

【英単語の解説】Vertebral artery dissection は椎骨動脈解離のこと【ダイアンのユースケさん、復帰おめでとうございます】

Vertebral artery dissection (椎骨動脈解離)


左椎骨動脈解離で自宅療養中だったダイアンのユースケ、20日の劇場公演で仕事復帰(スポーツ報知) - Yahoo!ニュース


左椎骨動脈解離(ついこつどうみゃくかいり) とは、左椎骨動脈の内膜に裂け目がある場合に起こる症状です。



A left vertebral artery dissection is a condition that occurs when there is a tear in the inner lining of the left vertebral artery. This blood vessel is located in the neck and supplies blood to the brain. Causes of a left vertebral artery dissection may include trauma to the neck or certain medical procedures. In some cases, the cause is unknown. Diagnosis of a left vertebral artery dissection may involve physical examination, imaging tests, and other diagnostic tests. Treatment for a left vertebral artery dissection may include medications, lifestyle modifications, and sometimes surgery. It is important to seek medical attention if you have symptoms that may be related to a left vertebral artery dissection. Prompt treatment can help prevent serious complications.



vertebral artery dissectionの音声(アメリカ発音)

ダイアログ(英語での会話に挑戦! 用語解説も↓にあります。) 

What is "left vertebral artery dissection"?

It's a condition that occurs when there is a tear in the inner lining of the left vertebral artery.

Where is the left vertebral artery located?

In the neck. It supplies blood to the brain.

What can cause a left vertebral artery dissection?

Trauma to the neck, certain medical procedures, and sometimes the cause is unknown.

How is it diagnosed?

Through physical examination, imaging tests, and other diagnostic tests.

How is it treated?

With medications, lifestyle modifications, and sometimes surgery.

Is it important to seek medical attention if I have symptoms?

Yes, to prevent serious complications.
















  • Dissection - 切開: 何かを切り開いて検査すること。左椎骨動脈の場合、解離とは動脈の内膜の裂け目や分離を意味します。
  • Vertebral artery - 椎骨動脈: 首にある血管で、脳に血液を供給しています。
  • Tear - 裂傷: 布地や血管の内膜に穴が開いたり、裂けたりすること。
  • Inner lining - 内膜: 動脈や臓器などの内面または層。
  • Blockage - 閉塞: 何かが通過するのを妨げる障害物や邪魔なもの。左椎骨動脈の場合、閉塞は血流の阻害を意味します。
  • Complications - 合併症:  ある状態や状況によって生じる問題や困難のことです。左椎骨動脈解離の場合、合併症には脳卒中や脳障害が含まれる可能性があります。
  • Symptoms - 症状:  特定の状態や疾患を経験したことを示す兆候や徴候のことです。左椎骨動脈解離の症状としては、頭痛、首の痛み、めまい、視力障害、顔や手足のしびれや脱力感などが考えられます。
  • MRI -   磁気共鳴画像診断の略: 強い磁場と電波を利用して体内の様子を詳細に画像化する医療検査です。
  • CT scan - コンピュータ断層撮影法(Computed Tomography Scan)の略: X線とコンピュータを使用して体内の詳細な画像を作成する医療検査です。
  • Medications - 薬物療法:  特定の症状や疾患を治療するために使用される薬や薬剤のことです。左椎骨動脈解離の場合、血液を薄め、さらなる閉塞を防ぐために薬が使用されることがあります。
  • Lifestyle changes - 生活習慣の改善:  日常生活の習慣やルーチンの変更、修正です。左椎骨動脈解離の場合は、高血圧や喫煙などの基礎的な危険因子を管理することも生活習慣の変更に含まれます。



  • Dissection: This means cutting something open to examining it. In the context of the left vertebral artery, dissection refers to a tear or separation in the inner lining of the artery.
  • Vertebral artery: This is a blood vessel located in the neck that supplies blood to the brain.
  • Tear: This is a hole or separation in a material, such as a piece of fabric or the inner lining of an artery.
  • Inner lining: This is the inner surface or layer of something, such as an artery or an organ.
  • Blockage: This is an obstruction or hindrance that prevents something from passing through. In the context of the left vertebral artery, a blockage could refer to an obstruction in blood flow.
  • Complications: These are problems or difficulties that arise due to a condition or situation. In the context of a left vertebral artery dissection, complications could include stroke or brain damage.
  • Symptoms: These are signs or indications that a person is experiencing a particular condition or disease. The symptoms of a left vertebral artery dissection may include headache, neck pain, dizziness, vision problems, and numbness or weakness in the face or limbs.
  • MRI: This stands for magnetic resonance imaging. It is a medical test that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body.
  • CT scan: This stands for computed tomography scan. It is a medical test that uses X-rays and a computer to produce detailed images of the inside of the body.
  • Medications: These are drugs or medicine that are used to treat a particular condition or disease. In the context of a left vertebral artery dissection, medications may be used to thin the blood and prevent further blockages.
  • Lifestyle changes: These are alterations or modifications to a person's daily habits or routine. In the context of a left vertebral artery dissection, lifestyle changes may include managing any underlying risk factors, such as high blood pressure or smoking.





A left vertebral artery dissection is a condition that occurs when there is a tear in the inner lining of the left vertebral artery. The left vertebral artery is a blood vessel located in the neck that supplies blood to the brain. Possible causes of a left vertebral artery dissection include trauma to the neck and certain medical procedures. In some cases, the cause of a left vertebral artery dissection is unknown. Diagnosis of a left vertebral artery dissection may involve physical examination, imaging tests, and other diagnostic tests. Treatment options for a left vertebral artery dissection may include medications, lifestyle modifications, and sometimes surgery. It is important to seek medical attention if you have symptoms that may be related to a left vertebral artery dissection. Prompt treatment can help prevent serious complications from a left vertebral artery dissection.

