








友人にクリスマスメールを送る場合を想像してみてください。もしあなたが「ヘイ!」や「ハロー!」でメールを始めると、あまり特別感や個人的な感じがしません。しかし、「Happy Holidays, [Friend's Name]!」と書き始めると、あなたが時間をかけてその人のことを考え、楽しいクリスマスシーズンを過ごして欲しいと思っていることが伝わります。また、そのメールが自分宛のものであり、大勢の人に送られた一般的なメッセージではないことを、友人に知らせることもできます。





Happy Holidays, [Friend's Name]!
I hope this email finds you well and in the holiday spirit. I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as Christmas approaches.
This year has been challenging for many of us, but I'm grateful to have a best friend like you to support and lift me. I'm looking forward to the new year and all its possibilities, especially spending more time with you.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season surrounded by love, joy, and warmth. Take care and stay safe.
Warmest wishes,
[Your Name]




Personalizing Your Christmas Emails: Why it Matters and How to Do it Right.

Sure! Here is a simple explanation of why it's important to start a Christmas email with a personalized greeting that addresses the recipient by name:

Imagine you are sending a Christmas email to your friend. If you start the email with "Hey!" or "Hello!" it doesn't feel very special or personal. But if you start the email with "Happy Holidays, [Friend's Name]!" it shows that you took the time to think about your friend and want to wish them a happy holiday season. It also helps your friend know that the email is specifically for them and not just a generic message sent to many people.

So, starting a Christmas email with a personalized greeting that includes the recipient's name makes the email feel more friendly and thoughtful and helps the recipient feel like you care about them.
