

【マウスピース矯正】英語で表現すると?【インビザラインは"Invisible"(見えなく) "Align"(揃える)の造語】

参考:Invisalign® Clear Aligners










正治療の理解(Understanding Orthodontic Treatment)



インビザラインは、米国のAlign Technology, Inc.が開発した、マウスピースを用いた歯列矯正手法です。ブランド名でもあり、"Invisible"(見えない)と "Align"(揃える)を組み合わせた言葉です。、透明なプラスチックでできているため、装着しても見えないという意味が込められています。

Invisalign is a clear plastic aligner custom-made to fit your teeth and gradually shift them into the desired position. The word "Invisalign" is a combination of "invisible" and "align." It is a brand name for clear, removable orthodontic appliances used to straighten teeth. The name "Invisalign" implies that the appliance is not visible when worn, as it is made of clear plastic.




Clear Retainers


Clear retainers are similar to Invisalign but are not as invisible and can be worn longer.

リテーナーの語源は古フランス語の "retenir" で、"抑える" や "保持する" という意味です。歯科でのリテーナーとは、矯正装置を外した後に装着して、歯を新しい位置に保つためのオーダーメイドの矯正装置のことを指します。「リテーナー」という言葉は、歯を固定する、つまり矯正治療によって得られた新しい位置を保持するために使用されることを指しています。



The orthodontic treatment process using a mouthpiece typically involves wearing the device for a certain amount each day and regularly visiting your orthodontist for adjustments. The length of treatment can vary depending on the severity of your case and the type of mouthpiece you're using. The potential benefits of orthodontic treatment using a mouthpiece include straightened teeth and improved bite.

日常会話での矯正用語の使い方(Using Orthodontic Terminology in Daily Conversation)


  • "I'm wearing a mouthpiece for Invisalign."

  • "I've started my clear retainer treatment."

  • "I need to go to my orthodontist for an adjustment."

  • "I've been told I need to wear my mouthpiece for x hours a day."



  1. "I can't wait to see my new smile! 😁"
    "早く新しい笑顔が見たい! 😁"

  2. "My orthodontic treatment is going great! 😄"
    "矯正治療が順調です! 😄"

  3. "I love my clear retainers. They're so comfortable! 😍"

  4. "I'm getting so many compliments on my straight teeth! 😎"
    "歯並びを褒められることが多くなったよ! 😎"

  5. "I'm so glad I decided to get orthodontic treatment! 😊"

  6. "I hate having to wear this mouthpiece all the time! 😒"
    "このマウスピースをずっとつけていないといけないのが嫌だ! 😒"

  7. "I'm so self-conscious about my braces in pictures! 😔"
    "写真に写る自分の歯列が気になって仕方がない! 😔"

  8. "I can't eat my favorite foods while I have these retainers! 😞"
    "このリテーナーをしている間は、好きな食べ物が食べられない! 😞"

  9. "I'm so sick of going to the orthodontist every month! 😩"
    "毎月矯正歯科に通うのはもう嫌だ! 😩"

  10. "I can't wait for this orthodontic treatment to be over! 😫"





Orthodontic Treatment Using a Mouthpiece for English Learners


Orthodontic treatment using a mouthpiece, such as Invisalign or a clear retainer, can be a great way to straighten your teeth and improve your bite. However, if you're an English learner, the terminology and instructions related to the treatment can be overwhelming. This blog will provide a general understanding of orthodontic treatment and show you how to use the terminology in daily conversation.

Understanding Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment using a mouthpiece is a process of straightening your teeth through a device worn over your teeth. The most common types of mouthpieces are Invisalign and clear retainers.


Invisalign is a clear plastic aligner custom-made to fit your teeth and gradually shift them into the desired position.

Clear Retainers

Clear retainers are similar to Invisalign but are not as invisible and worn for a longer period.

The orthodontic treatment process using a mouthpiece typically involves wearing the device for a certain amount each day and regularly visiting your orthodontist for adjustments. The length of treatment can vary depending on the severity of your case and the type of mouthpiece you're using. The potential benefits of orthodontic treatment using a mouthpiece include straightened teeth and improved bite.

Using Orthodontic Terminology in Daily Conversation

If you're an English learner, the terminology related to orthodontic treatment can be confusing. Here are some common terms and phrases you may come across and how to use them in daily conversation:

  • "I'm wearing a mouthpiece for Invisalign."
  • "I've started my clear retainer treatment."
  • "I need to go to my orthodontist for an adjustment."
  • "I've been told I need to wear my mouthpiece for x hours a day."

As you can see, it is not that difficult to use terminology related to orthodontic treatment in daily conversation. With a little practice, you'll be able to talk about your treatment easily.


Orthodontic treatment using a mouthpiece can be a great way to straighten your teeth and improve your bite. However, if you're an English learner, the terminology and instructions related to the treatment can be overwhelming. In this blog, we've provided a general understanding of orthodontic treatment and shown you how to use the terminology in daily conversation. Remember to always ask questions if you're unsure about something and practice using the terminology in daily conversation.