valentine's Day 🤔""バレンタインデーに自分の気持ちを表現することに不安を感じている🤔"

  5. "I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with Valentine's Day coming up. I want to express my love and affection, but I'm not sure what to do. 😔""バレンタインデー "を間近に控えて、気持ちが高ぶってる。愛情表現したいけど、どうしたらいいのかわからない。😔"

  6. "I've been practicing my English so I can express my feelings on Valentine's Day more effectively. 😊""バレンタインデーの気持ちをもっと効果的に表現できるように、英語の練習をしています。" 😊"

  7. "I'm excited for Valentine's Day, but I'm also nervous about expressing my love in a foreign language. 😬""バレンタインデーは楽しみだけど、外国語で愛を表現するのは緊張するわね。😬"

  8. "I want to ensure my message is clear and heartfelt this Valentine's Day, so I've been studying common expressions. 😌""今年のバレンタインデーには、はっきりと心のこもったメッセージを伝えたいから、一般的な表現を勉強してきたわ。😌"

  9. "I'm hoping to surprise my significant other with a special Valentine's Day message in English. 😃""バレンタインデーの特別なメッセージを英語で伝えて、大切な人を驚かせたいと思っているんだ。😃"

  10. "I want to make Valentine's Day extra special this year by expressing my love in a unique and meaningful way. 😍""今年のバレンタインデーは、ユニークで意味のある方法で愛を表現して、特別な日にしたいです。😍"

バレンタインデーの英語表現:English Notation of Valentine's Day


Valentine's day is a holiday celebrating love and affection in English-speaking countries. It is a day when people show appreciation and love for one another through various acts of kindness and gestures. When expressing love on Valentine's Day in English, it is important to understand the meaning of common expressions and terms associated with the holiday.


  1. Holiday - 祝日(休日ではありません)
  2. Affection - 愛情
  3. English-speaking countries - 英語圏
  4. Appreciation - 感謝
  5. Kindness - 優しさ
  6. Gestures - 行為、慣習
  7. Heartfelt - 真心を込めた
  8. Confessing - 告白する
  9. Relationship - 関係
  10. Daunting - 脅威、面倒、臆病
  11. Gratitude - 感謝
  12. Customary - 習慣的
  13. Accompany - 伴う
  14. Heartfelt message - 心からのメッセージ
  15. Conveys - 伝える

バレンタインデーの英語フレーズ:English Phrases for Valentine's Day

バレンタインデーに愛情を表現するのに必要なフレーズがいくつかあります。よく使われるのは、"I love you," "You mean everything to me," "I can't imagine my life without you "などの表現です。これらのフレーズは、シンプルでありながら、大切な人に気持ちを伝えるのに効果的です。

There are several essential phrases for expressing love and affection on Valentine's Day. Some common expressions include "I love you," "You mean everything to me," and "I can't imagine my life without you." These phrases are simple yet powerful in conveying one's feelings to their significant other.


  1. "You mean everything to me,""あなたは私のすべてです"
  2.  "I can't imagine my life without you " "君のいない人生なんて想像もつかないよ"
  3. "I am so lucky to have you.""あなたがいてくれて本当に幸せです"
  4. "You light up my life.""君は僕の人生を照らしてくれる"
  5. "You make my heart skip a beat.""君は僕の心を躍らせる"
  6. "I cherish every moment with you.""君との全ての瞬間を大切にしたい"
  7. "I am so grateful for your love.""あなたの愛にとても感謝しています"
  8. "You complete me.""貴方は私を完成させてくれる"
  9. "I am yours forever.""私は永遠に貴方のもの"
  10. "You are my soulmate.""貴方は私のソウルメイト"
  11. "You bring happiness into my life.""君は僕の人生に幸福をもたらす"
  12. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.""これからの人生を君と過ごすのが待ち遠しい"
  13. "I am so in love with you.""私は貴方にとても恋してる"
  14. "You are my better half.""君は僕のベターハーフ"("better half"とは、配偶者や恋人などパートナーを示す表現です)
  15. "I am so thankful for you.""貴方にとても感謝しています"
  16. "I love you more every day.""毎日もっと貴方を愛します"
  17. "You are my everything.""貴方は私の全て"
  18. "I am so proud to call you mine.""貴方を私の物と呼べる事がとても誇らしい"
  19. "I am so blessed to have you in my life.""貴方が居てくれて本当に良かった"
  20. "You are my reason for living.""君は僕の生きる理由だ"
  21. "I will love you always and forever.""何時も何処までも君を愛す"
  22. "You make my life complete.""君は僕の人生を完全なものにしてくれる"

大切な人にプレゼントを贈るときのメッセージ:Message for Giving a Present to Your Significant Other

バレンタインデーに大切な人にプレゼントを贈ることは、あなたがどれだけ気にかけているかを示す素晴らしい方法です。花束やチョコレートボックス、ジュエリーなど、心のこもったメッセージは、その贈り物をより特別なものにします。プレゼントで愛と感謝を表現するアイデアとしては、 "I wanted to get you something that represents how much you mean to me" "あなたがどれだけ私を大切にしているかを表すものをプレゼントしたかった"、 "I hope this gift brings a smile to your face and reminds you of my love""このプレゼントであなたの顔が笑顔になり、私の愛を思い出してくれたら嬉しい "といったものがあります。

Gifting your loved one on Valentine's Day is a great way to show them how much you care. A thoughtful and heartfelt message can make the gift even more special, whether it is a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates or a piece of jewelry. Some ideas for expressing love and appreciation through gifts include saying, "I wanted to get you something that represents how much you mean to me," or "I hope this gift brings a smile to your face and reminds you of my love."


  1. "I got you this gift as a symbol of my love and appreciation for all you do."
  2. "I hope this gift brings a little bit of happiness into your day and reminds you of how much I love you."
  3. "I picked out this special present just for you to show you how much you mean to me."
  4. "I wanted to give you something that would make you feel loved and appreciated, just like you make me feel every day."
  5. "I hope this gift brings a smile to your face and lets you know just how much I cherish you."

愛の告白のためのメッセージ:Message for Confessing Your Love

バレンタインデーには、大切な人に自分の気持ちを伝える機会です。告白するのは大変なことですが、関係性にもよりますが気持ちを伝えることが大事です。 "I've been holding back my feelings for too long, but I just have to tell you that I love you with all my heart," 「ずっと我慢してきたけど、どうしても心から愛していると伝えたい」"Every day I wake up grateful to have you in my life, and I just had to express my love on this special day."「毎日、目が覚めたらあなたがいることに感謝していて、この特別な日に愛を伝えなければと思った」など、心を込めたメッセージにしましょう。

On Valentine's Day, take the opportunity to express your feelings to that special someone. Confessing one's love can be daunting, but it is necessary for any relationship. To make your message heartfelt, consider saying, "I've been holding back my feelings for too long, but I just have to tell you that I love you with all my heart," or "Every day I wake up grateful to have you in my life, and I just had to express my love on this special day."


  1. "I know I don't always express my feelings well, but I hope you know how much I love you and appreciate you every day.""いつもうまく気持ちを伝えられないけど、私がどれだけあなたを愛しているか、日々感謝しているか、知ってくれたらいいな"

  2. "I don't need a holiday to tell you how much I care, but Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to remind you.""どれだけ大切に思っているかを伝えるのに、祝日は必要ないけれど、バレンタインデーは思い出させるのに最適な機会だよ"

  3. "You bring joy and happiness into my life, and I just had to take this moment to express my love and gratitude.""あなたは私の人生に喜びと幸せを与えてくれるから、この場を借りて愛と感謝を伝えなければならなかったの。"

  4. "Every moment with you is precious, and I can't imagine a future without you. I love you more every day.""あなたと一緒にいるすべての瞬間が貴重で、あなたのいない未来は想像できない。毎日、もっと愛しています"

  5. "You have been there for me through thick and thin, and I just want to thank you for being my rock. I love you.""あなたはどんな時も私の味方でいてくれた、私の支えになってくれたことに感謝したい。愛してる"

  6.  "I've been holding back my feelings for too long, but I just have to tell you that I love you with all my heart," 「ずっと我慢してきたけど、どうしても心から愛していると伝えたい」

  7. "Every day, I wake up grateful to have you in my life, and I just had to express my love on this special day."「毎日、目が覚めたらあなたがいることに感謝していて、この特別な日に愛を伝えなければと思った」

義理チョコに添えるメッセージ:Message for Accompanying Obligatory Chocolate



In some cultures, like Japan, it is customary for women to give chocolate to male friends and colleagues on Valentine's Day, regardless of their romantic relationship. While giving chocolate is thoughtful, it is important to accompany it with a heartfelt message to show your love and appreciation.


  1. "Thank you for being a great colleague and all your hard work. Happy Valentine's Day."


  2. "I am grateful for your support and friendship at work. Wishing you a happy Valentine's Day."


  3. "Here's to another year of working together and making great things happen. Happy Valentine's Day."


  4. "Thank you for always being there for me, even on Valentine's Day. I hope this small token of appreciation shows you how much I value our friendship."

  5. "Happy Valentine's Day to one of my closest friends! Sending you lots of love and good vibes on this special day."
    "親しい友人の一人にハッピー・バレンタイン・デー! この特別な日にたくさんの愛と良い気分を送ります。"

  6. "Thank you for all the hard work and dedication you put into our projects. I wanted to show my appreciation with a small token of kindness on Valentine's Day."


  7. "Working with you has been a pleasure. I wanted to express my gratitude for your friendship and support with this chocolate on Valentine's Day."


  8. "I hope this chocolate brings a smile to your face and reminds you of our teamwork and collaboration. Happy Valentine's Day."


  9. "I wanted to acknowledge your great work and express my appreciation for your contributions to our team. Happy Valentine's Day.""あなたの素晴らしい仕事を認め、私たちのチームへの貢献に対して感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。ハッピー・バレンタインデー"


You can make your Valentine's Day gift extra special and meaningful by writing a heartfelt message to accompany your chocolate.

英語でメッセージを表現してみよう:Try Expressing Your Message in English

Practice makes perfect, and expressing your love and affection on Valentine's Day in English is no exception. Take the opportunity to improve your communication skills by practicing these common expressions and phrases. With time and effort, you'll be able to express your emotions effectively and impress your significant other on this special day. In conclusion, expressing love and affection on Valentine's Day in English is a great opportunity to practice your language skills and improve your communication with your loved ones. By using common phrases and expressions, you can effectively convey your feelings.


  1. "Thank you so much for this amazing gift. It truly means a lot to me 💕""この素晴らしい贈り物を本当にありがとうございました。本当に私にとって大きな意味があります(本当にうれしい)💕"

  2. "I was not expecting this. It's so thoughtful of you 🥰""私は期待していませんでした! とても気が利いていますね🥰"

  3. "This gift is perfect. It shows how much you know and understands me 🤗""このプレゼントは完璧です。あなたがどれだけ私のことを知り、理解してくれているかがわかるわ🤗"

  4. "I'm speechless. I never knew a gift could make me feel so special 💖""言葉が出ないよ。プレゼントがこんなに私を特別な気持ちにさせてくれるなんて💖"

  5. "You always know how to make me feel loved and appreciated. Thank you 💞""あなたはいつも私を愛し、感謝させる方法を知っていますね。ありがとうございます💞"

  6. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life. This gift is just another reminder 💘""私の人生にあなたがいてくれて本当に幸せです。このプレゼントは、もう一つの思い出です💘"

  7. "I can't wait to show this off and tell everyone how thoughtful and loving you are 💝""早くこれを披露して、あなたがどれだけ思いやりがあって愛情深いかみんなに伝えたいわ💝"

  8. "Thank you so much for the thoughtful gift. It means the world to me and truly shows how much you care. 😍""心のこもった贈り物を本当にありがとうございました。私にとってはとても大切なもので、あなたがどれだけ気にかけているかがよくわかるわ。😍"

  9. "Your thoughtfulness and love are truly the best gifts of all. I am so grateful to have you in my life. 😊""あなたの心遣いと愛情は、本当に最高の贈り物です。あなたが私の人生にいてくれて、本当に感謝しています😊"

  10. "I was blown away by the beautiful gift. It is a symbol of your love and affection, and I will cherish it always. 😍""素敵なプレゼントに圧倒されました。あなたの愛情を象徴するもので、ずっと大切にします。😍"

  11. "You always know how to make me feel special and loved. Thank you for this beautiful gift. It means the world to me. 😊""あなたはいつも私を特別で愛されていると感じさせる方法を知っています。この美しい贈り物をありがとう。私にとって、とても大切なものです😊"

  12. "The gift is perfect and shows just how well you know me. I am so lucky to have you as my partner. 😘""プレゼントは完璧で、あなたが私のことをどれだけ知っているかを示しています。あなたが私のパートナーであることはとても幸運です。😘"

  13. "I am touched by the effort and thought you put into this gift. It will always hold a special place in my heart. ❤️""あなたがこの贈り物に注いだ努力と思いに感動しています。私の心の中でずっと特別な位置を占めることでしょう。❤️"



In conclusion, Valentine's Day is a special holiday that has its roots in history and is celebrated in different ways worldwide. Expressing love and affection in English is an important aspect of the holiday, as it enables individuals to communicate their feelings to those they care about. By knowing essential English phrases and messages, anyone can celebrate Valentine's Day in a meaningful and memorable way. Whether giving gifts or expressing love to someone special, taking the time to craft a heartfelt message can make a lasting memory.

【英単語】Bother trying ~を理解する【わざわざしない】

"Bother trying "というフレーズはシンプルに見えますが、意味と使い方の面では感情に強く訴える言葉(pack a punch)になります。一見すると、"わざわざ"などやる気をなくすような言葉ですが、実際には様々な感情や気持ちを伝えることができます。今回の記事では、「bother trying」のニュアンスを理解し、日常会話でより効果的に使えるように、語源と使い方を掘り下げていきます。

 botherには煩わしいという意味もあり、I'm sick of his constant bothering.では、意訳で「彼がいつもかまってちゃんで、もう嫌になっちゃう」となります。

"Bother "の語源



Bothersome - トラブルや迷惑をかけるという意味です。

Botheration - 悩ます行為やトラブルを引き起こすことを意味します。

bothered - この動詞 "bother" の過去分詞は、何かまたは誰かによって悩まされることを意味します。

Bothersomely - 煩わしい方法や方法でという意味です。

Botheration - 迷惑や苛立ちを表現するために使用されます。

"Bother Trying "の用法

「bother trying」は、何かをすることに消極的であったり、やる気がないことを伝えるためによく使われるフレーズです。これは、誰かが以前に失敗した後、落胆していたり、再挑戦する意欲がないような状況でよく使われます。例えば、誰かがテストに失敗した場合、"I don't want to bother trying again, it's too hard." "わざわざ再チャレンジするのは面倒だ"と言うかもしれません。このフレーズは、誰かが何かをするために努力をしたくない、努力する価値がないと思っている状況でも使われることがあります。

しかし、落胆だけではありません。"bother trying "というフレーズは、誰かが煩わしく思っている、つまり迷惑をかけている、ということを表現するのにも使われることがあります。例えば、"Stop bothering me" は "Stop annoying me." という意味です。

このフレーズは、相手にあきらめないで努力を続けるように励ますために使うこともできます。例えば、誰かが "I don't want to bother trying "と言ったら、友人は "Don't give up. It's worth bothering to try again. ""あきらめないで わざわざ再挑戦する価値があるんだ。"と返すかもしれません。

"Bother Trying "の例文


  • "I don't want to bother trying to fix this computer. It's too complicated." (Feeling: Discouraged 😔)
    「このコンピュータをわざわざ直そうとは思わない。複雑すぎるんだ。" (感じ方:やる気なし😔)

  • "I'm too tired to bother trying to cook dinner tonight. Let's just order takeout." (Feeling: Exhausted 😴)
    "今夜は疲れていて、わざわざ夕食を作ろうとは思わないわ。テイクアウトを頼もう。" (フィーリング: Exhausted 😴)

  • "I failed the test. I don't want to bother trying again." (Feeling: Defeated 😞)"
    テストに失敗した。わざわざ再チャレンジしたくない。"(Feeling: Defeated 💢) (フィーリング: Defeated 😞)


  • "Stop bothering me. I'm trying to work." (Feeling: Annoyed 😠)"
    じゃましないでよ。仕事しようとしてるんだから。" (感じ方:うっとうしい 😠)

  • "I'm getting sick of his constant bothering. I wish he would just leave me alone." (Feeling: Irritated 😒)
    "彼がいつもかまってちゃんで、もう嫌になっちゃう。ほっといてほしいわ。" (フィーリング: イライラ😒)

  • "I can't stand her constant bothering. She's always asking me for favors." (Feeling: Frustrated 😤)"


  • "Don't give up. It's worth bothering to try again." (Feeling: Encouraged 😃)
    "Don't give up. わざわざ再挑戦する価値があるんだから。" (気持ち:励まされる😃)

  • "I know it's hard, but it's worth bothering to keep trying." (Feeling: Motivated 😄)
    "大変だと思うけど、わざわざ挑戦し続ける価値があるよ。" (フィーリング:やる気😄)

  • "Don't be discouraged. It's worth bothering to take another shot." (Feeling: Determined 😎)"落胆しないで。わざわざもう一回挑戦する価値があるんだ。" (フィーリング: 決意 😎)


"bother trying "というフレーズは、様々な感情や気持ちを伝えることができる、英語の中でも汎用性の高いフレーズです。その語源や使い方を理解することで、日常会話でより効果的に使うことができるようになります。"bother trying "は、消極的な態度から励ましまで、幅広い意味を伝えることができますので、日常生活で使ってみましょう。


The Meaning and Usage of "Bother Trying" for English Learners

The phrase "bother trying" might seem simple, but it packs a punch in terms of meaning and usage. At first glance, it might appear to be a discouraging statement, but in reality, it can convey a wide range of emotions and sentiments. In this blog post, we will delve into the etymology and usage of the phrase "bother trying" to help English learners understand its nuances and use it more effectively in their daily conversations.

Etymology of "Bother"

The word "bother" has its roots in the Old English word "botherian," which means to trouble or to annoy. Historically, the word was used to describe something that caused trouble or inconvenience. However, over time, the meaning of the word has evolved and expanded to include the idea of taking the time and effort to do something, especially if it is difficult or unappealing.

Usage of "Bother Trying"

The phrase "bother trying" is often used to convey reluctance or a lack of motivation to do something. It's commonly used in situations where someone is discouraged or not motivated to try again after a previous failure. For example, if someone fails a test, they might say "I don't want to bother trying again, it's too hard." This phrase can also be used in situations where someone does not want to put in the effort to do something because they believe it is not worth the effort.

But it's not just about discouragement. The phrase "bother trying" can also be used to express the idea that someone is being bothersome, meaning annoying or causing trouble. For example, "Stop bothering me" means "Stop annoying me."

However, the phrase can also be used to encourage someone not to give up and to keep trying. For example, if someone says "I don't want to bother trying," a friend might respond with "Don't give up, it's worth bothering to try again."


In conclusion, the phrase "bother trying" is a versatile phrase in the English language that can convey a wide range of emotions and sentiments. Understanding its etymology and usage can help English learners use it more effectively in their daily conversations. From expressing reluctance to encouragement, the phrase "bother trying" has the power to convey a wide range of meanings, making it an essential tool in any English learner's toolbox.